Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3588: Tomb of the Gods

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More than five years have passed since the last battle with the God Emperor Guerei.

During this period of time, Meng Zhang has not been idle.

In addition to diligently practicing daily, he also made some targeted preparations.

Although the dispute between the Immortal Way and the Shinto Way is not the current mainstream in the void, there are many grievances and battles between the two sides in their history.

Many senior immortals have a history of cutting down mountains and destroying temples, killing and subduing gods.

Thus, the predecessors of the immortals invented and summarized many secret methods specifically for the gods.

There are many such records in the inheritance of Taiyi Golden Immortal that Meng Zhang received.

Of course, God Emperor Gailei is not that kind of wild hairy god, but comes from the Earth Mother God System with the main **** sitting there.

Many of the weaknesses unique to indigenous gods do not exist in him at all.

Many secret techniques and methods that specifically target the gods’ weaknesses may not necessarily have much effect against him.

Very few of the secret techniques invented and summarized by the senior immortals are effective.

Although it is barely effective, its effect is very limited.

Be prepared in advance. It is better to be prepared than not to be prepared at all.

In just over five years, it was impossible for Meng Zhang’s cultivation to make significant progress, but it was barely enough for him to study such techniques.

More importantly, the secret arrangement made by Qianyuan Jinxian greatly improved his final chance of winning.

It turns out that when the Earth Mother Goddess proposed the duel location between Meng Zhang and God Emperor Guilei, they had an idea and wanted them to duel in the Tomb of the Gods.

The Tomb of the Gods was originally a battlefield in ancient times.

In the process of the rise of Shinto civilization, it has also experienced countless challenges and faced countless powerful enemies.

It is in this place, Tomb of the Gods, that many battles that decided the fate of Shinto broke out.

Countless gods died in battle here, and many powerful men from all sides were buried here.

After the successful rise of Shinto, Shinto senior officials named this place the Tomb of All Gods to commemorate the ancestors of the gods who died in battle.

Later, many gods from different forces would come to this place and sit here when their longevity was about to be completely exhausted.

These gods will have some arrangements before they sit down and die.

For example, build a special tomb and arrange a forbidden circle to protect your body.

Some will leave behind some test methods so that future generations of gods can inherit their legacy.


Slowly, a tradition was formed in Shinto, and many gods regarded the Tomb of the Gods as their final destination.

The Shinto high-level officials specially sent strong men to protect and maintain this place.

Around the Tomb of the Ten Thousand Gods, it is not surprising to encounter the main god, let alone the gods and emperors.

In the Tomb of the Gods, there are the corpses of countless gods, as well as the inheritance and treasures they left behind.

Especially in the ancient wars, countless strong men from all sides died here, leaving behind countless valuable things.

Many practitioners in the void will enter this place to explore and have adventures.

It is true that many practitioners have achieved rich harvests.

Of course, more practitioners were buried in it and never came out.

The Tomb of All Gods is a famous and dangerous place in the void.

The battles in ancient times left this place riddled with holes and created more natural dangers.

The strong men from all sides who died in battle here had amazing fighting prowess during their lifetimes. After their deaths, their resentment was soaring, and they transformed into all kinds of strange and ferocious things.

In fact, the sky-high resentment and extreme unwillingness have become substantial, creating countless dangerous and unpredictable environments where authenticity is difficult to distinguish.

The danger in the edge area of ​​Tomb of the Gods is still controllable.

In its depths, it is difficult for immortals and gods to escape unscathed once they are in danger.

Over the years, the number of powerful men at the level of immortals and gods who have been buried in the Tomb of All Gods has long been countless.

Of course, because the wealth inside is so amazing, even such a dangerous place cannot stop explorers.

Many cultivating forces, especially Shinto cultivating forces, even regard this place as an important training ground to train their disciples.

The Shinto high-level officials have long regarded the Tomb of the Gods as their own reservation.

It’s just that the Tomb of the Gods area is too big for them to completely block it.

They tried their best, but could only barely guarantee that most of the exploration teams entering the Tomb of the Gods were from Shinto forces.

Many gods wander around the Tomb of the Gods all year round, just to drive away exploration teams from other systems.

Even if they have worked very hard, there will still be many fish that slip through the net and sneak into the Tomb of the Gods.

In addition, in order to avoid making too many enemies, those practitioners of other systems with profound backgrounds and extraordinary strength will often turn a blind eye and allow them to pass safely.

However, in general, most of the cultivating forces in the void still respect the sphere of influence of Shinto, and regard Tomb of the Gods as the preserve of Shinto.

At the very least, the cultivation forces of all parties will not openly invade the Tomb of the Gods.

Even when it was necessary to enter the Tomb of the Gods, it was done secretly, leaving enough face for the Shinto side.

Due to the continuous efforts of Shinto senior leaders over the years, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. comMany places in Tomb of the Gods have been explored clearly.

More importantly, through their years of spellcasting, the laws of heaven and earth have changed in a large part of the Tomb of the Gods.

When gods enter these places, they can quickly adapt to the laws of heaven and earth here, obtain the convenience of the land, and even obtain some inexplicable blessings.

The duel location set by the Earth Mother Goddess is not far from these places.

God Emperor Gailei only needs a little movement to move the battlefield to these places.

It seems that the Earth Mother Goddess still attaches great importance to this duel.

Even though they had full confidence in God Emperor Gere, they still worked hard to help him expand their advantages to ensure nothing went wrong.

In addition, God Emperor Gailei has explored the Tomb of the Gods many times and lived in it for a long time.

The reason why he was able to rise within the Earth Mother God System, come from behind, and obtain the position of God Emperor.

One of the important reasons is that he has made a lot of gains in the Tomb of the Ten Thousand Gods and obtained many legacies from his predecessors.

Not only is he very familiar with many places in Tomb of the Gods, he also has rich experience in fighting here.

Dueling Meng Zhang in the Tomb of the Gods, he could be said to be at ease, and he was undoubtedly at home.

Of course, the reason why Qianyuan Jinxian agreed to this duel location also had his own considerations.

The senior officials of the Earth Mother God System, including the God Emperor Gai Lei, only knew that Tai Miao, a powerful ghost and god, had betrayed the Shinto, defected to Meng Zhang, and became his thug.

But they don’t know that Tai Miao and Meng Zhang have a special relationship. The two are the relationship between the incarnation and the deity.

Essentially, the two are one.

Taimiao is not only a ghost, but also a believer in gods. He also has many attributes of gods. (End of chapter)

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