Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3661: Meet

As soon as he approached the mountain peak, bursts of exciting reading sounds reached Meng Zhang’s ears.

Accompanied by these sonorous and powerful sounds of reading, the entire mountain seemed to be breathing, and awe-inspiring righteousness surged along with it.

There are many Confucian scholars sitting inside and outside the mountain peak.

Some of them were reciting sages’ articles loudly, some were debating loudly, and some were breathing in and out…

A tall and mighty Confucian scholar with a calm and imposing manner and a long beautiful beard was quietly waiting for Meng Zhang’s arrival in front of the mountain.

Just from the undisguised aura of the other party, you can know that the other party is the legendary scholar Zhu Zhen.

Meng Zhang quickly stepped forward to salute and greet him.

As the most powerful force in the void, it is normal for Taoist monks to look down on fellow monks from other systems.

Sometimes, Meng Zhang can’t help but have this kind of mentality.

But when he actually met the elites of other systems, such as the great scholar Zhu Zhen, Meng Zhang was still full of respect.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen greeted Meng Zhang politely and his attitude was very enthusiastic.

He has been staying here for many years, and this is probably the first time he has seen a monk of the same level from the void.

Even if the other party is not his comrade, just the fact that the other party can come here is worthy of his courtesy.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen led Meng Zhang into the mountain peak.

He entertained guests on a platform at the top of the mountain.

With Meng Zhang’s eyesight, he quickly discovered more mysteries about this mountain peak.

This is the embodiment of the great scholar Zhu Zhen’s personal cultivation.

He poured all his understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth and the classics he learned into this mountain peak.

This mountain peak has become a kind of existence similar to the kingdom of gods or the cave of heaven.

Within this mountain peak and its radiation range, the laws of heaven and earth in the Gray River Realm are shut out, and the laws of heaven and earth of the void are mainly at work.

From this mountain peak, we can also see the ambition of the great scholar Zhu Zhen.

This mountain peak is his foundation. Based on this, he will expand to the surrounding areas until it covers the entire Gray River Realm.

At that time, the laws of heaven and earth in the entire Gray River Realm will be completely changed and become the same as in the void.

The Gray River Realm will break away from the unknown land and be included in the embrace of the void.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen has the ability to open up unknown lands and can gain countless benefits from it.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen’s intention was consistent with Meng Zhang’s idea.

There may be some competition between them, but more should be cooperation.

Although it has not been long since he entered the Gray River Realm, Meng Zhang already has a preliminary understanding of the Gray River Realm based on the intelligence he collected and his own observations.

The Gray River Realm is too huge and cannot be eaten by the great scholar Zhu Zhen alone.

The following conversation between the two really proved some of Meng Zhang’s thoughts.

After the two sat down on the platform, Meng Zhang directly stated his purpose of coming without going around in circles.

He led Taiyi Realm into the Gray River Realm in order to conquer and control this place and completely transform it into a part of the void.

Although the great scholar Zhu Zhen stayed in the Gray River realm all year round and basically never went out, he was not completely isolated from the world.

From time to time, some outside explorers will come to the Gray River Realm.

These explorers usually come here to see him after arriving in the Gray River Realm.

Even if you can’t see him, you will still communicate with his disciples.

His disciples also maintain regular contact with their fellow disciples in Border City.

In a big world like Taiyi Realm that wanders in the void, except for the similar situation in Yunzhong City, there seems to be no other existence of the same level.

Many times, information related to Taiyi Realm is often spread as strange people and strange things.

Meng Zhang has been leading the Taiyi Realm in the void for some years.

Not to mention his past achievements, after he was promoted to Immortal Lord, his reputation quickly spread throughout almost the entire void.

His glorious deeds were quickly known to the powerful at the same level.

In the void, powerful people at the level of immortals maintain small circles and exchange some information with each other.

For some groups, the behavior, identity, background, cultivation and combat prowess of new immortals like Meng Zhang are the targets of their focus.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen naturally has his own small circle.

Given his personality and temperament, he naturally has many close friends.

After he was exiled to the Imchen Border Region, many people took the initiative to cut off contact with him, while some still maintained relations with him.

He has already heard some information about Meng Zhang and Taiyi Realm.

Judging from Meng Zhang’s deeds, he is by no means a mediocre person.

No matter what purpose he has in coming to the Gray River Realm, he will never settle for the status quo.

Meng Zhang’s words proved some of the great scholar Zhu Zhen’s earlier guesses.

After so many years in an unknown land, it was rare to meet a like-minded comrade. The great scholar Zhu Zhen was very happy.

The situation on the Renchen border area is far better than that of other border areas in the void.

The unknown land near the Renchen border area does not put much pressure on the void.

Whether it is the great scholar Zhu Zhen or Meng Zhang, if they are just satisfied with staying here safely, it will not be a big problem.

But if they want to make a difference and open up in unknown lands, they have to face many difficulties.

From Meng Zhang’s tone, the great scholar Zhu Zhen felt the other party’s unwavering determination.

Since the other party is interested in this, he will not hesitate to provide help to the best of his ability.

Moreover, he himself also wanted to ask for help from Meng Zhang.

The great scholar Zhu Zhen did not hide anything, he honestly told the whole story about his situation, and told about various situations in the Gray River Realm.

He had not fully revealed this information to the explorers who came to the Gray River Realm before.

This is not because he is hiding something, but even if he tells those people, they will not be able to help him much.

Meng Zhang’s cultivation level is similar to his, and he has a brilliant record. Maybe he is the good helper he has been waiting for.

It turns out that thousands of years ago, the great scholar Zhu Zhen led a group of disciples to the Gray River Realm.

He chose the Gray River Realm as the starting point for opening up an unknown land. It was not a random choice, but a decision he made after years of observation and in-depth thinking.

The Gray River Realm is located in an unknown land, and everything is deeply affected by the unknown land. The environment is completely different from the interior of the void.

But the Gray River Realm is, after all, a relatively closed world. While rejecting everything from within the void, it also blocks creatures from other areas of the unknown from intruding here.

He conquered and opened up in the Gray River Realm, and was less susceptible to further interference from unknown lands.

After he led a group of disciples here, he quickly achieved good results.

He first worked with his disciples to build this peak in a tributary of the Gray River as their base for conquering the Gray River realm.

Then they conquered the indigenous tribes on both sides of the tributary and civilized the Two-Face people.

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