Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3690: Show up

The half-dead king saw clearly that after the collapse of the Gray River Realm, he needed the care of strong allies. The unknown land was too dangerous, and he needed the help of Meng Zhang and the others to survive safely in the unknown land.

The Gray River Realm has sheltered them for many years, preventing them from facing the dangers of unknown lands.

Now that the Gray River Realm has collapsed, various crises have begun to appear.

Especially the Chaos Demon God, when he thought about it, he felt chills in his heart.

Under the urging of the great scholar Zhu Zhen, the half-dead king had no choice but to stand up.

He flew to a place not far from the Gray River and shouted to the king in the river.

The content of his speech was also thought through.

He said that the Gray River Realm has been corrupted by the Chaos Demon God, and it is difficult to recover, and there is no way to save it.

If the Gray River Realm is not destroyed in time, all the indigenous kings will be killed by the Chaos Demon God.

The Surge King has long been a lackey of the Chaos Demon God, and wants to stir up disputes in the Gray River Territory and instigate civil war among the native kings.


He avoided the important and emphasized the threat of the Chaos Demon.

After listening to the words of the half-dead king, the king of the river made no further action.

It was not that he was persuaded by the half-dead king, but he took advantage of the situation to find a step and was not in a hurry to take action.

He has long known about the invasion of the Gray River Realm by the Chaos Demon God.

However, he did not have a deep understanding of the threat of the Chaos Demon God, and instead regarded it as an opportunity.

The Chaos Demon is attached to the edge of the Gray River Realm, which is close to the territory of the half-dead king.

He has always been wary of the low-key Half-Dead King, and hopes that the invasion of the Chaos Demon God will consume him.

Of course, if the half-dead king really cannot resist the Chaos Demon God, he will also help.

But when that time comes, he will also take advantage of the situation to conquer the half-dead king, or seize his territory.

Now that the Gray River Realm is gone, his ambitions for hegemony have naturally come to nothing.

The situation after the collapse of the Gray River Realm has become very dangerous, and the situation of all parties is very complicated.

In addition to outsiders such as Meng Zhang who destroyed the Gray River Realm, there was also the Chaos Demon God who did not show up.

It seems that the half-dead king has taken refuge with outsiders like Meng Zhang.

As for the Surge King, an old opponent, the aura corroded by Chaos cannot be concealed at all.

Although the King of the River is very confident in himself, he has always regarded himself as the strongest person in the Gray River Realm.

But faced with such a complicated situation, he decided to wait and see for the time being and not to rush into action, lest he fall into the conspiracy.

The half-dead king secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the king in the river did not take action to join the battle.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen is also quite satisfied with this result.

As long as there is no external interference, he can quickly kill the Surge King on the spot.

At this moment, the Chaos Demon God finally appeared.

I saw a huge mass of chaos moving quickly towards this side from a distance.

Wherever this chaos went, the remains left behind after the collapse of the Gray River Realm were swallowed up, and even the energy storm seemed to be swallowed up and absorbed by it.

Seeing such power, the River King and the Two-faced King, who had not yet recognized the strength of the Chaos Demon God, could not help but change their expressions.

Meng Zhang was the first to stop his original movements, recall the Yin and Yang Qi, and flew back to a place not far from Taiyi Realm, fully guarding against the Chaos Demon God.

Seeing Meng Zhang retreat, King Kong Hunter did not dare to continue to struggle with him, but quickly regrouped.

Although the great scholar Zhu Zhen was very unwilling, he also knew that he would not be able to kill his lackey in front of the Chaos Demon God.

He could only let King Surge temporarily and flew back to Meng Zhang, standing side by side with him, preparing to face the attack of the Chaos Demon God.

The Surge King, who finally escaped, quickly retreated with his few remaining men.

Although he was very afraid of the Chaos Demon God, he finally completed the task assigned by him and delayed Meng Zhang and the others here.

Of course, King Gray River and the others who arrived here were even more surprised.

Although the Surge King was in a very embarrassed state, he still did not forget to keep a close eye on the King in the River.

In the huge chaos, there was a twisted human face, staring at everyone present with greedy eyes.

Monks from the void such as Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen are the mortal enemies of the Chaos Demon God and the delicacies he covets.

Meng Zhang and the others hate the Chaos Demon God extremely and want to get rid of him quickly. On the other hand, the Chaos Demon God devours the monks from inside the void. This is also an instinct and will bring a lot of benefits to it.

His eyes quickly swept over Meng Zhang and the others, staring at the huge Gray River and Taiyi Realm for a while.

The Gray River is the foundation of the Gray River Realm and contains a large part of the origin of the Gray River.

The Gray River Realm collapsed, and the delicacies that reached his mouth turned into leftovers, making the Chaos Demon God very angry.

If it can swallow up the Gray River which remains roughly intact, it can barely make up for most of the losses.

The Taiyi Realm is obviously a big world from the void.

For the Chaos Demon God, it is his bounden duty to invade, destroy, and devour… the big world in the void, which can allow him to obtain countless benefits.

Although Chaos is very strong, it is very difficult to penetrate into the void.

In fact, the number of Chaos Demon Gods who can enter unknown places is limited.

During the long struggle between Void and Chaos, thanks to the efforts of the Golden Immortal-level experts, Void slowly took the advantage and took the initiative, forcing most of the Chaos Demon Gods back into Chaos.

A complete world like Taiyi Realm appeared in an unknown place for some reason, which made the Chaos Demon God very excited.

There are many cunning people among the Chaos Demon Gods, but most of them are influenced by instinct and are full of chaos and disorder.

This Chaos Demon God had previously secretly penetrated the Gray River Realm and secretly corrupted the indigenous kings of the Gray River Realm, which shows that he is not the kind of person who has no plans.

But at this moment, facing a huge temptation, the chaotic side of his personality took over and he could no longer remain calm.

Coupled with the anger that had not gone away, it became a bit impulsive.

The huge chaos paused for a moment, then suddenly rushed towards Meng Zhang and the others.

Countless huge tentacles emerged from the chaos, and strange shadows… rushed around crazily, not wanting to spare anyone present.

Seeing the sudden power of the Chaos Demon God, the Surge King was worried about being accidentally injured by him, so he quickly retreated far away with his men.

The Sky Hunter King and his huge tribe are also one of the targets of the Chaos Demon God.

With so many men, he had no time to escape.

Even though he really didn’t want to stay and fight the Chaos Demon God, he was forced to control the formation and desperately resist the Chaos Demon God’s attack.

I saw the huge black bird phantom reappearing above the formation, fighting fiercely with the tentacles and demonic figures that rushed towards me.

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