Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3644: 10 star areas

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God Jinfu and Meng Zhang are neither relatives nor friends, and have nothing to do with each other. Of course, they will not care about his life and death.

He was just weighing the pros and cons and what impact it would have if he agreed to Meng Zhang’s use of the road.

In addition, his nature as a businessman has not changed, and he is also thinking about whether his family and the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance can benefit from this matter.

While he was thinking, he also secretly discussed with other senior business alliance executives in the Shimian Star District.

Of course, regardless of whether he agrees to borrow the passage or not, he will not neglect Meng Zhang.

He did not directly answer whether he agreed or not, but talked nonsense with Meng Zhang for a long time.

Probably after discussing it with other senior executives, he started to get down to business.

He sighed first, with a troubled look on his face.

According to him, Meng Zhang’s original request for borrowing the road was just a trivial matter, and the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance welcomed Taiyi World to transit here.

But now, there is a difficulty.

The Ten Faces Star District is a vast star district with a very special internal environment that is rare in the entire void.

There are originally more than one natural wormhole passage here, and the space structure of the entire star region is not very stable.

In the beginning, this place was a famously dangerous place in the void, with space storms raging everywhere and space cracks almost everywhere…

About tens of thousands of years ago, God Jin Fu and a group of colleagues came to this place and were keenly aware of the business opportunities.

They spent countless efforts and invested massive resources to stabilize this star region.

Not only did they improve and strengthen the original wormhole passage, they also built a new one.

These wormhole passages lead to all parts of the void, turning this place into an out-and-out traffic thoroughfare, which is why the Ten Faces Star District got its name.

They took root here and worked hard to build this place.

After years of hard work, they have built the Shimian Star District into a famous and prosperous place in the void.

The Ten Faces Merchant Alliance sits on such a treasured land and has the convenience of commerce, and it quickly developed into one of the few commercial organizations in the void.

A major source of regular income for the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance is to collect tolls, or usage fees, from practitioners who use the wormhole passage.

The specific charges will be determined based on the distance of the wormhole channel, the number of travelers, the cargo capacity, etc.

The Taiyi Realm and the Shimian Merchant Alliance have no enmity or enmity, they are just taking advantage of each other. Logically speaking, just pay the fees normally.

This is also a major reason why Meng Zhang is willing to lead Taiyi Realm here.

God Jin Futian now looked troubled, which surprised Meng Zhang.

He didn’t show off this time and quickly explained to Meng Zhang in detail.

There are multiple wormhole passages inside and outside the Ten Faces Star Region, leading to different places.

Among them, the destination is the closest to the unknown area outside the void, and it is also the wormhole passage that Meng Zhang wants to use. It is not stable in itself, and usually requires a lot of energy from the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance to maintain it. Barely used.

It would be okay if it was used by Meng Zhang or a few practitioners, but it would be very difficult for such a huge creature in Taiyi Realm to pass through it.

If one fails, the Taiyi Realm will collapse the wormhole channel alive, and it will be lost in the turbulence of space.

God Jin Futian did not deliberately embarrass Meng Zhang, but the conditions were like this.

Neither the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance nor Taiyi Realm should bear such risks.

After listening to Jin Futianshen’s words, Meng Zhang initially thought that this was a bargaining method, and that the other party was going to give him a heavy toll.

Although it hurt a little, considering the time saved on the road, he still negotiated with the other party softly and said that the price was easy to negotiate.

God Jin Futian smiled bitterly after hearing Meng Zhang’s words.

He didn’t say much, but invited Meng Zhang to go with him to see the situation of the wormhole passage.

Meng Zhang readily agreed to the invitation.

So, Meng Zhang followed Jinfu Tianshen and soon arrived not far from the wormhole passage.

This wormhole passage is located at the edge of the Shimen Star District, and its location is relatively remote.

As usual, the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance built a void fortress nearby to guard this wormhole passage.

On weekdays, except for the patrol team of the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance, few people approach this place.

The unknown areas outside the void are too dangerous, far more dangerous than the well-known dangerous places in the void. Except for a few desperadoes or guys with special reasons, almost no one is willing to go there.

The frequency of use of this wormhole channel is naturally very low.

Of course, the unknown areas outside the void are not unattractive.

The laws of heaven and earth outside the void are very different or even completely different from those inside the void, giving birth to many rare treasures that are not found inside the void.

These rare treasures are often of great use to high-level monks, especially those who practice special techniques.

As far as Meng Zhang knows, some special resources born outside the void are very useful to the Immortal Lord and even the Golden Immortal.

Even a strong person at the level of a golden immortal would find it difficult to roam freely in the unknown areas outside the void.

So, if you offend a powerful person at the Golden Immortal level and find Shuyuan and have nowhere to stay in the void, then escaping to the unknown area outside the void becomes a feasible option.

Of course, most of these escapees did not die at the hands of their enemies, but fell into various dangers outside the void.

It is precisely because of the need that the Ten Faces Merchant Alliance retained this wormhole passage and spent a lot of energy on maintaining it.

With Meng Zhang’s eyesight, as long as he came near this wormhole passage, he knew that the other party had not lied before without Jin Futian having to say anything.

The state of this wormhole passage is indeed not suitable for a behemoth like Taiyi Realm to pass through.

He sensed the spatial fluctuations coming from inside and fell into a period of thought.

If you want to make this wormhole channel stable, even if the Immortal Lord takes action, it will be difficult to do it.

While he was thinking, he glanced at Jin Fu Tianshen next to him, and an idea flashed in his mind.

He saluted God Jin Futian and respectfully asked him for advice on how to allow Taiyi Realm to safely pass through this wormhole passage.

As the overlord of the void, Taoist cultivators are often very arrogant in front of monks from other systems.

Many immortals in the Taoist sect would not even look down upon even the God Emperor, let alone the ordinary late-stage gods.

God Jin Futian suffered a lot when he dealt with the Taoist Immortal Lord before.

Although he is a businessman and doesn’t mind the attitude of these immortals, but after a long time, he will inevitably have some grudges in his heart.

Now that an immortal like Meng Zhang bows his head to him and asks for advice, his self-esteem is greatly satisfied. He has not been so happy in a long time.

He pondered for a moment and enjoyed the feeling.

Of course, as a cunning businessman, he never forgot business.

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