Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3669: Tinder

In the void, the law of life and death is a relatively low-level basic law.

The laws of life and death are relatively stable in most places, and the boundaries between life and death are relatively clear.

It is really not easy to see a scene similar to what you see in front of you in the void.

Although the vision in front of him was scary and curious, it was not what Meng Zhang really cared about. What he really cared about was what was behind the scenes.

When powerful people fight like immortals, they can gain advantages for themselves by twisting and changing the laws of heaven and earth.

Although a powerful person at the level of Immortal Master makes up his own world and does not rely on outsiders, he is still very important in controlling the laws of heaven and earth.

In addition to their own strength, these indigenous kings have the blessing of the Gray River Realm. They can freely use the power of the laws of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm, which is a powerful weapon against powerful foreigners like the great scholar Zhu Zhen.

What Meng Zhang had done before was to let the power of Taiyi Realm penetrate into the entire Gray River Realm and let the laws of heaven and earth from the void cover this place, which was to cut off the enemy’s greatest help at the foundation.

Now, he has to analyze the laws of heaven and earth within the enemy’s half-dead king’s sphere of influence to prepare for the next confrontation.

Because he knew in his heart that no matter how slow these indigenous kings were, they would react sooner or later when the power of Taiyi Realm expanded to a certain extent.

When the time comes, no matter how many conflicts there are between them, they will put them aside for the time being and deal with these outsiders first.

Meng Zhang must confront these indigenous kings head-on on the premise that the laws of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm are still in effect.

He did not rush into the half-dead king’s sphere of influence, but concealed his presence and watched silently from a distance.

Of course, in a place like the Gray River Realm, the Half-Dead King has the advantage of being at home.

Meng Zhang’s hiding methods may not be able to hide it from his eyes and ears.

The reason why he has been unresponsive is that he either ignored Meng Zhang’s threat or was entangled in something else.

Since the other party did not take the initiative to cause trouble for him, Meng Zhang was happy to save trouble.

He took the time to observe the laws of heaven and earth here and tried to analyze them.

Of course he knows that no matter how he analyzes the laws of heaven and earth here, he cannot make the Gray River Realm favor him.

As an outsider, he will always be rejected and suppressed by the Gray River Realm.

The goal he hopes to achieve is that when he fights against the indigenous kings in the future, he will not let the other party control the laws of heaven and earth to suppress him. He must at least be able to maintain the ability to fight against them.

The laws of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm are too complex and chaotic.

Different regions have completely different laws of heaven and earth.

Where the great scholar Zhu Zhen is, and where Taiyi Realm is at the moment, the laws of heaven and earth and the situation within the sphere of influence of the half-dead king in these two places are very different.

However, some previous experience is not completely useless.

While Meng Zhang was wholeheartedly analyzing the laws of heaven and earth and preparing for the next war, the monks in Taiyi Realm had already achieved a lot.

The sphere of influence of Taiyi Realm is slowly but steadily expanding.

The monks of Taiyi Realm constantly drove out and killed the surrounding natives, expanding their territory bit by bit.

The power of the Taiyi Realm slowly expanded outwards, squeezing out the power of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm bit by bit.

The laws of heaven and earth in Taiyi Realm cover an increasingly wider area, and the surrounding environment becomes more and more suitable for monks to survive and fight.

The Taiyi Realm monks have discovered several mineral deposits within the Taiyi Realm’s sphere of influence.

They use government agencies and Taoist soldiers to exploit these mineral deposits.

After the mined mineral deposits are purified, they can be absorbed by Taiyi Realm and can also be used by production monks.

After Taiyi Realm entered the unknown land, it finally began to have a certain amount of income, and it was no longer a situation of only going out but not entering.

With these gains, Taiyi Realm’s ability to fight for a long time has been greatly enhanced.

The greatest achievement achieved by the monks in the Taiyi Realm is to place fire in some places in the Gray River Realm and protect the fire as it slowly develops and grows.

Initially, a group of monks who carried the fire were not too far away from the Taiyi Realm’s sphere of influence, or simply chose a suitable place to place the fire next to the Taiyi Realm’s sphere of influence.

After the fire was placed, it began to spontaneously reject the surrounding power of the Gray River Realm.

In addition to the power of the Gray River Realm attacking it, many surrounding indigenous tribes and various monsters were also driven by the power of the Gray River Realm and frantically attacked the location of the fire.

Since the indigenous tribes and various monsters near the Taiyi Realm’s sphere of influence have long been severely attacked by the Taiyi Realm monks, the strength gathered by the Gray River Realm is not strong.

Those Taiyi Realm monks who guarded the fire, relying on the help of the nearby Taiyi Realm, repelled the enemy’s attacks time and time again and firmly guarded the fire.

In addition to repelling the enemy’s attacks, they also tried their best to obtain various resources to nourish and strengthen the fire.

As long as there are enough resources, Tinder can grow very quickly.

The stronger the fire, the faster it can purify and absorb resources.

Under such mutual promotion, fires took root near the Taiyi Realm’s sphere of influence, and then burned and grew stronger.

After these fires grew stronger, they became somewhat like a great fire.

Within the scope of its illumination, the power of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm was pushed away far away.

The laws of heaven and earth from Taiyi Realm began to continuously affect the surroundings, and the original laws of heaven and earth around them began to be distorted and changed.

The laws of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm are inherently twisted and unstable.

The laws of heaven and earth in the Taiyi Realm come from the extremely stable place of the void, and are extremely exclusive. They quickly gained the upper hand in the battle with the Gray River Realm.

In addition to relying on the Taiyi Realm, making steady progress step by step, there are also many Taiyi Realm monks who took great risks and carried fire deep into various places in the Gray River Realm.

When they arrive at a suitable place, they will find a way to place the fire there and slowly establish themselves.

During this process, they will naturally encounter counterattacks and crazy attacks from the Gray River Realm.

Because they are far away from Taiyi Realm, they cannot get timely support from Taiyi Realm and mainly rely on their own strength to deal with various situations.

There is no unified will of heaven in the Gray River Realm, and many actions are instinctive reactions.

For these Taiyi Realm monks who rely on fire to gain a foothold in various places, the Gray River Realm cannot mobilize the power of the entire world to attack, and can only passively make some local reactions.

Of course, even a little power from the Gray River Realm is an unbearable burden for many Taiyi Realm monks.

Many monks from the Taiyi Realm fell under the attack of the Gray River Realm, and their fires were extinguished…

The senior officials of Taiyi Realm do not want to see such sacrifices, but they know that it is inevitable.

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