Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3773: Message

Although Tai Miao and Meng Zhang had gone deep into Tomb of All Gods, they did not dare to go deep into the deepest part.

In the deepest part of the Tomb of the Gods, it is said that there are beings who can threaten those who are powerful at the level of the Lord God.

They only operated in parts of the area slightly beyond the control of Shinto, and they could not make too much noise, so they achieved very rich harvests.

Especially the several ferocious creatures they captured together, the two strongest ones have the strength of mid-level gods.

Some of the most dangerous creatures are ignorant and have no sense at all; some are so clever and cunning that even veteran monks will be plotted by them if they are not careful.

No matter which one it is, it is very difficult to overcome.

Shinto has controlled the Tomb of the Gods for so many years, and has sent many training teams into it. There are also many strong people exploring inside, and they have indeed made great gains.

There are many cases where ghosts and ghosts have been subdued. It is basically impossible to subdue the evil spirits, and there are only a few cases where people can subdue serious and dangerous things.

Taimiao has been working hard for a long time, but has not made much progress.

Although he is very strong and has many advantages that ordinary gods do not have, he cannot easily do things that many powerful people in Shinto can’t do.

Fortunately, the situation in the surrounding area is still relatively stable so far, and he still has enough time to spare.

When there is really no progress, he will ask Meng Zhang for help.

After Meng Zhang returned to the Yangshi of Taiyi Realm, he initiated various connections, inquired about information, and collected more information about Yunxin Bodhisattva and the Red Sea God System.

Although Yun Xin Bodhisattva has a close relationship with Yunmen Sect, it is absolutely impossible to say how loyal he is to Yunmen Sect.

Just because of the grudge between Yunmen Sect and Taiyi Realm, he came to deal with a strong person of the same level like Tai Miao. The reason seemed not sufficient.

If he has other intentions, then Meng Zhang had better know his purpose so that he can be targeted.

The Gu Yue family and the Luo Yu Sect have both promised to help with all their efforts, but it is difficult to get a response in a short time for inquiries like information.

As a radical faction within the Taoist sect, the Luoyu Sect has always been hostile to Buddhism and has long made arrangements within the Buddhist sect.

As the relationship between the two families becomes closer, especially as Meng Zhang’s cultivation level continues to improve, the Luo Yu Sect is also willing to use more resources to help him collect intelligence.

While waiting for a response, Meng Zhang also responded to Tai Miao’s call and went to the underworld again to help him subdue the fierce creatures he captured.

These ferocious creatures are not only powerful, but also probably influenced by the environment in which they were born. Some of them are capable of devouring ghosts and restraining ghosts and gods.

It will play a great role in Taimiao’s subsequent external expansion war.

Ghosts and ghosts have many similarities, but even more differences.

The word “god” in the names of ghosts and gods is very telling.

Ghosts and gods often possess a certain degree of divinity.

Many ghosts and gods have a certain degree of authority and are better at using the rules of heaven and earth and even the power of heaven and earth laws.

There are also ghosts and gods who are born with the ability to absorb the power of faith in incense and instinctively know how to use it.

Such ghosts and gods are good candidates for belief in gods. With a little guidance, you can follow the path of the gods.

Taimiao is the best example of someone who has gone from ghosts to belief in gods.

Of course, even if he became a **** of faith, he did not completely abandon the various attributes of ghosts and gods.

In the underworld, the mainstream is all kinds of ghosts and ghosts.

These lords around Taimiao are basically ghosts and gods.

A dangerous thing that can swallow ghosts and restrain ghosts and gods is an out-and-out killer weapon in the underworld.

What’s more, these fierce creatures are of extremely high level. Once surrendered, they can even participate in battles between top powerhouses.

After Meng Zhang came to the underworld, he tried various means to help Tai Miao subdue these fierce creatures.

They worked hard for a long time and finally achieved some success.

They didn’t really conquer it, they just figured out some ways to make it work.

These ferocious creatures will not obey their orders, but they can use them to deal with their enemies just like they used the gods in the Tomb of the Gods.

While Meng Zhang was staying in the underworld, one after another information was transmitted to Taiyi Realm and then to him.

The information from Luo Yu Sect caught his attention.

Seeing that the Yunmen Sect was weakening day by day, Yunxin Bodhisattva began to think of establishing his own sect.

It is impossible for him to return to the devil’s path.

Regardless of his origins, if a great Bodhisattva like him falls into the devil’s path, it will be a great shame for Buddhism.

When the time comes, not only the Yunmen Sect will pursue him with all their strength, but other forces in Buddhism will not let him go either.

If he succeeds in breaking away from Yunmen Sect, it will be difficult for him to obtain better development space in Yangshi.

For some reason, he is better at traveling between the underworld and the Yang world than most Buddhist Bodhisattvas, and is more suitable for survival and development in the underworld.

In these years, he has been active in the underworld, trying hard to make friends with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s disciples, trying to gain their support and get a better development space in the underworld.

When he received this information, Meng Zhang’s mood suddenly became much heavier.

If Yunxin Bodhisattva only came to Taimiao because of the hatred between Yunmen Sect and Taiyi Realm, then it would be nothing.

But judging from the information obtained, he had no reason to do this for Yunmen Sect.

If he came to Taimiao just because of his personal thoughts, then that would be fine. If it came from the instruction of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, then Taimiao would be in big trouble.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a benchmark figure in Buddhism and a very special Bodhisattva.

He has been rooted in the underworld for many years and is one of the most powerful beings in the underworld.

Although he is only a Bodhisattva, in the underworld, ordinary golden immortal Buddhas cannot defeat him.

It is precisely because of his existence that Buddhism can have extremely strong power in the underworld, and in many cases it can even overwhelm Taoism.

Such a giant of Buddhism is looking for Shuyuanwww.zhaoshuyuan.comom to be the boss of the underworld. If he targets Tai Miao, it will be difficult for him to gain a foothold in the underworld.

You don’t even need to come forward directly, but the followers and lackeys are enough to make Tai Miao overwhelmed.

The area where Taimiao Territory is located is a notoriously remote area in the underworld. It seems that there is nothing that can attract the attention of this being and his disciples.

No, Meng Zhang suddenly remembered the Samsara Pond that was hidden under the ruins of the city and had never been seen before.

The Samsara Pond can make the Qianyuan Golden Immortal possessive, which is certainly enough to arouse the covetousness of others.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva may have control over more than one samsara pool, but if a new samsara pool emerges, even if he will not take action personally, he will send his men to participate in the fight.

It can be said that in the entire underworld, no intelligent being can resist the temptation of the reincarnation pool.

The pool of reincarnation is buried deep underground and was kept very secret before birth.

But first Qianyuan Jinxian discovered its existence, and later Taimiao also discovered the clues. It does not seem impossible that someone else discovered its whereabouts. (End of chapter)

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