Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3567: Arrival

Latest website: Although Meng Zhang didn’t know whether the Tianshen Temple had a similar arrangement near the Lingju star area, out of caution, the place where he left the counterspace was far away from the Lingju star area.

At this location, even if there are spatial fluctuations, the powerful people near the Lingju Star Zone should not be able to sense them.

Of course, if he wants to rush to the Lingju Star Area now, he has to fly there bit by bit.

In order to hide his figure, the noise caused by his flight must be as small as possible, and the use of many escape techniques has been restricted.

After Meng Zhang finished synchronizing information with Tai Miao, he also contacted Tai Yijie once.

The Taiyi Realm is on the way, and there is still a long way to go from the Lingju Star Region.

The situation in the Lingju Star District seems critical, but it has not yet reached a complete collapse.

There is no need to worry about Meng Zhang.

Of course, even with many restrictions and the need to hide his whereabouts, Meng Zhang’s flying speed is still very fast.

He identified the direction of the Lingju Star Area in the void and quickly moved over.

After a long journey, he finally arrived at a place not far outside the Lingju Star District.

In the void, a huge fleet stood proudly.

Meng Zhang had dealt with Tianshen Temple and could tell at a glance that this was a fleet from Tianshen Temple.

Whether it is the shape and logo of the void battleships in the fleet, or the Shinto practitioners in the fleet, they are all very obvious.

He didn’t get too close, but simply scanned secretly from a distance.

This fleet is powerful and has many gods in it.

However, the strongest person in the fleet is only a mid-level god, and will not pose any threat to him.

He carefully observed his surroundings. Apart from this fleet, there was nothing else.

Could it be that the Celestial Temple is really not targeting itself, but is simply dealing with the Spiritual Star Region?

Meng Zhang shook his head, still unwilling to believe that things would be so simple.

He hid his figure, continued to move forward, and soon entered the interior of the Spiritual Home Star Zone.

Within the Lingju star zone, there are two independent large worlds, where the Eldar race lives and thrives.

The Ling clan in the Lingju star region has a complete inheritance and has four major branches, namely the butterfly chrysalis branch, the Feiyu branch, the Xinzhao branch and the Zuowang branch.

Among them, Dieyou’s lineage had problems with its inheritance due to the departure of Lord Dieyou Mountain, and there has never been a strong person at the level of an immortal.

The other three major branches have always been commanded by powerful men at the level of gods.

After Meng Zhang brought back the treasure left by Lord Dieyou Mountain, new immortal-level experts finally appeared in the Butterfly Chrysalis lineage in the past few years-Elder Diebian and Elder Caidie.

As for the other three major branches, new powerful men at the immortal level have also appeared one after another.

The Burning Heart layman from the Xinzhao lineage, the Yule ancestor from the Feiyu lineage, and the Wangxing Shanren from the Zuowang lineage were all veteran strongmen among the Spiritual Clan in the Lingju Star District, with the rank of Celestial Immortal. A level of cultivation.

They digested the Zixiao Yuan Stone with Meng Zhang last time, and had many exchanges with Meng Zhang on cultivation.

They benefited a lot from it and made great progress in their cultivation.

However, due to some natural shackles of the Spirit Clan, there seem to be some problems in the practice system. Among these three people, only Burning Heart layman of the Xinzhao lineage was successfully promoted to a strong man in the second realm of Celestial Immortal.

The Yule Ancestor from the non-fish lineage and the Wangxing Shanren from the Wangxing lineage are always a little behind from being promoted.

Since the Spirit Tribe in the Spirit Residence Star District received Meng Zhang’s help last time and solved the crisis from the Zerg Tribe, their luck seems to have improved a lot over the years, and they have embarked on a path of rapid development.

The four major branches are full of talents, and strong people at all levels are constantly emerging.

In particular, the cultivation of Burning Heart layman, Yule Ancestor and Wangxingshanren has greatly improved, which has greatly improved the top combat power of the Lingju Star Region.

I don’t know if it was stimulated by the last Zerg invasion. The top leaders of the Eldar clan are wary of danger in times of peace and have always had a sense of crisis.

The location of the Lingju Star District is very remote and very hidden, but after all, it is not completely isolated from the outside world.

Over the past few years, the senior leaders of the Eldar clan have investigated the surrounding situation and discovered some bad signs.

Some cultivating forces seem to be expanding in the direction of the Spiritual Home Star Area.

If their expansion direction remains unchanged and is not blocked, it won’t be long before they discover the existence of the Spiritual Star Zone.

What worries the top leaders of the Spirit Clan even more is that after the Tianshen Temple occupied the Yunlan Star District, it never gave up its pursuit of the escaped Spirit Clan.

Especially after Meng Zhang caused trouble in the Yunlan Star Region, destroyed the rule of the Celestial Temple there, and plundered three major worlds, the Spirit Race who escaped from the Yunlan Star Region became members of the Celestial Temple. The key suspects were pursued with all their strength.

Even if the senior officials of the Tianshen Temple later found out that Meng Zhang was the instigator, they still did not give up the pursuit of those spiritual tribes.

After all, when those spiritual tribes fled the Yunlan Star Region, they took away a lot of treasures.

Even the Eldar themselves, especially the high-level Eldar, are precious treasures in themselves.

The Temple of Heaven is powerful, and after years of investigation, some gains have been made.

When those spirit races escaped from the Yunlan Star Region and fled to the Lingju Star Region, they would inevitably leave some traces.

Even if the top leaders of the Spirit Tribe work hard to eliminate these traces, and these Spirit Tribes escape outside the Spirit Residence Star Area and try not to have contact with the outside world, they still cannot make their own family disappear completely.

Not long ago, the senior leaders of the Spirit Clan were horrified to discover that the investigation team of the Celestial Temple seemed to be constantly approaching the Spirit Residence Star Area.

When the Spirit Tribe fled from the Yunlan Star Region, many high-level officials were very unwilling to do so.

They wandered around in the void and suffered a lot before finally finding a new home.

It is impossible for them to abandon their homes and escape again in front of their old enemy, the Temple of Heaven.

But with their strength, they are far from being the opponents of the Celestial Temple.

Many senior leaders of the Spirit Clan are constantly praying that it is best for the Celestial Temple’s reconnaissance team to miss the Spirit Residence Star Area and never find this place.

After all, the void is vast, and it often happens that a slight difference can make a difference a thousand miles.

Of course, more senior leaders of the Eldar clan know that the future of the Eldar clan cannot be pinned entirely on luck.

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On the one hand, we must better hide ourselves and enhance our own combat effectiveness.

On the other hand, one must be prepared to escape from the Spiritual Home Star Zone and move again.

Ancestor Yule of the Feiyu lineage and Wangxingshanren of the Wangxing lineage made sacrifices at this time.

They used the secret skills of the Eldar to completely integrate themselves with the two worlds.

Their consciousness has become the will of heaven in these two big worlds.

In other words, they directly became the two big worlds themselves.

They made great progress in cultivation and successfully broke through to the middle stage of the gods.

More importantly, they completely control the two big worlds and can better hide them.

(End of this chapter)

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