Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3762: Vicious

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Meng Zhang’s back-and-forth attack seemed to have a good effect, greatly reducing the pressure on the mountain and river realm defenders.

However, because he has not yet forced the Chaos Demon to find a more powerful method, he has not dared to relax at all.

After charging for a while, Meng Zhang returned to his original position and continued to cover the advancement of the Mountain and River Realm.

The Chaos monsters seem to be at the end of their rope, and they have no more means, so they just keep attacking.

Their numbers and power are greatly reduced.

The defense did not relax for long, and the real test soon came.

A group of constantly twisting monsters, almost one-tenth the size of the Mountain and River Realm, moved quickly towards this side from a distance.

The appearance of this monster is dull, covered with countless tentacles of different sizes, and the overall shape is distorted…

Everything that stands in the way of this monster, including those seemingly fierce Chaos monsters, will be devoured without mercy.

Before this group of monsters even got close, its domineering aura soaring into the sky hit their faces, making the top powerhouses including Meng Zhang feel tremendous pressure.

Meng Zhang sensed this familiar aura and discovered its origin.

This twisted monster is not a stranger, but the Chaos Demon God who once invaded and devoured the Gray River Realm.

Back then, Meng Zhang combined the efforts of everyone to defeat the Chaos Demon God and severely wounded him.

The Chaos Demon God was severely injured. Under normal circumstances, it would take a long time to recover before he could regain his original combat effectiveness.

But the existence of the Chaos Demon God cannot be measured by common sense in many cases.

More importantly, the outbreak of the Chaos Tide has given the Chaos Demon God a new opportunity.

The power of chaos penetrated into unknown lands, and after being absorbed by it, it quickly recovered a lot of strength.

This Chaos Demon God is making waves in unknown lands, devouring indigenous creatures and even independent worlds, destroying the stability of unknown lands…

Due to the internal and external cooperation between this Chaos Demon God and countless Chaos Demons, the power of Chaos changed and subverted everything in the unknown land faster than imagined.

After receiving enough Chaos power, this Chaos Demon God devoured too many prey.

It changed from the previous style of erosion step by step, and directly reached the goal in one step, forcibly swallowing up the independent world it encountered.

In the years since Meng Zhang left the unknown land, the Chaos Demon God has not only recovered from all his injuries, but his strength has also improved greatly compared to before.

Meng Zhang, the great scholar Zhu Zhen, and the half-dead king were the enemies who worked together to severely injure him.

Almost all Chaos Demon Gods are those who must seek vengeance.

After sensing the aura of his old enemy, the Chaos Demon God immediately killed him without hesitation, vowing to devour all his enemies in order to avenge him.

This Chaos Demon God is not only huge in size, but his strength is also unfathomable.

Except for Meng Zhang, several other powerful men at the level of Immortal Master could not help but change their expressions slightly when they looked at the huge body rushing towards him.

Meng Zhang took the initiative and faced this powerful enemy without hesitation.

This Chaos Demon God is probably the strongest enemy they have encountered since entering the unknown land.

Probably to cooperate with the Chaos Demon God in fighting, the two Immortal-level Chaos Demon Gods who were originally hidden in the Chaos Demon Team immediately began to take action.

They led a large number of chaos monsters under their command to swarm forward, creating an aura of chaos that filled the sky.

They have been preparing for a long time, and once activated, they showed extremely powerful power.

The three of them, Juechen Immortal, Yuyu Immortal and Yaozhen Immortal, immediately led a group of men to try to block them and prevent them from breaking through their own defenses.

Among the three of them, although Hanyu Senzun is a veteran immortal, he is not known for his combat prowess.

These two Chaos Demon Gods are obviously not rough and brainless guys, but are very smart in combat.

They have never directly participated in the battle before. They just hid aside and observed carefully, trying to find the enemy’s flaws.

Everything about Hanyu Senzun was seen by them.

They chose Hanyu Senzun as their breakthrough point.

Hanyu Senzun immediately felt the pressure, and for a moment he felt unable to resist.

Juechen Immortal Lord and Yaozhen Immortal Lord actively protected Yusheng Immortal Lord and tried their best to ensure that he was not lost.

Among the three immortals, Immortal Yaozhen is the youngest, and is actually weaker than Immortal Hanyu.

Faced with the ferocious impact of the Chaos Demon God Organization, her reaction was not timely enough, she seemed a bit hesitant, and her movements were inevitably slow.

It was only thanks to the full strength of Juechen Xianzun, a veteran Xianzun who was born as a casual cultivator, that he could barely keep the defense line from being broken through by the enemy.

The Confucian Master Sima Wuwei, who was fighting the Chaos Demons in the distance, should have come to support them in time.

But a vicious thought suddenly came into his mind.

If it was just him who abandoned the mountains and rivers and fled, the scene would definitely not be pretty, and people would inevitably talk about it afterwards.

His status within the Spring and Autumn Academy began to decline over the years, and some opponents began to covet the power he held.

Fighting against the Chaos invasion is such a big deal. If he performs poorly and damages the reputation of Spring and Autumn Academy, it will inevitably give his opponents excuses and give them the opportunity to attack him.

Although relying on these alone cannot shake his status, it is not a good thing.

If there were certain casualties on Juechen Immortal Lord’s side and they were defeated and fled first, then their own escape from the battlefield would not be so eye-catching, but it would be a last resort in order to preserve their strength.

Having never wanted to be dragged down by the mountains and rivers realm, he has not been very active in combat. Find Shuyuan

Now, he even pretended to be held back by the Chaos monsters and failed to go over in time to reinforce Juechen Immortal Lord and the others.

After all, Hanyu Senzun is a veteran immortal with many trump cards. He quickly stabilized his position and withstood the enemy’s attack.

Immortal Yaozhen came from the Yuzhen Sect, a powerful force second only to the Jinxian Sect, and he is also not an easy person.

She reacted quickly and actively made amends immediately.

Under the cover of Juechen Immortal Lord, they quickly passed the most difficult moment, reversed the originally passive situation, and firmly blocked the enemy.

Seeing that Juechen Immortal Lord and the others did not suffer casualties and were defeated as he had imagined, Confucian Lord Sima Wuwei not only did not feel happy, but instead felt angry.

The chaos monster’s offensive is getting stronger and stronger, and he needs to expend more strength to deal with it.

Even if the Chaos Demon God, who is not yet at the level of an Immortal, comes to him, it is already very difficult for him.

In his opinion, such a battle is meaningless and does not benefit him at all. It just puts him in danger in vain.

He has always looked down on the loser Zhu Zhen, the great scholar.

The other party’s achievements in unknown places made him jealous and resentful.

He is taking such a big risk now to protect the other party’s achievements, which makes him really unhappy.

He simply wished that something happened in the Mountain and River Realm and fell into the hands of the Chaos Monster so that he could be completely liberated.

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