Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3619: Enhance

The so-called Underworld Emperor is a person who controls at least one reincarnation pool, controls a large territory, and dominates the underworld.

The lords of the underworld can obtain the blessing of the territory, and their strength will be greatly increased when they are in and around the territory.

The King of Hades not only received the blessing of his own territory, but also had the authority of the underworld and was able to obtain the blessing of the entire underworld.

According to the strength and power of the Hades Emperor, the authority he holds varies, and the blessings he receives vary in strength.

But even the weakest Emperor of Hades can easily crush most of the lords of the underworld.

Through the reincarnation pool, the underworld emperors can display many special abilities.

The Emperor of Hades, who fights at home in the underworld, is even more difficult to fight against the immortals, bodhisattvas and other beings who come to the underworld.

The Pluto Emperor who ruled this area at that time built many treasure houses to store various treasures, various resources, etc.

After a long time, some of these treasure houses were damaged, and some were discovered by latecomers…

According to the information obtained by Qianyuan Jinxian, there is still a treasure house that is well preserved and located in a nearby area.

In this treasure house, there seem to be several powerful underworld weapons.

The so-called underworld weapon is a special artifact that contains the power of the underworld emperor, or the original power of the underworld.

For the ghosts and gods in the underworld, almost every underworld weapon is a rare treasure and the goal they strive for desperately.

If Tai Miao can obtain these underworld weapons, he will definitely be able to greatly improve his combat effectiveness.

Although the Qianyuan Golden Immortal cannot directly come to the underworld to participate in the war, it can still play an active role through various methods.

Tai Miao doesn’t even have a combat artifact, let alone a ghost weapon.

If he had the right underworld weapon in hand, he might really be able to gain a great advantage when dealing with the powerful enemies he faced.

The treasure house is hidden deep in the earth’s veins of the underworld, and ordinary gods-level experts cannot get close to it.

Qianyuan Jinxian has not investigated on the spot, but the information he has is relatively reliable.

He told Tai Miao and Meng Zhang all the relevant information he knew.

They should be able to find the whereabouts of the treasure house based on the information provided by Qianyuan Jinxian.

After talking to Meng Zhang, the human-shaped light and shadow disappeared.

Qianyuan Jinxian is not only very busy now, but also seems to be involved in something. It is not easy to project his spiritual thoughts to the underworld.

After the problem was temporarily solved, he immediately withdrew this spiritual thought.

After Meng Zhang and Tai Miao fully communicated, they returned to the Yangshi first.

Meng Zhang is an outsider after all, and it is not good for him to stay in the underworld for a long time.

He always comes and goes in a hurry, and will leave in time when he is done.

Next, Tai Miao is active in the underworld.

When needed, he will summon Meng Zhang to come to the underworld.

Taimiao followed the method taught by Qianyuan Jinxian and took control of the three statues and the group of Taoist soldiers in the secret room.

After that, these three statues continued to stay in the secret room to accumulate strength and guard this place.

He returned to the center of his territory with this new group of Taoist soldiers.

Although the area where the city’s ruins are located has been included in his territory, it is still on the edge of the territory.

Due to the terrain and other conditions here, it is difficult to assemble an army here.

After he returned to the center of the territory, he carefully arranged these Taoist soldiers and successfully integrated them into his command.

When he followed Meng Zhang to the Tomb of All Gods, he also had some good gains.

He captured some gods, ghosts and evil things…

After that, because he never got free time, he never had time to process these gains.

Now, taking advantage of his free time before the war, he dealt with these things first and worked hard to enhance the combat effectiveness of his men.

Abominations are especially useful when targeting gods.

Although the evil spirits also have a certain restraint effect on ghosts and gods, especially those who follow the path of belief in gods, they are too crazy and chaotic, and they do not have enough sense at all, and their minds are completely in chaos.

In the world of spiritual practice, I have never heard of any master who has truly tamed the evil spirits.

Of course, being unable to tame divine evil does not mean that you cannot use divine evil.

When Meng Zhang dueled with the God Emperor Guilei in the Tomb of the Ten Thousand Gods, he made full use of the evil’s deep-seated hatred for the gods, letting him entangle his opponent and buy him enough time to cast spells.

Tai Miao is also unable to tame these gods now, and has no use for them for the time being. He can only continue to imprison them and wait for the opportunity to use them.

The number of ghosts he captured in the Tomb of All Gods was not large, but they were all rare and powerful ones, and each had a special role.

These ghosts also have no sense at all, are cruel and vicious in nature, and are very difficult to communicate with.

However, Taimiao has too many ways to deal with ghosts.

As a top ghost **** and the lord of the underworld, he naturally has strong suppression power over most ghosts.

The lords of the underworld are particularly good at ruling and controlling ghosts.

As the inheritor of the Golden Immortal, Meng Zhang also mastered many Taoist secret methods of expelling gods and controlling ghosts. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Taimiao didn’t spend too much time to surrender these ghosts one by one and let them join his army.

The strongest among these ghosts are just the early cultivation of gods. However, because they were born and grew up in the special environment of Tomb of the Gods, they basically all have some special abilities.

Their joining has greatly enhanced the overall strength of Tai Miao’s army of ghosts.

The last thing Taimiao dealt with was the few ferocious things he captured.

The so-called ferocious things are not actually a race or a practice system, but a collective name for those special beings who are powerful, ferocious, and difficult to communicate with.

Especially in places that are lifeless and full of resentment, it is especially easy for evil things to be born.

Before the Junchen Realm was destroyed, many ghosts and gods in the underworld started a life-and-death battle, and a large number of ghosts and gods fell in a short period of time.

In the battlefield where they were buried, some terrible things were born.

Of course, because the level of the world in Junchen Realm is not high, the level of power in the underworld is limited, and the so-called ferocious things that are born are not even at the level of true gods.

And the evil thing that Taimiao is now imprisoning comes from the Tomb of the All Gods.

The Tomb of the Gods is the battlefield where Shinto emerged in the ancient times. Countless gods and their enemies died and fell there.

At the height of the battle, the real gods were no better than dogs and gods were walking around the streets.

According to legend, there were even strong men of the main **** level who died there.

After hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, it may have become one of the most resentful places in the void.

In addition to the evil beings, there are also many ghosts and dangerous things born there.

Under such an environment, no matter what level of ferocious thing is born, I am afraid that everyone will not find it strange.

(End of this chapter)

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