Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3666: Supplies

While in the void, Taiyi Realm can absorb various vitality in the void to nourish and strengthen itself.

The Taiyi Realm monks are collecting various resources from all over the void, including various worlds, to strengthen and grow the Taiyi Realm.


In the Gray River Realm, many people here also have very abundant vitality.

However, due to the completely different laws of heaven and earth, the vitality of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm is a kind of poison to the Taiyi Realm.

If absorbed directly, it can poison Taiyi Realm monks to death and harm Taiyi Realm.

In fact, after entering the unknown land outside the void, the power of heaven and earth in the Taiyi Realm temporarily isolated the inside and outside, sealing the Taiyi Realm, preventing any breath from the outside world from penetrating into its interior.

The Taiyi Realm has just entered the Gray River Realm. The monks have an unstable foothold, let alone collecting various resources.

Moreover, even if they take risks to collect resources here.

Except for a very small part, most resources need to be purified by special means before they can be absorbed and utilized by Taiyi World.

Meng Zhang is currently intensively analyzing the laws of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm.

With the help of the great scholar Zhu Zhen, he soon achieved some results.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen and his disciples have stayed in the Gray River territory for so long. It is impossible for them to just go in and out. There must be a way to obtain supplies from the outside world.

He had almost no secrets and shared these methods with Meng Zhang generously.

After some research, Meng Zhang taught some available methods to the senior officials of Taiyi World.

Soon, the senior officials in charge of Taiyi Realm’s defense system began to take action.

They deliberately let go of a little bit of defense, allowing wisps of energy from the Gray River Realm to penetrate into the Taiyi Realm.

Within Taiyi Realm, they have arranged a special area for processing these vitality.

As soon as these vitality entered the Taiyi Realm, they were blocked by the power of heaven and earth in the Taiyi Realm.

According to a special method, the senior officials of Taiyi Realm mobilized the power of heaven and earth in Taiyi Realm to completely crush these strands of vitality and analyze them bit by bit.

Then, the usable part is purified and absorbed by the huge power of Taiyi Realm.

At the beginning, due to their unskilled movements, the high-level people in Taiyi Realm were very slow and consumed a lot of money.

They spent a lot of time to allow Taiyi Realm to absorb a little bit of foreign energy, and they consumed more power for this, and they simply couldn’t make ends meet.

But as their movements become more and more proficient, the speed of analyzing foreign energy is greatly accelerated, and the consumption becomes smaller.

The Taiyi Realm itself is becoming more and more adaptable to these foreign energies.

After a period of time, the absorption finally exceeded the consumption.

This means that Taiyi Realm can finally get some supplements from the Gray River Realm, and has the confidence to persist for a long time.

Meng Zhang and the immortals in the Taiyi Realm are becoming more and more accustomed to the laws of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm, and can engage in large-scale battles here.

After a period of cleanup, the indigenous tribes in the area near Taiyi Realm were either driven away or eliminated by the teams led by the immortals.

During this process, whether it was driven by the power of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm or the stimulation brought by the Taiyi Realm to the Gray River Realm, the surrounding indigenous tribes took the initiative to launch an attack on the Taiyi Realm.

Lone monsters and groups of monsters of a certain size are constantly rushing towards Taiyi Realm.

In the sky above Taiyi Realm, thunder and lightning fall almost at any time.

Fireballs falling from the sky, meteorites falling, and hurricanes roaring also happen from time to time.


This is the power of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm cooperating with the attack.

The defenses of Taiyi Realm are impenetrable and can easily block these attacks.

The indigenous tribes and various monsters that took the initiative to attack the Taiyi Realm were massacred by the Taiyi Realm monks, and there were many corpses near the Taiyi Realm…

This round of offensive and defensive battle ended with a complete victory for the Ethereum World.

After the indigenous tribes and monsters in the surrounding areas were cleared, the attack in the Gray River Realm came to an end.

There are many indigenous tribes in the Gray River Realm, and the various monsters are almost endless.

However, the Gray River Realm is too vast, and the indigenous tribes and monsters further away will need more time to get here and join the attack on the Taiyi Realm.

Moreover, Taiyi Realm eliminated so many enemies in one go, which was a great shock to those who came after.

Most of the indigenous creatures in the Gray River Realm do not have a clear mind, and many are driven by instinct.

The power of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm can easily influence and control them.

But a large part of them still have the instinct of greed for life and fear of death. After discovering the power of Taiyi Realm, they may not dare to continue attacking.

What’s more important is that the leaders of the large indigenous tribes in the Gray River Realm are often sane enough and are not the kind of people who are completely confused.

The lives of their own family and the survival of their tribe are all issues they need to consider.

In the previous offensive and defensive battles, Meng Zhang had not yet taken action and relied solely on his Taiyi monks to achieve victory.

The kings of the Gray River Realm have long sensed the existence of Meng Zhang, a powerful man.

However, due to various reasons, they have not personally attacked Meng Zhang for the time being. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.comm

Neither Taiyi Realm nor Meng Zhang did much to hide their aura.

After those strong men in the Gray River Realm sense this kind of aura, they will not take action easily as long as they have some sense.

They either find a way to join forces, or seek help from someone stronger…

In a word, Taiyi Realm had a long time to prepare before they launched the offensive.

The longer the Taiyi Realm monks, especially those high-level monks, are left with, the more familiar and adaptable they will be to the laws of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm, and the more they will be able to exert their own combat effectiveness.

Most of the monks in the Taiyi Realm can only move around the Taiyi Realm, but high-level monks, especially the teams led by the immortals, are slowly moving away from the Taiyi Realm and exploring farther away.

The senior officials of Taiyi Realm are becoming more and more familiar with the situation in the Gray River Realm and have begun to make more accurate judgments.

They decided to take advantage of the precious time before the enemy’s next large-scale attack to work hard to expand their own power and strive for a more favorable situation.

Meng Zhang greatly agreed with this and provided them with great help.

After this period of analysis of the laws of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm, Meng Zhang has achieved a lot.

Some of them are conducive to the expansion of Taiyi Realm monks in the Gray River Realm.

He and the immortals in Taiyi Realm condensed their own immortal light into special talismans.

As long as a monk from the Taiyi Realm carries such a talisman with him, he can move freely in most places in the Gray River Realm.

Whether it is the oppression of the laws of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm or the invasion of various vitality, they will be blocked by the talisman.

Until the power of the talisman is exhausted, the monks wearing the talisman are safe.

In this way, Taiyi Realm can send more monks at the same time to conduct in-depth exploration in all directions of the Gray River Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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