Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3763: Fall

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These selfish and vicious thoughts kept swirling in the mind of Confucian Sima Wuwei.

Affected by this, he began to passively avoid the war and did not work hard.

He seemed to be holding on to the front, but in fact he allowed many chaos monsters to pass through the area he was responsible for defending.

The monks arrayed behind him soon felt the pressure double and began to suffer greater casualties.

Wang Li Xianzun and the great scholar Zhu Zhen, who were not far away, both saw it in their eyes.

Wang Lixianzun was originally full of illusions about these comrades who came from large sects.

However, the performance of Confucian Sima Wuwei quickly made his halo fade.

Cultivators are originally extremely selfish people.

Of course, when you have reached the realm of Wang Lixianzun in cultivation, you often have to consider the overall situation, pay attention to face, and not be too obvious.

The performance of Confucian Sima Wuwei affected him and made him also want to protect himself.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen couldn’t stand the behavior of Sima Wuwei.

However, he wanted to take the Confucian sect’s face into consideration and did not openly accuse him.

For the sake of being part of the Confucian sect, he secretly sent a message to the Confucian leader Sima Wuwei to remind him to pay attention.

Although the great scholar Zhu Zhen tried to be as tactful as possible considering his status, the great scholar Sima Wuwei immediately became furious.

I am obviously thousands of miles away and willing to take risks to come here to help. Why do I become such a cowardly person in this guy’s mouth?

This guy got an advantage but still behaved, and still wanted to climb up by stepping on himself, using himself as a step?

Not only did Sima Wuwei, the great Confucian scholar, not follow the advice of the great Confucian Zhu Zhen, but he also tended to intensify his efforts.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen is a truly upright person who cannot tolerate any sand in his eyes.

Since he couldn’t get used to the appearance of Sima Wuwei, the Confucian respecter, he would not remain silent.

No matter whether it offends the other party, he will still say what needs to be said to further persuade the other party.

The words of the great scholar Zhu Zhen fell into the ears of the great scholar Sima Wuwei, and he felt that the other party was full of malice.

He hated the other party in his heart, wishing that the other party would die immediately, and the mountains and rivers realm would be captured by the chaotic monsters…

He has even begun to consider how to cooperate with the Chaos monsters to murder each other.

One vicious thought after another appeared in his mind, his body and mind were quietly changing, and he began to gradually move towards the edge of depravity.

Farther away, Meng Zhang had already started fighting with the huge group of Chaos Demon Gods.

The two sides are old rivals. This is not the first time they have fought each other. They both have a certain understanding of each other’s magical powers and secrets.

The last time Meng Zhang fought against this guy, he was nowhere near as strong as he is now, and he couldn’t fully exert himself in an unknown place.

Compared with the person he was back then, he is not only completely different, but at least his strength has grown a lot.

The unknown land is now severely eroded by Chaos, and the environment has changed drastically, but there is still a long way to go before it can completely transform into an environment like Chaos.

Strong men like Meng Zhang are not too suppressed by the power of chaos.

If he is close to the mountains and rivers realm, the power of heaven and earth in the mountains and rivers realm can also help him resist the invasion and suppression of the power of chaos.

This Chaos Demon God, who was severely injured by Meng Zhang, has also improved greatly in strength compared to before.

And the current environment in the unknown land is changing in a direction that is increasingly conducive to beings like him.

Meng Zhang did not attack with all his strength as soon as he came up, he just blocked the enemy and slowly dealt with him.

Now powerful enemies are appearing one after another, but these appearing enemies may not be all the main forces of Chaos.

He has retained a lot of strength to deal with emergencies.

Because he focused part of his attention on guarding against hidden enemies, the scene against the enemy was not very nice.

He just blocked the Chaos Demon God and couldn’t show any advantage at all.

The huge chaos demon took advantage of its size and became more and more arrogant, looking like it was going to devour Meng Zhang at any time.

Although in the world of cultivation, whoever is bigger is not stronger.

However, with the size of the Chaos Demon God, he can still bring great pressure to the surrounding enemies.

Its huge body was constantly twisting and deforming, and the power of chaos was endless, pouring towards Meng Zhang one after another.

Yin and Yang Qi alone were far from enough to withstand such an attack. Meng Zhang had to mobilize the power of Tai Chi Cave Heaven and use Tai Chi Dao to fight against the enemy.

Other than that, any magical magical powers such as the Liangyi Heavenly Sword, the Divine Light of the Sun and the Moon, and the Yin-Yang Extinction Divine Thunder are all in vain if released, and will only be swallowed up by this huge chaos.

Judging from the scene alone, Meng Zhang seemed to be at a disadvantage, blocking with left and right, barely blocking the enemy’s offensive.

On the other side, Juechen Immortal, Yusheng Immortal, and Yaozhen Immortal led a group of immortals. Although they reversed the unfavorable situation and firmly blocked the enemy, they still needed to gain the upper hand or even win. very difficult.

Two immortal-level Chaos Demon Gods led countless Chaos Demons. They seemed to have formed some kind of natural formation, and it seemed that it was just the power of the Chaos Demons themselves that was stimulated.

The attacks were coming like a tidal wave, and it was not easy for them to resist.

The Confucian Sima Wuwei was very dissatisfied with the current situation, and he was even more dissatisfied with Meng Zhang’s decision.

Especially the great scholar Zhu Zhen, a guy who doesn’t know what is good or bad, and who arranges to be grateful. He is not grateful for the risk he took to save him, and instead went to Shuyuan to chatter there.

If he is allowed to run back into the void and talk nonsense, wouldn’t he be ruining his reputation?

As his murderous intention towards the great scholar Zhu Zhen became more and more fierce, the changes in his body became more intense.

He thought again of the changes in his status within the Spring and Autumn Academy over the years.

He went through life and death in Spring and Autumn Academy and made countless contributions. However, he had been stagnant in practice for a period of time, and there was a tendency for him to be abandoned by the ancestors of the sect.

In order to break through the stagnant cultivation level, I have tried all kinds of methods.

Refer to and understand the magic books, and secretly feed the demons…

Everything I have done seems to be in vain, and my cultivation has not improved at all.

As he watched the juniors in the sect catch up and surpass him step by step, his mentality had already begun to distort.

The most important thing in Confucian cultivation is the mind. As a Confucian, Sima Wuwei, logically speaking, the mind should have been perfected long ago.

But at this moment, all kinds of twisted and perverted thoughts filled his mind, causing his mind to slowly begin to deteriorate.

Today’s results will be tomorrow’s causes.

When he began to secretly dabble in demonic techniques in order to break through the stagnant realm of cultivation, the seeds for today’s evil consequences were sown.

There are many monks secretly colluding with the devil in the void, but how many of them can have good results?

What he did was not just secretly colluding with the devil, but also comprehending the magic techniques and committing many devilish acts.

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