Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3629: Meet

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In the view of Yunxin Bodhisattva, the main goal of Guishen Haiyou should be to eliminate Taimiao and complete the mission of the Red Sea God System.

The other party should have asked to meet him just to be sure and eliminate all unexpected factors that would affect the battle situation.

Since the other party wants something from him, he can put forward some excessive conditions.

For example, asking him to obtain more benefits after defeating Tai Miao.

Shortly after Yunxin Bodhisattva and Guishen Haiyou agreed on a time and place to meet, the two parties met smoothly.

After meeting, Yunxin Bodhisattva was very friendly on the surface, but secretly he was always looking for opportunities to plot against the other party.

Guishen Haiyou did not talk to the other party, and made a request straight to the point, asking Yunxin Bodhisattva to hand over the things he obtained from the Underworld Emperor’s treasure house.

You don’t need any of his other treasures, he only needs the inheritance left by the Underworld Emperor.

For this reason, he was willing to pay a sufficient price and make a deal with Yunxin Bodhisattva.

After hearing this, Yunxin Bodhisattva was stunned for a moment, and then denied that he had obtained the treasure in the treasure house.

Kishen Haiyou thought that his attitude was sincere enough, his posture was very low, and his conditions were sincere, but the other party pretended to be confused with him.

This made his anger suddenly rise.

Because he cared too much about the inheritance left by the Hades Emperor, it was difficult for him to control his emotions.

His next tone was not very good, implying a threat.

Yunxin Bodhisattva, who is proficient in the way of inner demons, is very good at controlling the psychological changes of others.

The more excited Onishen Kaiyu becomes, the more opportunities he can find to arouse the inner demons of the other party.

For him, it is best to be able to arouse the opponent’s inner demons and successfully plot against the opponent.

Only when this road fails will cooperation be reached with the other party.

Now that the opportunity has arisen, he has no reason to let it go.

So, he deliberately evaded his words to cause the other party to misunderstand, just to anger the other party.

When the other party is very angry and cannot help but have an attack, he will make verbal concessions to give the other party a little hope and temporarily appease the other party.

He is a master who is good at playing with people’s hearts. In just a few words, he can successfully stir up the other person’s emotions and create flaws in his mind.

A powerful person like Guishen Haiyu, who is a late-stage god, should not be in such a bad situation.

Many ghosts, gods and ghosts in the underworld do not pay much attention to the cultivation of character, but only blindly pursue powerful power.

Ghost Sea Tour is no exception.

After he joined the Red Sea God System, he never received any guidance in this regard.

During these years, due to the infighting within the Red Sea Gods, he suffered a lot of ostracism, which made him very unhappy and depressed.

In order to avoid giving the senior officials of the Red Sea God Department an excuse to attack, he has been suppressing his emotions, and on the surface he has always looked loyal and honest.

By chance, he obtained a treasure house left by the Hades Emperor who ruled this area.

The treasure house is located in an area far away from here. The layout inside is very simple, and the things left behind are naturally far inferior to the treasure house Meng Zhang and the others found.

But it was the discovery in that treasure house that gave Guishen Haiyou a huge harvest, and he also saw the hope of changing his destiny and having a better future.

In that treasure house, there is no complete inheritance of the Hades Emperor. There is only one Hades weapon, some cultivation resources, and a few words left by the Hades Emperor.

From these few words, he learned about the existence of other treasure houses, and also knew that other treasure houses contained the inheritance left by the Hades Emperor.

Although he did not receive the inheritance left by the Hades Emperor, he could feel the power of the Hades Emperor from the Hades weapon he left behind.

More importantly, he saw the way forward for his own practice from this great power.

After he first invested in the Red Sea God System, he did gain many benefits and his cultivation improved rapidly.

But over the years, it has become increasingly difficult for him to benefit from the Red Sea God System, and his cultivation has stagnated for many years.

He originally thought that he had no way forward, but now that he saw the hope of continuing to improve his cultivation, he was of course overjoyed.

As long as he gets the inheritance from the Hades Emperor, his cultivation level can reach a higher level.

Unfortunately, he did not know where the other treasure troves left by the Hades Emperor were.

He spent a lot of effort searching and searching for relevant clues.

At this time, Taimiao relied on the late god’s cultivation level to conquer this area by force.

The lords in this area had to ask for help from the outside world.

The Earth Mother Goddess is very hostile to Meng Zhang, but it is hard to take action against him directly.

In the Earth Mother God System, which is very powerful in the underworld, the news is always well-informed, and I just received the news released by those lords.

The Earth Mother Goddess does not know the true relationship between Tai Miao and Meng Zhang. They only know that the ghost **** Tai Miao has a close relationship with Meng Zhang and has helped him fight many times.

Since we can’t attack Meng Zhang directly, we should first deal with his lackluster behavior and weaken his help.

After getting a hint from the Earth Mother God Department, the Red Sea God Department asked Guishen Haiyou to come to this area to deal with Taimiao.

This area was once the area ruled by the Hades Emperor. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. Although com was completely destroyed, there might still be some clues left.

Moreover, Guishen Haiyou, who had long wanted to get rid of the Red Sea God System, also felt that he could establish his own business in this area.

If he is lucky enough, maybe he can inherit the legacy of the Hades Emperor, get the protection of his remaining energy, and create a new world here.

In line with the idea of ​​​​keeping both public and private interests in mind, he quickly came here at the invitation of those lords.

After he arrived here, he was not in a hurry to start a war with Taimiao. Instead, he visited various local lords to find out various information about this place.

Secretly, he traveled almost all over the area, trying to find clues to the treasure house.

The treasure house was hidden too secretly. With the information provided by Qianyuan Golden Immortal, Tai Miao found it with great difficulty.

Kishen Haiyou searched aimlessly, but to no avail.

Later, due to a strange combination of circumstances, he even misunderstood the Great Bodhisattva Yun Xin.

Now, the desire in his heart is being used by the other party, and he can easily be manipulated by the other party.

Seeing a flaw in the other person’s mind, the Great Bodhisattva Yunxin began to secretly try to stir up the inner demons of the other person.

At the beginning, his actions were relatively smooth, and he had successfully planted seeds deep in the opponent’s mind, preparing him for more actions to follow.

It seems that Yunxin Bodhisattva was too unlucky. Just when he was about to take further action, a treasure on Guishen Haiyou suddenly alerted him and woke him up in time.

Kishen Kaiyu suddenly understood.

The other party was simply deceiving himself before, and never thought of handing over the inheritance left by the Hades Emperor to him.

Everything the other party did was to cover up his despicable behavior, and he was designed and plotted by the other party.

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