Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 380: Pursuit

Zheng Chao was originally a junior that Meng Zhang was very optimistic about. Although he has experienced twists and turns, he finally succeeded in building a foundation and did not disappoint Meng Zhang.

And after this experience, he became calmer and his character was tempered.

The army of monsters outside the mountain gate did not give the humans much time to rest.

Less than half a day later, the monster army launched another massive attack.

This mountain-protecting formation is strong enough and powerful. Now that there are enough monks in the foundation building stage to preside over it, we can give full play to the magical effects of the grand formation.

The army of monsters attacked fiercely, leaving corpses of monsters all over the ground, with no other results.

With the protection of the large formation, the monks inside rely on the power of the large formation to resist the enemy. At most, they are just a little tired and a little hard-working, and they don’t even suffer any casualties.

The army of monsters that failed to attack retreated like an ebbing tide.

Next, the monster army launched attacks several times, hoping to rely on their numerical advantage to tire out the monks inside.

After all, a monk presiding over a magic circle consumes a lot of money and is also a heavy burden on himself.

Wen Qiansuan presided over the formation in an all-round way, arranging for the monks in the mountain gate to take turns to rest and go into battle.

After several rotations, although everyone was exhausted, their true energy could never be fully restored. But at any rate, they still guarded the mountain gate and did not let the army of monsters break the mountain-protecting formation.

Zui Dian, the spiritual pet released by Meng Zhang, relied on his fast enough flight speed to patrol the surrounding area, focusing on the direction of Yaofeng Gobi.

Four days later, Zhui Dian relied on the connection between his master and his spiritual pet to fly back to the mountain gate, and was successfully connected to the mountain-protecting array.

He brought bad news. Another army of monsters rushed out of the Yaofeng Gobi and came here.

The size of the monster army was slightly smaller than the monster army in front of me, but it was still a large and powerful army.

Of course, because there are too many monsters, the marching speed is not fast.

Based on Zhui Dian’s estimation, it would take about a day or two for the monster army to arrive here.

After hearing the information brought back by the call, Meng Zhang felt a little heavy.

Although they were protected by the mountain-protecting formation, the monks on the mountain were already having a very difficult time fighting against the army of monsters in front of them.

If another powerful army of monsters joins the battlefield as a new force, the mountain guarding formation is really in danger of being breached.

But under the current situation, everyone in the mountain gate can’t do anything else. Only when the monster army attacks every time, muster all the strength and use the power of the mountain guarding formation to kill as many monsters as possible and reduce the pressure they will face next.

The luck of the human monks was not bad. Before the reinforcements of the monster beast army arrived, the follow-up reinforcements from Taiyi Sect and Qiaoshou Sect arrived first.

The three second-order airships traveled with all their strength day and night, and finally it took less than five days to cross thousands of miles and reach the top of the battlefield.

The person commanding the three flying boats is the seasoned Aunt Jin. She did not rashly join the battlefield, but first observed it from high altitude. She found that the situation outside the mountain gate was acceptable and could be maintained, so she was not in a hurry to join the war.

After another wave of offensive from the monster army was repulsed, the three second-order flying boats took advantage of the situation to descend and entered the mountain-protecting formation without any danger.

After Wen Qiansuan put the three flying boats in, he quickly closed the passage and raised the protection.

Before the three ships landed, all the monks inside jumped to the ground.

This time, not only all the foundation-building stage monks from the two sects have arrived, but most of the Qi-refining stage elites have also arrived.

Only a few disciples in the Qi Refining Stage who were seriously injured are still behind, and they don’t know when they will set off.

While Feizhou was rushing on the road, the monks inside Feizhou seized the time to treat their injuries and restore their condition.

Fortunately, the two sects had done sufficient preparations before going out, and they had enough healing elixirs, as well as many healing talismans.

In less than five days, these monks, whose injuries were not serious to begin with, were basically back to full condition.

Even the Thunder God General, who was the most seriously injured, was not an ordinary human because of his status as a Dharma Protector God General, and his self-healing ability was very powerful. By refining the remaining Tianlei essence, most of it was restored.

When reinforcements arrived, Meng Zhang was reassured.

Now that we have sufficient strength, not only is it no problem to defend the mountain-protecting formation, but even if we take the initiative, we have a great chance of winning.

Originally, the best and safest strategy would be for everyone to rely on the mountain guard formation to defend, severely injure the enemy, and then take advantage of the situation to counterattack.

But according to the intelligence from Zhui Dian, there is another powerful monster army rushing here. Meng Zhang cannot just sit back and watch the two monster armies merge.

Meng Zhang discussed with everyone, and decided to take the initiative before the two armies of monsters joined forces, defeat them one by one, and destroy the army of monsters in front of him first.

Just when Meng Zhang mobilized the monks inside the mountain gate and prepared to take the initiative, the army of monsters in front of him seemed to know that reinforcements from the human side had arrived. Find a book at

Something unexpected happened. This army of monsters actually retreated on its own initiative.

The direction in which they retreated was actually the direction from which another army of monster beasts came.

These monsters have very good noses, Meng Zhang cursed.

However, if the army of monsters in front of you thinks that it can be evacuated smoothly, then you would be looking down on the monks of the two sects.

At Meng Zhang’s order, the monks inside the mountain gate took the initiative to leave the mountain gate and chased the retreating army of monsters from behind.

The monks in the Qi Refining Stage formed a formation, relied on the power of the formation, moved quickly, and fiercely covered them from behind.

The foundation-building monks flew into the sky, chasing the army of monsters closely.

There are not many flying monsters in this army of monsters. There is only a second-level bald eagle, leading a group of only two to three hundred people.

Although second-level monsters basically have the ability to fly, if they want to use the power of the group, they must stay with the group and cannot fly far away alone.

A group of foundation-building monks rushed forward and launched a fierce bombardment, scattering part of the monster army, and then immediately retreated.

When the formation of Qi Refining Stage monks from behind arrived, everyone cooperated with each other to first eliminate those stragglers and lone monsters.

This tactic is safe and convenient. You can inflict a certain amount of damage on the monsters without paying any price.

And it seems that the damage caused to the monster army is limited, but it can cause the monster army to continue to lose blood. As time went on, the losses to the monster army became very considerable.

The second-level monsters responsible for command may not be able to react in time.

This is like cutting meat with a dull knife or boiling a frog in warm water. It can cause huge casualties to the enemy without even realizing it.

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