Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3739: Block

With the large-scale use of these mechanisms and tools, the problems encountered by Taimiao’s army of ghosts have been somewhat alleviated.

Of course, conquering the underworld is a huge project. In addition to fighting, there are many troubles waiting for Tai Miao to solve.

Now, from the perspective of combat effectiveness alone, Taimiao’s unification of the underworld doesn’t have much of a problem.

Shortly after Taimiao began his campaign to unify the underworld, since he never concealed his ambitions and goals, anyone with a bit of discernment in the underworld could guess his purpose.

The major holy land sects have been deployed in the underworld for many years, and they have extremely huge power in the underworld.

They have always paid attention to various trends in the underworld, and their intelligence collection on the underworld has never stopped.

Taimiao is unstoppable in the underworld, constantly conquering forces everywhere. Such information is continuously sent to the Yang world and sent to the desks of high-level sects in major holy places.

The underworld was too chaotic in the past, with various forces intertwined endlessly.

Even the major sects in the Holy Land do not have the ability to unify the underworld.

The most dazzling force in the underworld at that time was the underworld city established by the Dali Dynasty.

No matter how powerful Yindu City is, it can only be regarded as the overlord of one side. He neither has the strength to unify the underworld nor the momentum.

Even so, Yindu City still attracts a lot of hostility due to its huge trees.

Back then, Ziyang Shengzong planned to project his blessed land onto the Yin Capital City in the underworld, which was to excavate the foundation of the Dali Dynasty and cut off the layout of the Dali Dynasty in the underworld.

Now that Taimiao is conducting such high-profile conquests in an attempt to unify the underworld, the major sects in the Holy Land will naturally not sit idly by.

Especially when Taimiao showed the strength of returning to the void level and exposed his unabashed ambition, the sects of the major holy lands became even more wary.

If anyone said in the past that he wanted to unify the underworld, then the major holy land sects would only regard it as a joke.

But when Taimiao showed the strength of returning to the void level, breaking through the forces of every family in the underworld, and becoming invincible, the major sects in the Holy Land had to pay attention and respond with all their strength.

The major holy land sects will never allow any force to unify the underworld, even if it shows such a trend.

But after a careful inventory, the major Holy Land sects were embarrassed to find that they, who had always been all-powerful in the Junchen world and seemed to be omnipotent, actually had no good way to deal with and stop Tai Miao.

In the past thousands of years, there has never been a strong person at the level of returning to the void in the underworld. There are various reasons for that.

It is rare to see natural ghosts and gods in the underworld. No matter how powerful the various ghosts born and raised in the underworld are, their potential has limits.

It is almost impossible for acquired ghosts and gods transformed from cultivators to break through the Yang Shen stage due to innate shackles.

Emperor Wenjin of Yindu City was a rare exception.

Now that Tai Miao has suddenly become a powerful figure in returning to the void, the major holy land sects in Yangshi are beyond their reach, and for a moment, they are unable to do anything to him.

It is no secret that Taiyimen and Taimiao have a close relationship and have many cooperations.

But Meng Zhang has never revealed the secret that Taimiao is his own incarnation, and no one has figured out the true relationship between Taimiao and Taiyimen.

It doesn’t seem feasible to contain Tai Miao by threatening Tai Yi Sect.

Taimiao, as the overlord who is about to unify the underworld, has countless cultivation forces in the Yang world who want to curry favor with him and please him.

If Tai Miao wants to find a collaborator in Yangshi, there will be many people who come to visit him on their own initiative.

Even the major sects in the Holy Land are trying to win over and bribe Taimiao.

It’s just that Tai Miaoyouyan doesn’t get in, and he has never bought into the accounts of the major holy land sects.

Especially the last time the major Holy Land sects wanted to recruit Taimiao to serve as cannon fodder in the attack on Yindu City, which seriously damaged the relationship between them.

According to common sense, Yitaimiao’s current cultivation and status may not care much about Taiyi Sect, a collaborator.

To say that he would give up unifying the underworld because of the Taiyi Sect is even more of a joke.

Cultivators are all intrigues and deceits, putting their interests first and taking advantage of each other. What’s more, ghosts and gods like Tai Miao will definitely take advantage of each other when facing cultivators.

Of course, even though they knew it was of little use, the major holy land sects still sent envoys to visit Taiyi Sect and asked Taiyi Sect to prevent Taiyi Sect from unifying the underworld.

If it weren’t for the suppression of Tiangong and the situation in Junchen Realm, the major Holy Land sects that have always been domineering might have forcibly ordered Taiyi Sect long ago.

Meng Zhang was not at the mountain gate during this time, and his eldest disciple Niu Dawei came forward to receive the envoys from the major holy land sects.

Niu Dawei didn’t fall out with these people, he just used a bunch of polite nonsense to get rid of everything.

Anyway, given the current situation in Junchen Realm, it would be difficult for the major Holy Land sects to start a war with Taiyi Sect.

In fact, the major holy land sects are also in trouble.

So far, they have not cleaned up the ghosts and monsters that jumped out to cause trouble some time ago.

Now that the True Dragon Clan personally leads the Sea Clan army to invade, all the sects in the Holy Land must deal with it seriously.

On the South China Sea side, they can temporarily shirk it and ignore it, but on the East China Sea side, they cannot ignore it.

Zhenhai Palace, with the support of experts sent by other Holy Land sects, is now confronting the invading Hai Clan army. Find Shuyuanwww. zhaoshuyuan.kcom

The small-scale fighting between the two sides has not stopped, and a war may break out again.

And here in the South China Sea, if the Hai Ling Sect is really defeated, the South China Sea is completely occupied, and the Hai Clan army continues to attack, in the end the major holy land sects will have to unite with the Tiangong to deal with the aftermath.

Last time, in order to destroy Yindu City, the major holy land sects paid a huge price.

Now if you want to do it again and send enough power into the underworld to deal with Tai Miao, it will not be that easy.

The strength possessed by Tai Miao’s men has far exceeded the power of the Dali Dynasty in the underworld.

Tai Miao’s whereabouts are unpredictable. She does not stick to one place, but moves freely in the underworld.

If you want to hunt in the underworld, it will be difficult to hunt in the sky.

Since there is nothing that can be done for the time being, all the sects in the Holy Land can only forcefully endure.

While they continued to contact Taimiao through various channels, they tried to use gentle means to win over and bribe him.

On the other hand, it is about finding ways to project power into the underworld.

Taimiao Lian and these guys don’t have the patience to make excuses and are too lazy to pay attention to them.

The envoys sent by the major holy land sects can only see Taimiao’s subordinates at most, and they are treated indifferently and cannot communicate with Taimiao.

Tai Miao continues his great conquest in the underworld without any influence at all.

Meng Zhang knew from the beginning that the sects of the major holy lands would not just watch Tai Miao dominate the underworld, and would definitely use all means to stop it.

Although the major holy land sects have not taken any effective actions yet, Meng Zhang has been closely monitoring their movements through various means.

Once the major holy land sects make substantial moves, Meng Zhang will also take action accordingly.


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