Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3618: Cooperation

Meng Zhang just glanced at the human figure, quickly lowered his head, and together with Tai Miao, gave him a respectful salute.

This humanoid light and shadow should be the projection of Qianyuan Golden Immortal’s spiritual thoughts, representing his will.

The human-shaped light and shadow swayed slightly, and a lot of information entered Meng Zhang and Tai Miao’s minds.

He had already seen through the true relationship between Meng Zhang and Tai Miao back then.

As a ghost and god, Taimiao has developed in the underworld for many years and has achieved good results, and he has long seen it.

As the top secret master of Taoism, he is not only proficient in the secret calculation method, but also good at seeing through people’s hearts.

Back then, he asked Tai Miao and Meng Zhang to enter the ruins of the city, thinking that they would find the reincarnation pool that was about to appear.

After that, Taimiao expanded his territory and brought the ruins of the city under his control. Although he was not in the underworld, he could still see it through some reserved means.

He could see through Meng Zhanghe Taimiao’s thoughts at a glance.

Many powerful people and powerful forces in the world of cultivation will make plans in the underworld.

Qianyuan Golden Immortal is naturally no exception.

He had made arrangements in the underworld in his early years, and luckily found clues to this reincarnation pool.

He is alone. After all, his time and energy are limited, and he cannot invest too much in the underworld.

Before he is promoted to the Golden Immortal, his main focus will be on reaching the Golden Immortal realm.

After successfully being promoted to the Golden Immortal, the karma he forged for the Golden Immortal realm in his early years, the favors he owed, and the promises he made made him always feel exhausted.

As for the affairs of the underworld, it can only be left to the end.

After finally handling various affairs in Yangshi, he encountered an ambush by Namo Riyueguang Buddha and others, and therefore fell into a series of disputes.

This is really a tree trying to be quiet but the wind is not stopping.

Seeing that the day when the reincarnation pool was born was getting closer, he was still not sure that he could completely control it.

He is determined to win this upcoming pool of reincarnation and will never give up easily.

As a golden immortal, it is true that he has great magical powers, but it is difficult for him to directly intervene in various battles in the underworld.

His arrangements in the underworld are far from enough to participate in the competition for the reincarnation pool.

At this time, Meng Zhanghe Taimiao’s move was equivalent to taking the initiative to come to his door, which just solved his urgent need.

He had been pretending to be confused before and did not take the initiative to speak out on this issue. He was just waiting for Meng Zhang to take the initiative to talk to him so that he could take more initiative.

He was optimistic about Meng Zhang, a junior, and was willing to help him and was very generous to him. However, when important interests like the Samsara Pond were involved, he still had to weigh every penny he spent.

Of course, if Meng Zhang and Tai Miao can really endure it and remain silent, they may not be able to sit still when Samsara Pond is born.

Now that Meng Zhang encountered a powerful enemy in the underworld because of Tai Miao, he had to take the initiative to seek help from Qianyuan Jinxian and put forward his own demands.

Fortunately, Qianyuan Jinxian is also willing to cooperate. Meng Zhang and Taimiao are the best partners. To master the reincarnation pool, Taimiao’s power is indispensable.

Therefore, Qianyuan Jinxian still acted like a generous elder. He did not make things too difficult for him, but only made some requests of his own.

The cooperation conditions he proposed seemed fair.

Although Meng Zhang was somewhat passive, he still tried his best to strive for better conditions.

He is not only doing it for his own family, but also for the future of Taiyi Sect and even the entire Taiyi world.

He and the humanoid light and shadow transformed by Qianyuan Golden Immortal’s divine thoughts went back and forth and argued for a long time.

The two are very sincere in cooperation and regard each other as the best partner.

So although the debate was fierce, it did not ruin the atmosphere.

After some bargaining, the two finally reached a cooperation agreement.

According to the agreement, after the reincarnation pool is born, Qianyuan Jinxian will fully support Taimiao in seizing control of the reincarnation pool and becoming the Hades Emperor.

After the event is completed, both parties will share all the proceeds from the reincarnation pool.

As for the specific distribution ratio and various details of sharing, both parties have made relatively detailed agreements.

Before this, Qianyuan Golden Immortal will hand over the power he deployed in the underworld to Taimiao to help the other party consolidate its rule, expand its territory, etc.

In fact, Qianyuan Golden Immortal’s power in the underworld is very limited, which is the main reason why he has to cooperate with Meng Zhang and the others.

The three statues in this secret room, after activation, can display the strength of the mid-stage gods.

This is also the strongest power Qianyuan Golden Immortal has left in the underworld.

Although these three statues have strong spirituality, they are not real creatures after all. They still appear to be relatively rigid at times, and their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of most gods of the same level.

These three statues have stayed in this secret room all year round, absorbing the energy deep in the earth’s veins and turning it into driving force.

Its ability to continue fighting is not very strong and it cannot fight for too long at a time.

The Qianyuan Golden Immortal left arrangements in this secret room so that his spiritual thoughts could be projected into the underworld.

The main task of these three statues is to protect the layout here.

In addition, there are more than ten special Tao soldiers hidden in this secret room. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

These Taoist soldiers were carefully refined by the Qianyuan Golden Immortal and were specially used for fighting in the underworld.

They are just ordinary Taoist soldiers at the true **** level, but after fighting in formation and cooperating with each other, they can resist the strong men at the **** level.

Moreover, they can also be dispersed into a large army and serve as the backbone of an army, improving the combat effectiveness of the entire army.

For Tai Miao, it would be very helpful if he could control such a force.

Not to mention anything else, those three statues are at least mid-level gods in combat effectiveness, which can greatly make up for the lack of such strong men under his command.

In addition, although Qianyuan Golden Immortal could not directly provide more combat power, he provided a valuable piece of news to Tai Miao.

The underworld has a long history. After many places have experienced vicissitudes of life, their relevant information has long been lost.

The area where Taimiao is now is now a remote part of the underworld, with very poor resources, not much better than a wasteland.

But in ancient times, this place was once prosperous.

A few years ago, this area was ruled by a powerful Hades Emperor.

Later, in a war that almost affected the entire underworld, this area was turned into a white field due to the fighting between many strong men.

Mountains collapsed, mineral veins disappeared, rivers were destroyed…

Even the Hades Emperor who ruled this place fell in a series of battles.

From then on, this area seemed to have been forgotten by the entire underworld.

After many years, the natives of the underworld began to be slowly reborn here.

Strong men were born among the natives and began to build territories.

Coupled with the arrival of some strong foreigners who were unable to gain a foothold in the prosperous areas of the underworld for various reasons, the current situation slowly formed.

(End of this chapter)

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