Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3686: Catch up

Meng Zhang did not want to fight the Chaos Demon God in this environment, and was also urging Taiyi Realm to accelerate forward.

A complete world like Taiyi Realm has a strong resistance to everything around it.

Many powerful people within Taiyi Realm work together, and Taiyi Realm itself has a profound foundation and the origin of heaven and earth is unfathomable, so its progress is very fast.

With the help of Meng Zhangzhi, the half-dead king could barely keep up with the pace of Taiyi Realm.

They were lucky enough to meet the mountain peak controlled by Zhu Zhen halfway.

In the crazy energy storm, the mountain peak controlled by the great scholar Zhu Zhen was surrounded by a large area of ​​land, including a small half of the tributary of the Gray River. It looked shaky and might overturn at any time.

Even though Zhu Zhen, a great scholar, had unfathomable strength, he was already very tired when he reached the halfway point.

When he discovered Taiyi Realm led by Meng Zhang, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, Meng Zhang, the great scholar Zhu Zhen and the half-dead king formed a triangle, covering and cooperating with each other to keep out the energy storm and firmly protect their land.

Among them, Taiyi Realm, as a complete big world, has the strongest defense and is the least affected by the energy storm. While protecting its own family, it is also able to provide help to the other two families.

This stable triangle is moving away from the energy storm, and we must leave here as soon as possible.

The Chaos Demon God was devouring the remains of the Gray River Realm – all kinds of fragments, large and small, while looking for more valuable targets.

Whether it is from the perspective of personal feelings or interests, the triangle where Taiyi Realm is located is his best goal.

The Surge King led a small group of men and finally reunited with the Chaos Demon God.

The Chaos Demon God was very dissatisfied with him and felt that he did not play his due role at all.

After King Surge was corrupted by him, he should be used as a chess piece to monitor various situations in Gray River.

When he launches a full-scale invasion of the Gray River Territory, the Surge King and his men should be the vanguard.

But this guy doesn’t even know that the Gray River Realm was destroyed from within. It’s really useless.

If there wasn’t still a need for him, he would have been devoured long ago.

The Surge King and his men could not help but tremble as they sensed the anger of the Chaos Demon God.

The Chaos Demon God has sensed the aura of Taiyi Realm and others and knows that they are moving away from here.

He will stay in the energy storm for a while, trying to devour the remains of the Gray River Realm. Only then will he pursue the target with all his strength.

Although he was sure that Taiyijie would not be able to escape his pursuit in the end, he did not want Taiyijie to escape too far.

In the unknown land, there are many powerful creatures, and he is not the only Chaos Demon God.

If Taiyi Realm escapes too far and becomes the target of other powerful people, it will be another troublesome matter.

So, he ordered King Surge and his men to pursue Taiyi Realm and other targets first, trying to slow down their progress.

After his side is finished, he will catch up as soon as possible and catch all Taiyijie and other targets in one fell swoop.

The Surge King sensed the wrath of the Chaos Demon God and suffered a lot.

He began to regret a little in his heart. He should not have trusted the other party and cooperated with him back then.

Now, he is completely controlled by others.

After the Chaos Demon God gave the order, he immediately set off with a group of his men with the idea of ​​making meritorious deeds.

On the other side, the Two-faced King controls his incomplete territory and joins the River King.

The King of the River is indeed the strongest among all the indigenous kings.

The Gray River under his control was originally the foundation of the Gray River Realm, and at least gathered more than half of the origins of the Gray River Realm.

The Gray River Realm collapsed, and the Gray River lost most of its tributaries, and its strength was greatly reduced. However, at this time, the King of the River controls the Gray River, and still has an overwhelming advantage when facing the Two-faced King.

The king of the river, who was frightened and angry because of the collapse of the Gray River Realm, no longer had the stability of the past, and he no longer concealed the hidden side of himself.

Originally, with the various native kings in the Gray River Realm restraining each other, the kings in the river still abide by some unspoken rules and treat other kings at least in a decent manner.

Now, when he saw the double-faced king coming to his door, he immediately showed his strength and forced the other party to obey him.

On the way to the rendezvous, the Two-Face King had already been mentally prepared.

Among the native kings of the Gray River Realm, there are always strong and weak, and it is only natural that the weak obey the strong.

The native kings of the Gray River Territory are not always static. There have been replacements and there have been precedents of surrender.

Although he was unwilling to do so, he still had to express his sincerity to the king of the river.

The double-faced king’s sincerity was exchanged for a certain degree of protection from the king of the river.

After the collapse of the Gray River Realm, the King of the River has to face all kinds of dangers in the unknown land, and he really needs a strong subordinate, a useful cannon fodder…

Several tributaries of the Gray River stretch out like tentacles, looking for Shuyuan www. firmly held back the incomplete territory of the double-faced king.

The double-faced king immediately felt a lot more relaxed and had enough energy to start counting his losses.

The king of the river controls the Gray River to continue moving in the energy storm, trying to gather and subdue more indigenous kings, and concentrate stronger power to deal with the next situation.

As long as the native kings in the Gray River Realm are not deliberately shielded, everyone has a certain feeling.

Now that the Gray River Realm has collapsed, coupled with the impact of the energy storm, this sense has become very weak.

The king of the river has always regarded himself as the leader of all native kings.

He believed that at this time, it was his duty to step forward and direct and organize everyone to deal with various crises.

He released his unique aura wantonly, like a lighthouse in the chaotic situation.

The Taiyi Realm and its allies are always on the move.

During the movement, you will also collect and pick up some fragments of the Gray River realm.

Not only Taiyi Realm and its allies are doing this, but everyone else is doing this except the Sky Hunter King and the Surge King.

The triangle headed by Taiyi Realm is probably the largest group besides Huihe.

When it moves, it will leave strong and obvious traces.

Even if the energy storm can quickly cover up these traces, it still leaves clues for the Surge King who is following behind.

The Taiyi Realm, the mountain peaks of Zhu Zhen and the territory of the half-dead king are all huge things. They are advancing against the energy storm. Their speed is not very fast and they are also subject to many restrictions.

The Surge King was under pressure from the Chaos Demon God, but he went all out and did not dare to slack off at all.

Not long after, he led his men to catch up.

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