Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3655: Imchen Frontier

If chaos monsters break into the void, they will often cause huge chaos.

The area that Meng Zhang and the others arrived at was not bad. The power outside the void did not penetrate here in a large scale. The number of chaotic monsters that broke in was not large and the frequency was not high.

The practitioners who rely on this place have always been able to withstand it.

When something unexpected happens, due to the existence of this wormhole passage, the practitioners behind can also provide timely support.

There is no big world in this area, and it is difficult to feel the light from inside the void. Naturally, there are no star regions.

Such a large area was named the Imchen Border Territory.

There are many border areas like this on the edge of the void.

In some places, not only do no practitioners dare to enter the void from there, but monks from all walks of life are also required to join forces to form a defense line to block the invasion of chaotic monsters.

Many powerful men of the Golden Immortal level in the void wander around these border areas all year round, and they have the task of monitoring the movements outside the void and killing the invading chaos monsters.

The Imchen Border Territory is not the hardest hit area by the invasion of chaos monsters.

Many practitioners can also enter unknown areas outside the void through the edge of Renchen.

One of the big reasons why the enemies of the sects that established Border City did not continue to hunt them down was that the powerful men at the Golden Immortal level in the void needed these sects in similar situations. The Frontier is established to defend against invaders from unknown regions beyond the void.

Many big forces within the void will also provide them with some assistance.

In addition, some cultivators and cultivating forces who have been expelled after committing serious crimes in the void are often exiled to the border areas to shoulder such important responsibilities.

When Meng Zhang was in the Shimian Star District, he had heard many things about Renchen’s Edge.

The senior officials of Taiyi Realm also collected a lot of relevant information through various means.

The Luojiofang City is full of idle people, and Meng Zhang does not take them seriously.

However, the inheritance of the several sects that established Border City is not weak, and they still retain a lot of strength.

The monks in these sects are very perseverant.

Back then, the wormhole passage leading here in the Ten Faces Star Region was not yet stable. They migrated in the void and took a long time to get here.

The void battleship that carried them here was dismantled by them and used as materials to build Border City.

They used local materials and collected various materials from the Imjin border area and even surrounding areas.

After the wormhole passage leading here in the Ten Faces Star Region was stabilized, monks from several sects passed through this passage, just like ants moving, slowly transporting a lot of materials, and finally Border City finally Construction successful.

Meng Zhang led Taiyi Realm just passing through here, and had no intention of participating in the disputes between local forces, let alone destroying the original pattern here.

Among the classics left by Taiyi Golden Immortal, there are many records about unknown places outside the void.

But this is information from many years ago.

The unknown land outside the void is an area far wider than the entire void, and the situation inside is changing almost at any time.

The situation in the area near the Imchen Border Territory is definitely different from other areas.

The reason why Qianyuan Jinxian directed him to take refuge in this direction was because of some considerations.

Before Qianyuan Jinxian was promoted to Jinxian, he had been here before and had some understanding of the situation here. He knew that the degree of danger here ranked low among many border areas.

Of course, even so, this direction is still very dangerous.

Meng Zhang led Taiyi Realm to the unknown area outside the void to seek refuge, not to die.

Before entering, he had better collect all kinds of relevant information and understand the environment inside so as to avoid places that are too dangerous.

Taiyijie slowly moved forward.

A famous immortal took off from Taiyi Realm and flew to the surrounding strongholds to visit his principal on behalf of Meng Zhang.

Although these surrounding strongholds are small in size and shabby in appearance, and there are not many practitioners inside, they are basically high-level monks, and among them there is more than one powerful person at the level of Immortal Lord.

Thinking about it, it is difficult for ordinary low-level monks to reach here.

After arriving here, it is difficult to have the ability to protect yourself.

If you want to explore unknown areas outside the void, you need at least a true immortal level of strength.

Among the surrounding strongholds, there are not many real explorers, but more monks who serve these explorers.

Meng Zhang was in charge of Taiyi Realm and did not go out personally.

Although he is a junior among the immortals, he is full of vigor and is on the rise.

As far as he knows, most of the powerful immortals here are old and depressed.

Theoretically speaking, a powerful person at the level of an Immortal will generally not die due to exhaustion of his lifespan, and it seems that he can survive forever.

What really kills the powerful Immortal Masters are various internal and external disasters.

The reason why the powerful Immortal Masters here look old and decayed is because of their mentality and state.

Some of them were seriously injured in their early years and have not recovered yet; some have been trapped in this situation for many years, their ambitions have not been extended, their paths have been cut off, and they have long been discouraged…

In a word, the Immortal Masters here at the Book Garden are all unsuccessful losers. They have lost their ambition and are just waiting here for the end of their lives.

Meng Zhang will not look down upon them, but he will not have much respect for them either.

Next, Taiyi Realm will inevitably have to deal with these local snakes.

Meng Zhang’s tough attitude will prevent these guys from trying to take too many advantages from the Taiyi world and be more honest in future transactions.

Meng Zhang was arrogant and domineering when facing these veteran immortal-level experts, and other practitioners would not even think of relying on their old skills and being unruly in front of him.

Faced with a famous envoy sent by the Taiyi Realm, all forces showed great respect, and almost all the senior officials in charge came forward to receive them.

This is not only a matter of pressure from Taiyi Realm, but also of practical needs.

Due to the limited capacity of the wormhole passage from the Ten Faces Star Region to the Imchen Frontier, it is often difficult for the Imchen Frontier to obtain timely supplies, and many supplies are in short supply all year round.

The arrival of Taiyi World, a large world with rich products, can be said to be a timely rain.

With the strength of the Ethereum World, they certainly cannot grab it head-on and can only conduct transactions honestly.

Given how barren the Renchen Border Territory is, there is not much material available for exchange.

The leaders of the various forces can only please the envoys of Taiyi Realm in the hope of obtaining some convenience in the subsequent transactions.

These visiting envoys from the Taiyi Realm represented Meng Zhang’s will and also brought a certain degree of goodwill.

They told the surrounding cultivation forces that the Taiyi Realm would not stay here for long, but they could have in-depth exchanges with everyone.

Next, Taiyi World welcomes everyone to trade and get what you need…

Thanks to my old friend Tianshuzi1 for the reward and support.

(End of this chapter)

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