Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3765: Gap

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In addition, most chaos monsters appear in groups.

Some Chaos Daemons prefer to come and go alone.

The powerful enemy Meng Zhang faces now is a guy who often keeps to himself.

Besides the enemy in front of him, the sudden change of Confucian Master Sima Wuwei is what he is most concerned about.

Although he didn’t know why the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei suddenly changed from a comrade to an enemy, he could quickly accept this fact and began to think about countermeasures.

He had known the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei for a short time, and most of his knowledge of him came from various intelligence.

He thought about his early acquaintance with the great scholar Xu Deyi, and had already guessed that the Confucian Sima Wuwei was the person behind it, and had something to do with the secret raising of heavenly demons.

He began to regret in his heart that he should not have ignored the other party’s past involvement with the devil in order to establish a relationship with the Spring and Autumn Academy.

There are many monks colluding with the devil in the void, and many of them have profound backgrounds.

Even Meng Zhang, who is very hostile to the devil, often pretends to be stupid and ignores the behavior of certain people.

He is not yet a golden immortal, and he is not qualified to ignore everything and act only on his own will.

In fact, even those golden immortals are still inevitably subject to many constraints many times.

He thought that monks like Confucian Master Sima Wuwei should have rules and restrictions in doing things. Even if they collude with the devil, they would not betray their master.

He is already the seed of a sub-sage in Spring and Autumn Academy, and is only one level away from the sub-sage. What can joining the demonic path bring to him? Can it also make him a final Dharma master?

Meng Zhang really didn’t expect that he would be so stupid and would rebel at a critical moment.

For a monk who can do something like feeding a demon, his collusion with the devil may be deeper than he had imagined before.

Under the influence of the power of chaos, it seems understandable that the Confucian scholar Sima Wuwei suddenly fell.

But when he thought about it again, he felt that things couldn’t be that simple.

The Confucian Master Sima Wuwei is familiar with Confucian classics and has a profound knowledge of Confucian classics. He is also able to innovate and innovate. His character cultivation is definitely the best.

Confucianism has various methods of cultivating the mind and cultivating the nature, specifically suppressing inner demons, and its awe-inspiring righteousness is regarded as the first-class method of strengthening the body and dispelling evil.

The Confucian Master Sima Wuwei suddenly changed during the battle. There should be some other factors.

Meng Zhang, who had some suspicions about this, was unable to take action for the time being. He could only secretly send a message to a group of comrades, asking them to be careful.

Due to the sudden change of the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei, there was a big gap in the defense there.

Although most of the chaos monsters are ignorant and ignorant, they have extremely strong fighting talents and instincts, and are very capable of seeking opportunities to enter.

A large number of chaotic monsters swarmed up and poured into the mountain and river realm through this gap.

Compared to these monks guarding the outside of the Mountain and River Realm, the behemoth of the Mountain and River Realm with countless creatures is obviously more attractive to them.

After the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei underwent a sudden change, he fought fiercely with the great Confucian Zhu Zhen. The defender was missing two powerful men of Immortal Master level.

Wang Lixianzun was injured by Confucian Master Sima Wuwei, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Due to the sudden change of the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei, the group of Confucian scholars who followed him had no intention of fighting, and their combat effectiveness plummeted.

A large number of chaos monsters are unstoppable and continue to penetrate through this gap.

The monks who were fighting in formation adjusted their formations in time to try to block these chaotic monsters.

But these chaos monsters came in too many and too fast, and the original tight formation was quickly dispersed by them.

Some chaos monsters continued to chase these monks, and more chaos monsters continued to surge towards the mountains and rivers realm.

Faced with this situation, the defense had to use its reserves.

The two indigenous kings put aside their original work, led a group of subordinates to fly high into the sky, blocked the incoming chaos monsters, and started fierce battles with them.

In the higher altitudes, the monks from all sides, led by Ether Yi Realm, adjusted their formations in time to make up for the gap, trying to block the chaos monsters that came later.

Although the two indigenous kings and their men blocked most of the chaos monsters, many chaos monsters still took the opportunity to rush into the mountains and rivers, scurrying around and starting to cause wanton destruction.

The indigenous kings who stayed in the mountains and rivers had to allocate more strength to hunt down these chaotic monsters.

As a result, the force driving the advancement of the Mountain and River Realm has become much weaker, and the advancement speed of the Mountain and River Realm has also slowed down greatly.

The original fighting ability of the great scholar Zhu Zhen was not as good as that of the great scholar Sima Wuwei.

He has been in the unknown land for many years and is more accustomed to the environment here.

Furthermore, his experiences over the years have made his cultivation improve greatly.

Although he has not had the chance to return to the void, he has returned to the Renchen border area.

In the Renchen Border Region, the existence of Heavenly Dao in the Void can be sensed to a greater or lesser extent.

He also received part of the reward from Void Heaven.

These rewards helped his practice and helped him develop several magical powers and secret techniques.

After the change in Confucian Master Sima Wuwei, he seemed to have become more fierce, but in fact he was impulsive and lacked reason.

The great scholar Zhu Zhenjing calmed down and slowly dealt with him, entangling him tightly.

Wang Lixianzun, who was originally a little half-hearted, suddenly calmed down and became very determined after witnessing the sudden change of Confucian Master Sima Wuwei and almost suffering from it. Find Shuyuan

He cast a spell to suppress the injury and temporarily restored almost all of his combat effectiveness.

Ignoring the losses, he used many magical powers in one go, annihilating the surrounding chaotic monsters in a large area and containing their crazy offensive.

He also loudly scolded the great scholar Cheng Deyi and other disciples of the Spring and Autumn Academy, asking them to concentrate on dealing with the chaotic monsters and make meritorious deeds.

After all, they are also disciples from a large sect. They have been able to practice to the current level, and they are not the kind of idiots who don’t know the importance.

After they calmed down, they all knew that their prospects were not good.

No matter what the reason was for Confucian Sima Wuwei to rebel on the battlefield, what he is doing now is tantamount to siding with Chaos.

This is an extremely serious issue of right and wrong.

Void and Chaos are two extremely opposing camps.

Taking refuge in chaos is infinitely more serious than colluding with the devil.

If you can get away with colluding with the devil, then openly surrendering to Chaos will definitely become the public enemy of the monks from all sides in the void. Even the Spring and Autumn Academy cannot protect the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei.

In fact, if the senior officials of Spring and Autumn Academy knew what he had done, they might directly send Ya Sheng to clean up the school.

Most of them are direct disciples and disciples of the Confucian venerable Sima Wuwei, and they are also his close associates.

Even if they escape safely, they will definitely be implicated by the Confucian Master Sima Wuwei afterwards.

Whether it is for the sake of the sect’s reputation or because the political opponents of Confucian Sima Wuwei are trying to make trouble, the sect’s senior officials will definitely clean up the family very severely.

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