Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3785: Victory

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This operation is large-scale, and the counterattack from Chaos is equally massive.

The Imchen Border Territory is just one of the battlefields, not the most important one.

The number of Jinxian-level experts participating in the operation this time is limited, and it is normal for there to be some things that cannot be taken care of.

In any case, Meng Zhang and the others were rescued in time and luckily escaped.

Compared to those fellow Taoists who died in battle, they were lucky enough.


Meng Zhang was not a good talker to begin with, but he still tried his best to talk a lot and try his best to explain everything.

He knew that his ability to solve the problem was limited, and he mainly had to rely on Wen Qiansu to figure it out on his own and get out of this knot.

After listening to Meng Zhang’s words, Wen Qian didn’t know whether he had figured it out or not. After being silent for a while, he began to heal himself.

With Meng Zhang’s help, he managed to stabilize his injuries.

Given the severity of his injuries, he needed to find a safe place to meditate for a long time.

As for whether the injury will be completely healed in the future, Meng Zhang is not sure.

The war in the Mountain and River Realm is far from over, and it is not a place where one can rest in peace and recuperate.

Many monks gathered themselves together to stabilize their injuries for the time being.

As some monks in better condition gradually joined the battle in the Mountain and River Realm, the raging chaos monsters were effectively curbed.

The enemies besieging the Mountain and River Realm outside have retreated, and the monks who were originally defending outside have been liberated.

As long as there is enough time to rest, more and more monks will regain their fighting strength and enter the mountains and rivers realm to help clean up the chaotic monsters.

On the other side of the Renchen Border Territory, Gangfeng Immortal Lord and the others had a lot of remaining strength. They took advantage of the enemy’s retreat to pursue them aggressively and achieved some results.

Since the sword light was emitted, the Jinxian who was suspected to be Lun Jianxuan did not take any further action.

But the enemies have been scared away, and the overall situation is considered settled.

Gangfeng Immortal Lord led his monks to clean up the mess and basically encountered no obstacles.

After a period of time, the monks from the void basically restored control of the Renchen border area.

There are many enemies who escape, and their destinations are different.

The largest part of the enemies, including most of the Chaos Demon Gods, fled into unknown lands.

Of course, since the tide of chaos has not ended yet, these guys dare not escape back into chaos, and can only stay and wander in unknown places.

They had no intention of searching for and attacking the Mountain and River Realm, but instead wandered around, hoping to escape the Void Monk’s subsequent pursuit.

Most of the demonic monks who originally came from the void will hide temporarily and find ways to return to the void.

This time it was the Golden Immortal-level Sword Immortal who took action. The Chaos side did not mobilize an equal force to compete with them. The defeat was not their responsibility.

Of course, Chaos will not reason with them, and neither will the Chaos Demon God, who represents the will of Chaos.

How to avoid punishment in the future will depend on how things develop.

No matter what, they are very valuable to Chaos, and the Chaos side should not sacrifice them easily.

The path of magic originated from chaos. Later, many monks of the path of magic became independent.

Now, the Demonic Way basically exists independently of Chaos.

Many powerful demons, led by a group of late Dharma masters, also don’t pay much attention to Chaos.

If Chaos wants to drive them to do things, they have to pay a sufficient price.

The chaos monsters with the largest number become the most chaotic after losing their organization.

Some chaos monsters fled into unknown lands, and some fled to the edge of the Renchen Border Territory, scurrying around like headless flies.

The latter is the target that Gangfeng Immortal Lord and the others need to clear up as soon as possible.

In addition, most of the Void monks who were corrupted by Chaos were used as cannon fodder by the Chaos side and had been consumed in previous battles.

The remaining few survivors will be Gangfeng Immortal Lord and their main targets in the future.

It was precisely because these fallen monks acted as internal agents that the Renchen Border Territory almost fell.

Whether it is based on personal feelings or for the purpose of setting an example, these guys must not be spared lightly.

Even if they are pursued to the end of the world, Immortal Master Gangfeng will never let them go.

Gangfeng Immortal Lord and the others did not completely place their hopes on Jin Xian’s attack again, nor did they relax their vigilance because of this.

After regaining control of the Imchen border area, they reorganized their defense lines and established a defense system…

After working for a long time, it was the turn of other things.

During the previous battle, the reinforcements of chaos monsters that had been interrupted came again from unknown places.

After Gangfeng Immortal Master knew about this situation, he guessed that Meng Zhang and the others must have encountered obstacles in their actions, and even encountered a crisis.

Later, after Jin Xian took action, the enemy retreated, and no new chaos monsters emerged from the unknown land.

The most important task of Gangfeng Immortal Lord is to ensure the Renchen border area first, not the unknown land for the time being.

After finishing the affairs in the Renchen border area, he sent the two immortals again to the unknown place to find the whereabouts of Meng Zhang and the others.

It took these two immortals a lot of time to arrive at the mountain and river realm and meet up with Meng Zhang and the others.

At this time, Meng Zhang, who had recovered a lot of strength, had already joined in cleaning up the chaotic monsters in the mountains and rivers realm. Find Shuyuan www.

A large number of chaos monsters were eliminated, and the area occupied by the chaos monsters was recovered…

Of course, those areas contaminated and demonized by chaos monsters will take a long time to be purified.

If it is an area that cannot be purified, it needs to be cut off and completely destroyed.

Now that there is a shortage of manpower, the monks are far from returning to their best condition. Many areas that have been contaminated and demonized can only be temporarily sealed off and will be dealt with slowly later.

After the efforts of many monks and indigenous kings, large numbers of chaotic monsters are basically no longer visible in the mountains and rivers.

In some remote corners, there are still a few sporadic chaos monsters.

When more monks are freed up, they will have the time and energy to slowly deal with these remaining problems.

After this battle, Shanhe Realm will not be able to recover for a long time.

The monks from all sides headed by Meng Zhang and the indigenous kings all need a long time to cultivate before they can slowly recover.

After the two immortals arrived at the mountain and river realm, they saw this scene of severely damaged vitality and disabled monks everywhere.

They informed Meng Zhang and others about the situation at the Renchen border area.

Although they had already expected this when they saw the sword light, now that they heard the exact news with their own ears, everyone was completely relieved.

With Jinxian’s move, the victory was completely established.

Of course, there is still a lot of follow-up work to be done.

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