Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 448: Arrival

The Spirit Snake Spear is a spiritual weapon. The so-called spiritual weapons are weapons with spirituality.

The third-level magic weapon used by Jindan Master is called a spiritual weapon. There are many types of spiritual weapons with various uses.

Spiritual weapons and spiritual weapons have the same level, but spiritual weapons have a single function and are basically used for fighting and killing.

The Spiritual Snake Spear has been passed down for many years. Meng Zhang, the leader of the Taiyi Sect, does not know exactly which period it was passed down from.

The Spirit Snake Spear was seriously damaged that year and its spirituality was greatly lost.

After years of recovery in the spiritual eyes of Taiyi Sect and Laoshan Sect, and being integrated into many precious spiritual materials by Meng Zhang and Thunder God General, I managed to regain some spirituality.

Looking at the continuously vibrating Spirit Snake Spear, Meng Zhang’s heart moved. He injected his true energy into the Spirit Snake Spear, and then made a gentle stroke forward.

A faint light flashed from the tip of the Spirit Snake Spear, and the void in front of it was like a piece of paper, which was gently scratched, revealing a gap.

Meng Zhang opened his Dharma Eyes and looked along the gap. Behind him was the same empty void.

After all, Meng Zhang has received the inheritance from the Taiyi Sect, and has read countless classics. Looking at this situation, he just thought for a moment and understood what was going on.

The void he was in was cut out from the normal void by some means and became an independent space.

If it hadn’t been for the Spiritual Snake Spear showing off its power this time, Meng Zhang would have been unable to find any clues. Then even if he flies along the road signs, he will just keep spinning in this space. He will never be able to fly to his destination, nor can he get out of here.

This method of space folding is truly admirable and awe-inspiring. Although Meng Zhang had never seen True Lord Yuanshen take action with his own eyes, he also knew that such a method was not something that ordinary True Lord Yuanshen could use.

It is really beyond imagination that the True Lord Yuanshen of the Purple Gold Sect has such magical powers.

The Purple Gold Sect, which had produced such a strong man, was actually wiped out by the methods of True Lord Tianzhu. Meng Zhang was wary of the True Lord Tianzhu whom he had never met before.

Now that we know what is going on, and we have the spirit soldier and spirit snake spear in hand, it will no longer be possible to trap Meng Zhang in this folded space.

Meng Zhang waved the Spirit Snake Spear again, cutting through the folded space, revealing a large gap.

He jumped into the gap.

After being dizzy for a while, Meng Zhang appeared in a new space.

This place is almost exactly the same as the void we were in just now. The surroundings were the same scene, and Meng Zhang’s mind could also feel the landmarks established by the Void Forbidden Array.

But Meng Zhang knew that he was in two different spaces now and just now.

He was a little worried, wondering whether Luo Ye Zhenren and Gu Yue Huai Die could successfully escape.

Although they are more experienced in forming pills than me in years and have better cultivation than me, they may not have as keen a sense as me.

But in this situation, Meng Zhang also knew that he could not help. The only thing he could do was to go to the small world of the Zijin Sect as soon as possible.

Meng Zhang flew forward along the road signs he sensed.

This time, instead of being in a folded space, Meng Zhang was on the right path.

After Meng Zhang flew a long distance away, he saw Gu Yue Huaidie waiting there quietly from a distance.

Meng Zhangfei went over and asked curiously: “Are you waiting for me here? How did you know I would appear here?”

Gu Yue Huaidie smiled a little awkwardly, feeling that this question was difficult to answer.

It turned out that Gu Yue, who had learned the origins of the butterfly family, reacted quickly after being trapped in the same folded space. And he managed to get out without spending too much effort.

After getting out of trouble, Gu Yue Huaidie knew that he would probably encounter many difficulties along the way. It is best to gather the strength of three people to have stronger adaptability.

In the vast void, it is very difficult for many monks to meet up with their lost companions.

As a Tianji master, Gu Yue Huaidie has many methods at her disposal.

When Meng Zhang was still a monk in the foundation-building stage, Gu Yue Huaidie could not see through him.

Therefore, when Gu Yue Huaidie used the Heavenly Secret Technique, she did not calculate Meng Zhang, but calculated the approximate location where Luo Ye Zhenren would appear.

She calculated a rough location and waited here to meet up with Luo Ye Zhenren.

Unexpectedly, she did not meet Master Luo Ye, but met Meng Zhang first.

Almost all Tianji masters will subconsciously keep their identity as secret masters secret.

Although she had a good friendship with Meng Zhang, Gu Yue Huaidie was still reluctant to reveal her identity as a Tianji master in front of Meng Zhang.

Just when Gu Yue Huaidie was about to change the topic, there was a violent vibration in the void ahead.

Then Luoye Zhenren looked a bit embarrassed and stumbled out from the front.

Although there is basically no light in the void, with Jin Dan’s eyesight, he can still see far away.

Seeing the appearance of Luo Ye Zhenren, Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Huaidie ignored the greetings and immediately flew over to join her.

After the three of them met, they talked about their respective experiences.

Everyone’s experiences were similar. After passing through the black hole outside, they were each trapped in a folded space. Then each of them realized that something was wrong and tried to find a way out. Find Shuyuan

Gu Yue Huaidie was born in the Gu Yue family, and her knowledge and understanding of her neighbors, the Zijin Sect, were far ahead of Meng Zhang.

She said: “This should be a screening method used by the predecessors of the Zijin Sect to identify those who come after them.”

“If the latecomers are descendants of the Zijin Sect, they will most likely know this trap and have simple ways to escape. If they are outside monks, they will most likely be trapped without knowing anything about the specific situation. Stay. Even if you finally get out, it will take a lot of time.”

After listening to Gu Yue Huaidie’s judgment, everyone decided not to linger here any longer, but to get on the road immediately and rush to the small world as soon as possible.

The three of them were on the road again. With the guide of the road signs, they never got lost.

On the way, they encountered several minor troubles again. But the three of them worked together to solve it relatively easily, without spending too much time.

The three of them flew far away in the void, and when the concepts of time and distance began to become a little blurry, they finally arrived at their destination.

It was a huge piece of land, floating quietly in the void ahead.

The land area is vast and boundless, with a radius of thousands of miles, which has exceeded the current territory of Taiyi Sect.

The entire huge land was shrouded in thick black mist. In the pitch-black void, few traces were revealed.

If it were not for the guidance of road signs, the three of them might have missed this land if they were not careful.

If the road signs are correct, this huge piece of land should be the small world created by the seniors of the Zijin Sect.

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