Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3687: Angry

Taiyi Realm and other targets were so eye-catching that they fell into the eyes of King Surge from a distance.

Without any hesitation, he immediately led a group of men to kill him.

From a distance, Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen could smell the aura on his body that had been corrupted by the Chaos Demon God.

For them, this kind of smell is disgusting and disgusting, and they want to get rid of it immediately.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen probably felt that it would cost a lot for Meng Zhang to control a big world like Taiyi Realm to advance, so he took the initiative.

He took one step and came not far in front of King Surge and the others.

The feather fan in his left hand was gently waved forward, and flames were produced out of thin air, falling directly towards the Surge King and his men.

Several of King Surge’s subordinates who were not sufficiently cultivated immediately began to burn, screaming incessantly from their mouths, and soon turned into ashes.

The Surge King roared angrily, and a gust of wind and waves rolled over, extinguishing the flames.

The rows of waves rushed toward the great scholar Zhu Zhen with an unstoppable force.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen waved his feather fan again and easily pushed away the fierce waves.

He took out a large pen in his right hand and swung it forward.

Under the eloquence, there was a wave of waves, and countless golden words fell from the sky, surrounding the Surge King and his men.

The Surge King and his men roared again and again, responding to the enemy’s attacks with all their strength, and actively counterattacked.

If he fought in the Gray River Realm before the destruction of the Gray River Realm, King Surge had the blessing of the Gray River Realm, and his strength was on the same level as the great scholar Zhu Zhen.

Even if he cannot defeat the great scholar Zhu Zhen, he can still deal with him for a long time.

Even if he loses in the end, it will be difficult for the opponent to kill him.

Now that he does not have the blessing of the Gray River Realm, his strength has dropped greatly, and he is no longer a match for the great scholar Zhu Zhen.

After being corrupted by the Chaos Demon God, he did gain some new powers.

But these powers are far from enough to make up for the loss of the blessing of the Gray River Realm.

Soon after the two sides fought, the Surge King fell into a disadvantage, and his men were killed one after another.

With the help of a group of subordinates, this is the case for him.

When all these men are killed by the opponent, he will no longer be a match.

Although King Surge has been corrupted by the Chaos Demon God for some time, his brain has not been completely damaged, he has not become too crazy, and he can still think and analyze rationally.

He must not run away now, otherwise the Chaos Demon God will never spare him.

He does not seek to defeat his opponent now, but only seeks to temporarily entangle the opponent, waiting for the arrival of the Chaos Demon.

The battle continued, his men were constantly being killed, and he was almost injured many times.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen saw through the other party’s intention to delay time.

Of course, he cannot let the enemy get what he wants, so he speeds up his attacks and tries to deal with his opponent as soon as possible.

Meng Zhang, who was above Taiyi Realm, also saw the situation here. He also did not want to be entangled by the enemy.

To deal with the Chaos Demon God and his lackeys, there is no need to abide by the various unspoken rules of fighting in the void, and there is no such thing as a fair fight. Instead, we should use all possible means to completely eliminate the enemy.

Meng Zhang was about to take action when a large group of black birds in the distance moved quickly towards this side like a cloud.

King Kong Hunter led his tribe and finally arrived at this location after trudging through the energy storm for so long.

The Surge King and the Sky Hunter King not only know each other, but they also had a good relationship.

Neither of them has a fixed territory in the Gray River Realm, so to a certain extent they are brothers.

Of course, the Sky Hunter King does not have a fixed territory, it is more of his own choice.

The Surge King is constantly being hunted by the River King, and has no way to maintain a fixed territory.

King Surge, who had been forced to a disadvantage by the great scholar Zhu Zhen, immediately shouted at King Kong Hunter.

The Chaos Demon God saw with his own eyes that Meng Zhang activated the extermination pile, and then the Gray River Realm began to collapse, so he naturally knew that Meng Zhang was the culprit of the destruction of the Gray River Realm.

As his subordinate, the Surge King, was also told this information.

Two outsiders, Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen, colluded together to destroy the Gray River Realm. This was the rhetoric King Surge used to impress King Kong Hunter.

As an indigenous king of the Gray River Realm, most of his strength comes from the Gray River Realm, and it is his bounden duty to protect the Gray River Realm.

Although Lord Sky Hunter had a relationship with Lord Surge, he might not necessarily fight against a powerful enemy for him.

But when he heard that Meng Zhang and the others were the murderers who destroyed the Gray River Realm, he immediately became furious.

He does not have a fixed territory in Gray River Realm, but this does not mean that he does not have deep feelings for Gray River Realm.

The Gray River Realm is the place where he was born and raised, and the source that gives him strength.

Without the protection of Gray River Realm, he became a homeless dog and had to wander in unknown places.

Affected by his anger, the entire huge formation began to change, and countless birds became angry.

Meng Zhang and the great scholar Zhu Zhen knew what King Langyong was thinking, but they didn’t bother to explain anything.

In their view, after the destruction of the Gray River Realm, these indigenous kings were all dead bones in the graves.

A wise guy like the Half-Dead King can still get their protection.

The rest of the guys who don’t care about life or death will show no mercy as long as they encounter them.

I saw the Sky Hunter King controlling his birds to change formations, and a huge black bird shadow appeared in the sky above the formation, and then suddenly spit out black fire all over the sky towards Meng Zhang’s position.

Meng Zhang jumped out from the Taiyi Realm and took the initiative to meet the huge black bird shadow.

After joining the great scholar Zhu Zhen, Meng Zhang took back the two qi of yin and yang that supported the half-dead king’s territory.

The Taiyi Realm, the mountain peaks controlled by the great scholar Zhu Zhen and the incomplete territory of the half-dead king formed a stable triangle.

It was mainly Taiyi Realm’s efforts that not only stabilized the latter two, but also provided them with shelter and helped them move.

The unfathomable depth shown by Taiyi Realm made even the half-dead king full of praise, making him feel that he had chosen the right ally.

When he thought that there was a Chaos Demon God watching behind him, Meng Zhang didn’t want to tangle with these indigenous kings for too long, and tried to make a quick decision and deal with them as soon as possible.

Yin and Yang energy flew around Meng Zhang’s body, easily scattering the black fire that filled the sky.

The huge black bird was transformed by the power of the formation. It concentrated the power of the Sky Hunter King and his tribe. It was majestic and extraordinary in strength.

Seeing Meng Zhang rushing over, this huge black bird immediately rushed forward to meet Meng Zhang, fighting with the yin and yang energy released by Meng Zhang.

King Kong Hunter has been in the Gray River Realm for many years and is considered a strong one among the indigenous kings.

Now that he no longer has the blessing of the Gray River Realm, he still has the tribe under his command, a deep formation map, and can also use the power of the formation…

Although his strength is not as good as when the Gray River Realm was still there, it is still much stronger than the Surge King.

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