Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3689: Hesitation

The great scholar Zhu Zhen sensed the change in King Surge’s mood and thought that the other party’s extreme hatred was directed at him.

Could it be that the other party is desperate and wants to die with him?

The great scholar Zhu Zhen did not relax his attack, but became more cautious, trying to avoid being hurt by the opponent’s trump cards that would hurt both sides.

The Surge King was ambitious after all. He quickly adjusted his mood and temporarily suppressed his extreme hatred for the River King.

You can keep the green hills without fear of running out of firewood. Now is not the time to fight the king of the river.

One day, he will completely tear this old opponent apart and make him miserable.

Now that he has reached a desperate situation, the sudden appearance of his old rival is a good opportunity.

He hated it, but he had to admit that his old opponent was indeed very strong, especially after he completely controlled Gray River, his strength was far above that of other indigenous kings, and he was almost no longer on the same level as them.

The old opponent is very strong, and the enemies he faces are also very strong, so why not make use of the old opponent and let them fight head-on.

The Surge King shouted loudly again, and the shout passed through the energy storm and penetrated into the Gray River.

The general meaning of this shouting is to accuse Meng Zhang and others of destroying the Gray River Territory and are hunting down the indigenous kings of the Gray River Territory to kill everyone.

Aren’t you, the King of the River, the guardian of the Gray River Realm? Aren’t you so powerful? What should you do if you encounter these outsiders?

The Surge King’s motivation is so obvious that even a fool can see through his purpose.

The king of the river who controlled the Gray River to arrive here did indeed hear his shout.

The King of the River knows this old rival very well, knows his hatred for himself, and knows that he will always be against him.

The collapse of the Gray River Realm stems from the continuous explosion of the extinction piles.

The extinction pile was placed by the monks from Taiyi Realm.

When the Taiyi Realm monks place the extinction stakes, they should try to stay away from the Gray River to avoid attracting the attention of the king in the river.

The King of the River has been monitoring various movements in the Gray River Realm and is not completely ignorant of this.

However, at that time, his attention was focused on the battle between the great scholar Zhu Zhen and the Double-faced King, and he did not know that the power of the extermination pile could be so terrifying, so he ignored the actions of the monks from the Taiyi Realm.

Afterwards, when the extinction stakes began to explode one after another, blowing the entire Gray River Realm into pieces, he woke up and felt extremely regretful.

If he had stopped what the Taiyi Realm monks were doing earlier, the Gray River Realm probably would not have collapsed.

Unfortunately, when the extinction stakes began to explode and the Gray River Realm began to collapse, he was unable to stop it.

He had discovered traces of this behemoth from the Taiyi Realm when it first entered the Gray River Realm, but he never expected that it would be so harmful.

Out of some selfish thoughts at the time, he wanted to weaken other indigenous kings. In addition, the internal fighting among the indigenous kings prevented him from immediately taking action against outsiders in Taiyi Realm.

Now, when Huihe came here, he also discovered the existence of Taiyi Realm long ago.

Even if there were no shouts from King Surge, he would not let Tai Yi Realm go.

As King Surge said, as the guardian of Gray River Realm, he regarded the destruction of Gray River by monks from Taiyi Realm as a great shame and humiliation.

Compared with other indigenous kings, he is more ambitious and has a greater sense of responsibility towards the Gray River.

He followed the induction of other indigenous kings and came here, and he had already discovered the huge figure of Taiyi Realm.

He controlled Huihe to attack fiercely. Just when he was about to attack Taiyi Realm, he suddenly heard the cry of his old enemy King Surge.

He saw through the other party’s situation at a glance and was very clear about his intentions.

He hesitated instead.

Taking action against Taiyi World at this time is tantamount to helping an old rival.

Moreover, maybe this old rival is plotting against him somewhere.

It’s true that he wants to destroy the Taiyi Realm, but he doesn’t want to take advantage of his old rival, King Surge, nor does he want to fall into the opponent’s scheme.

The Two-Faced King and the River King arrived here together.

His territory is still supported by a tributary of the Gray River.

His heart has long been filled with hatred for outsiders like Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen.

He also heard the cry of King Surge.

He glanced in the direction of the River King, and he knew the grudge between him and the Surge King.

He wanted to persuade the other party to give up personal grudges and deal with the outsiders who destroyed the Gray River Realm first.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn’t speak.

He knew that the king of the river was very stubborn and not easy to be persuaded. Moreover, this guy was very suspicious.

If he is made to suspect that he agrees with King Surge, it will be difficult to get along with him in the future.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen did not wait for the desperate measures of the Surge King, but instead waited for the River King.

He has been in the Gray River Realm for so long that he has already studied the local language and characters in depth.

Most of the creatures in the Gray River Realm are people with low IQs and do not even have a decent civilization.

On the contrary, there is a popular language among the powerful people headed by the indigenous kings.

Hearing King Surge’s cry, he immediately understood what the other party meant.

Seeing that he and Meng Zhang were already in sight of victory, the king of the river suddenly appeared under the control of Huihe, which was really a big change.

Not only did he sense the powerful King of the River, but he also sensed the aura of his old rival, the Two-Face King.

After the collapse of the Gray River Realm, it was really beyond his expectation that the King of the River could retain such a powerful force.

But looking at the huge gray river in front of him, which was basically intact and with little damage, he could understand.

If the King of the River and the King of the Gray River join the battle, he and Meng Zhang may not necessarily be defeated, but the King of the Surge and the others will most likely be able to take advantage of the opportunity to escape.

He could clearly sense the aura corrupted by the Chaos Demon God on the Surge King.

Since the opponent has been corrupted by the Chaos Demon, it is on his must-kill list.

He wants to first eliminate the lackeys of the Chaos Demon God and weaken his men, and then engage in a decisive battle with them.

He set his sights on the territory of the half-dead king.

Since the Half-Dead King wants to cooperate with them and has previously accepted help from the Taiyi Realm, it is now time for the other party to show its role.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen began to urge the half-dead king.

He must either persuade the King of the River to try to stabilize the other party and prevent him from immediately joining the battle; or he must resist the other party and prevent him from interfering with killing the Surge King.

The half-dead king felt a headache after hearing the urging of the great scholar Zhu Zhen.

He really doesn’t want to go against other indigenous kings at this time.

Especially after Meng Zhang destroyed the Gray River Realm, he made it clear that he stood with Meng Zhang and other outsiders, and faced other indigenous kings. Wasn’t this making things difficult for him?

But faced with the urging of the great scholar Zhu Zhen, he had no other choice.

Whether you are making excuses to shirk or pretending not to hear, the great scholar Zhu Zhen will be greatly offended.

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