Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3766: Forced out

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If these disciples of Spring and Autumn Academy can escape here safely, if they want to avoid the sect’s liquidation, they will either betray the sect altogether or even defect to the devil’s way; or they will find a way to make the sect treat them lightly. Feel down.

Confucian sects like Chunqiu Academy attach great importance to reputation.

Once such a large-scale defection of a great scholar occurs, its senior officials will be furious, and maybe the Yasheng will come forward to clean up the family.

After all, they have been cultivated by the sect for many years. Their status within the sect is not low and they enjoy very good treatment.

They also have disciples, disciples, descendants, and even blood relatives in the sect.

Whether it is emotional concerns or practical interests, they will not betray the sect easily.

If you want to stay in the sect, finding a way to make meritorious service and reduce the punishment is the only feasible way.

Wang Li Xianzun reminded them with a stern scolding.

Although the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei took refuge in Chaos, causing a terrible situation, they were still fighting desperately against Chaos without any intention of retreating. Their loyalty to the void and the sect can be seen day by day.

If they can safely **** Shanhe Realm back to the Renchen Border Region, their contribution must not be ignored, and they can be considered guilty of meritorious service.

Once they figured this out, these great scholars immediately regained their motivation and used all their strength to intercept the monsters that were rushing towards the mountains and rivers.

Their desperate efforts greatly reduced the pressure on the monks at the rear, making it impossible for most chaotic monsters to invade the mountains and rivers realm.

On Meng Zhang’s side, he seemed to realize that something was wrong and could no longer continue to slowly fight with the enemy in front of him.

He began to use more trump cards, strengthened his attacks, and tried to deal with the opponent in front of him as soon as possible.

Seeing Meng Zhang exert his strength, the huge Chaos Demon God was also unafraid and responded actively, becoming even more ferocious.

It is not an easy task for Meng Zhang to defeat or even kill this opponent.

The Immortal Master Juechen, the Immortal Master Yusheng, and the Immortal Master Yaozhen have long noticed the changes in the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei.

They remained calm and did not lose their composure.

They did not act rashly and still stood by their original defense line, not giving the enemy any opportunity to take advantage of them.

Of course, they also began to use various trump cards, looking for better opportunities, trying to solve the opponents in front of them as soon as possible.

Although the changes caused by the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei caused considerable confusion and losses to the defenders, the defenders relied on their deep knowledge and ability to deal with it, and they still survived and slowly stabilized their position.

It seems that if the chaos monsters want to break through the defense line and completely conquer the mountains and rivers, they will not be able to do it in a short time.

Of course, the skills of these Chaos Demon Gods and Chaos Demons don’t stop there, and new methods will soon appear on the scene.

A faint murmur suddenly sounded in Wang Lixianzun’s ears, making his mind begin to waver involuntarily.

His face looked dazed for a while, and he unconsciously left his original defensive position, as if he was about to break away from the battle.

The chaos monsters that were originally blocked by him ignored him and rushed directly towards the mountain and river realm.

Fortunately, after the previous changes caused by the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei, the monks defending in the rear were mentally prepared and would not panic too much.

They adjusted their deployment again, trying to block these incoming chaos monsters.

They paid even more heavy casualties to finally block these chaos monsters.

Of course, if this situation continues, they may not be able to hold on for long.

The Taiyi Realm organized a large number of monks from the Endless Alliance to come to the Mountains and Rivers Realm. Together with the disciples and grandsons of the great scholar Zhu Zhen and Wang Lixianzun, they were the main force in defending the Mountains and Rivers Realm.

Of course, there are some monks from other origins who came to the Mountain and River Realm early for various reasons and later joined the defense team.

Even if we add those indigenous kings and their subordinates, their number is still limited.

But the chaos monsters in front of us are not only powerful, but also numerous in number. No matter how heavy the casualties are, there are still more chaos monsters coming from all directions, and there is almost no limit in sight.

After the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei openly rebelled, Wang Lixianzun seemed to have another problem, which affected morale too much.

Although it has not shown too many negative consequences yet, the hidden influence has already been caused.

The high-level monks on the defensive side now have no time to be distracted and cannot help Wang Lixianzun. They can only rely on him to adjust.

As time passed, Wang Lixianzun’s condition seemed to get worse.

He was completely out of the fight, flying around randomly without any purpose.

After flying like this for a while, he suddenly stopped, his eyes dull, and he seemed to have lost his autonomy.

His face was full of pain and struggle, and his body was shaking constantly.

Based on the lessons learned from the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei, many high-level monks are secretly paying attention to him.

He looks really bad. Could it be that he wants to follow in the footsteps of the Confucian Sima Wuwei?

Suddenly, Wang Lixianzun mobilized all his immortal power and launched a full blow to the side and rear.

A group of chaos monsters were shattered into powder by this blow, and a shadow hidden among them was forced to reveal itself.

This group of shadows was attacked by Wang Lixianzun, but it seemed that it was not harmed and was still alive and kicking.

After forcing the opponent out with one blow, Wang Lixianzun was unyielding and continued to launch ferocious attacks on him. Find Shuyuan

This shadow is clearly an Immortal-level Chaos Demon God.

Not only did he easily block Wang Lixianzun’s attack, he also quickly suppressed him in turn.

Wang Lixianzun acted for a long time before finally discovering the other party’s traces and forcing him out.

His long-prepared sneak attack didn’t seem to hurt the opponent at all.

Having a head-on confrontation with the opponent made him feel the opponent’s strength firsthand, and he soon fell into a disadvantage.

At this time, Wang Lixianzun showed enough responsibility and had no intention of shrinking. He firmly blocked the opponent and prevented him from causing further trouble.

It turns out that this Chaos Demon God, who has been hiding among the Chaos Demons, is best at influencing and shaking the minds of his opponents.

The Confucian scholar Sima Wuwei had studied the magic method in his early years, and the seeds were planted in his mind without even realizing it.

The experiences in these years have caused flaws in his mind.

Just now, he was extremely dissatisfied with the status quo and began to passively avoid fighting.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen secretly persuaded him, which made him even more dissatisfied.

The Chaos Demon God who has been waiting for the opportunity did not miss this opportunity.

Using his own talent, he pretended to be the great scholar Zhu Zhen and kept transmitting messages to the great scholar Sima Wuwei, constantly stimulating and irritating him.

Finally, while the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei was shaken by his rage, he aroused the seeds in his body and used the flaw in his mind to secretly transfer the power of chaos into his mind, triggering the The changes in his body and mind led to his fall.

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