Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3820: Soul search

Many monsters in this world are often more stubborn than human monks. Even if he knows he is outmatched, he will not retreat easily when fighting with human monks, but will persist until the end.

This kind of behavior is basically caused by the tendency of the beast in the body to be irrational.

Monster kings like the Angry Ape King have often gotten rid of the shackles of animal nature.

If it really cannot win, it will not continue this meaningless battle.

The Angry Ape King waved a pair of huge arms, as if swatting flies, swatting violently everywhere, trying to swat Meng Zhang away.

Meng Zhang’s figure kept moving quickly around the huge body of the Angry Ape King. While avoiding its attacks, he did not forget to swing the Spirit Snake Spear and stab it continuously.

When Meng Zhang once again had to temporarily move to the ground to avoid the slap of the Angry Ape King’s hands. The ground shook for a while, and a huge black shadow emerged from the ground and rushed towards Meng Zhang.

Suddenly encountered a surprise attack, Meng Zhang, who should have been caught off guard, seemed to have been prepared for it. He shouted softly, “You are finally willing to give up.”

Meng Zhang nimbly avoided the attack of the black shadow, and did not forget to hold out the Spirit Snake Spear in his hand, and continued to stab the Angry Ape King.

Two air currents, one black and one white, hung down from the sky, entangled together and turned into a chaotic air current, falling heavily on top of the black shadow.

The Yin and Yang Qi contained the power of the Great Dao, and directly faced the enemy head-on.

After a muffled sound, the black shadow emerged from the ground and fell heavily to the ground, causing the earth to tremble violently.

The black shadow fell on the ground and finally revealed its true face.

This is clearly a huge pangolin, covered with a layer of earth-yellow scales.

The Yellow Armor King is the title of this pangolin.

To be the king among monsters, of course, it is a fourth-level monster.

The Yellow Armor King was originally a pangolin of a different species and was proficient in earth magic.

Especially his earth escape technique, which is even more superb. He can easily penetrate mountains and escape underground as if walking on flat ground.

Although the Yellow-armored King is a fourth-level monster, his ability to grow to this point depends on a lot of luck.

This guy is not very smart and is often more susceptible to animalistic tendencies.

Many years ago, the Angry Ape King, who was also proficient in earth magic, subdued the Yellow Armor King and made him his younger brother.

The Angry Ape King originally thought that the Yellow Armored King could use his superb earth escape skills to silently approach Meng Zhang and give him a hard blow.

But it never expected that Meng Zhang, as a Tianji master, had amazing spiritual awareness, and that sneak attacks and plots against him would basically be ineffective.

This is not to mention Meng Zhang’s keen spiritual sense, which can see through all illusions, and is a weapon that can detect the enemy’s movements in advance.

Being directly hit by the yin and yang energy, the dizzy Huang Jiawang suffered a slight injury.

The Yellow Armored King is not very smart, but he is very experienced in making sneak attacks using soil escape.

According to Huang Jiawang’s practice against the enemy, if the sneak attack fails and misses a single hit, he should run away immediately and look for opportunities again.

But firstly, the Angry Ape King is still fighting the enemy, and secondly, it is not very clear-headed now.

It did not immediately use the earth escape technique to escape. Instead, it stood up shaking its head, preparing to pounce on Meng Zhang again.

Although King Huangjia is a demon king, his strength is mediocre and he cannot even defeat ordinary early Yuanshen monks.

The enemy’s methods are even more single, with the same few moves coming back and forth.

Two Yin Yang Dao soldiers suddenly flew out of the Yin Yang Spirit Gourd.

The two of them joined forces and managed to temporarily entangle the Angry Ape King, leaving him helpless.

Meng Zhang jumped down from the air and rushed towards the Yellow Armored King.

Compared to the Angry Ape King, the Yellow Armor King is obviously much weaker.

Meng Zhang didn’t know that this guy was not smart, let alone that his status in the Black Jade Forest was not high.

I just thought that the other party is also a demon king after all, and is an absolute high-level person in the Black Jade Forest.

The Yellow Armor King should know all the secrets of the Black Jade Forest.

The persimmon picks up the soft ones and uses the Yin and Yang Dao soldiers to entangle the Angry Ape King. Meng Zhang wants to capture the Yellow Armor King.

A series of explosions came from the ground.

This simple-minded guy, who has gone crazy, actually put on a desperate posture, trying to fight Meng Zhanglai in a lose-lose situation.

Meng Zhang also became fierce and directly confronted him head-on.

The scales on the Yellow Armored King were flying, and there were many deep scars.

Meng Zhang couldn’t hold back and severely wounded this guy.

Meng Zhang was about to capture the severely wounded guy when he suddenly sensed a violent wave of evil energy.

Meng Zhang’s expression changed. This guy is also a demon king after all. Why is he so impulsive and ready to self-destruct at every turn?

Meng Zhang didn’t know the character of King Huang Jia, so he naturally didn’t know why the other party acted like this.

No matter what, he couldn’t let this guy blow himself up in front of him.

Meng Zhang’s figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was on top of King Huang Jia.

He raised the spirit snake spear in his hand and stabbed it into the opponent’s head.

Compared with the huge size of King Huang Jia, the Spirit Snake Spear is at best a thin needle.

But it was this inconspicuous thin needle that contained the power of the avenue of killing, which exploded with terrifying lethality and directly took away the Yellow Armor King’s life.

When the Yellow Armor King lost to Meng Zhang and was completely at a disadvantage, the Angry Ape King tried to come over to support it.

However, the two Yin and Yang Dao soldiers joined forces and used their special joint secret techniques to exert powerful combat effectiveness, making it difficult for them to escape.

If the Angry Ape King does not want to be severely injured, he must first deal with the attacks of the two Yin and Yang Dao soldiers.

Watching the Yellow Armored King being killed by Meng Zhang, but unable to do anything, the Angry Ape King was very frustrated.

Looking at the Huangjia King’s rapidly losing life body, the Angry Ape King made a decisive choice.

It took a hard blow from the two Yin Yang Dao soldiers and took the initiative to break away from the battle.

After breaking away from the battle, it did not hesitate at all. Without even glancing at the many monsters on the ground, it immediately ran towards the direction of the black jade forest and fled for its life.

In the blink of an eye, the huge body of the Angry Ape King disappeared from everyone’s sight and fled deep into the black jade forest.

Meng Zhang did not pay attention to the escaped Angry Ape King, but stared at the corpse of the Yellow Armored King on the ground.

Although he was not captured alive, only a corpse was left behind. But Meng Zhang also had a way to get the information he wanted from King Huang Jia.

Meng Zhang stretched out his right hand and fished out the corpse of the Yellow-armored King. The phantom of a pangolin was fished out of the corpse of the Yellow-armored King.

Compared with the body of the Yellow Armored King, its spirit seems too small.

The Yellow Armored King had just died, and his soul was basically intact, which was just convenient for Meng Zhang to use the soul-searching technique to obtain information from the soul.

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