Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3542: War

Latest website: Although before the fight, Meng Zhang had tried his best to overestimate the opponent’s strength.

But when it came to the real fight, Meng Zhang realized that he still underestimated the opponent.

Demon Lord Natoya is like a bottomless abyss. Almost any magical power that falls around his body will disappear immediately and will not have much effect.

The space near Meng Zhang’s body is always distorted and deformed inexplicably.

If he reacts a little slower, his entire body may be swallowed up and broken by the twisted space.

His protective skills began to be quickly disintegrated.

After a fight, Meng Zhang was disappointed to find that not only was he unable to break through the interception of Demon Lord Natuya, but he was at a disadvantage in the fight.

The sacrifice ceremony ahead is still in progress, and the progress is obviously getting faster and faster.

No matter what, Meng Zhang must stop the sacrificial ceremony.

He hesitated for a moment, but still issued an order to his own fleet waiting outside the star zone.

Actually, the situation is still unclear, and there are some things that he hasn’t figured out yet.

If the fleet is deployed early at this time, losses will definitely be inevitable.

If there is an accident, there may be heavy casualties.

But faced with such a situation, Meng Zhang and Juechen Xianzun were already trapped and could only rely on the actions of their own fleet.

Since it is a war, there must be losses and sacrifices.

Meng Zhang is not the nanny of this fleet.

In order to prevent the enemy’s sacrificial ritual and to win, some prices must be paid and some risks must be taken.

After receiving the order from Meng Zhang, the entire fleet immediately dispatched.

The fleet quickly entered the star area and rushed to its destination according to the guidance left by Juechen Immortal Lord and Meng Zhang.

There are too many dangers in this sector.

The influence from the counter-space makes the space here extremely chaotic.

The power projected from the counterspace set off waves of space storms.

The positions of various space cracks often change, and the anti-space storm blows wantonly, without any rules…

Even though Juechen Xianzun and Meng Zhang have chosen safe routes as much as possible, new dangers will soon appear on these routes shortly after they pass.

Advancing along the safe route was inherently winding, and with some unavoidable risks, the fleet spent a lot of time before approaching the big world where the headquarters of the Wild Hunting Star Thief Group was located.

And there were some losses along the way.

Fortunately, the losses were not large and would not affect the fleet’s combat effectiveness.

Looking at the target right in front, many void battleships began to accelerate and were about to enter the attack position.

One after another, strange-shaped void battleships flew over from outside and inside the big world in time, blocking the incoming fleet.

The two fleets quickly came into contact and began to exchange fire.

Near the big world where the headquarters is located, the Wild Hunting Bandits have also deployed many defense facilities such as battle fortresses.

Now, these defense facilities, combined with the warships accumulated over the years, temporarily blocked the incoming enemy fleet.

This fleet brings together the elites of all the cultivation forces in the alliance, and its combat effectiveness is very powerful.

In particular, many immortals took the initiative to leave the fleet, take the first step, and kill towards the target.

Except for a few members who were still maintaining the sacrificial ceremony at the headquarters of the Wild Hunting Star Thieves, almost everyone came out to engage in a fierce battle with the enemy outside the big world.

During the time when the fleet arrived and joined the battle, Meng Zhang and Demon Lord Natoya had been fighting for quite a while.

Probably because he did not want the aftermath of the battle to affect the sacrifice ceremony, Demon Lord Natoya consciously moved the battlefield between the two of them to a place far away from the headquarters of the Wild Hunt Thieves.

Meng Zhang was slightly weaker at first and fell into a disadvantage, unable to control the initiative in the battle.

Secondly, he did not want the aftermath of the battle to affect the warring fleets of both sides.

After being far away from the headquarters of the Wild Hunt Thieves, the two sides can fight unscrupulously.

The scope of their battle was very wide, and the two figures collided wantonly throughout most of the star region.

The various natural dangers in the star area can hardly pose any obstacles to them.

This is Meng Zhang’s first battle since he was promoted to Immortal Lord, and it is also the most difficult battle he has ever encountered since he started practicing.

As a veteran and strong man, Demon Lord Naduoye has already reached the level of proficiency in his cultivation, and his various methods are extremely sophisticated.

Meng Zhang has long practiced a lot of demon-conquering methods, which have played a great role in dealing with powerful demons in the past.

But when facing the demon Lord Naduya, these methods of subduing the demons have little effect.

He almost pushed the power of Taiji Cave to the limit, and was able to barely block the attack of Demon Lord Natoya.

The opponent was far stronger than he expected.

If he had known that Demon Lord Naduya was so powerful, Meng Zhang might not have dared to take the initiative to attack here.

He suddenly woke up at this time.

Since he successfully advanced to the Immortal Realm, he has an inexplicable confidence in his heart, and it seems that he doesn’t take any enemies seriously.

Originally, he thought that the powerful Immortal Master among the Wild Hunting Star Thieves group had average strength.

If the opponent is really strong, he won’t be evasive or sneaky.

For a long time, it has only been speculation by others whether the Wild Hunting Star Thief Group has a strong person at the level of Immortal Lord.

Even within the Wild Hunting Star Thief Group, at least most of the group members have no way of knowing the exact situation.

Meng Zhang also determined this matter through some feedback he received after deducing the secret technique.

Having just been promoted to Immortal Lord, he is in full swing. He thinks that his inheritance is high enough and there is no need to be afraid of a guy who hides his head and shows his tail.

Even after that, Juechen Immortal Lord brought him specific information, but he still didn’t change his mind much.

He seemed to have thought from the beginning that he could easily eliminate the Wild Hunting Bandits, completely ignoring the risks involved.

Facing an unpredictable opponent like Demon Lord Naduya, with his usual character, he really shouldn’t rush into this place rashly. Find

He was a little confused in his heart. What had happened to him? He was so confused that he broke into this place so carelessly.

Is it all because of the temptation of the Golden Immortal Classics?

In fact, even if Demon Lord Natoya’s plan succeeds and completely sacrifices the entire star region and the entire Wild Hunting Star Thieves group, what harm will it do to Meng Zhang?

When the sky falls, a tall man holds it up.

The void is so big and there are so many powerful people at the Golden Immortal level. After they know what Demon Lord Naduoya has done, they will never ignore it.

Even if Demon Lord Natoya is really promoted to the Master of Mo Dharma, he will not be able to withstand so many strong men of the same level.

In fact, he actually sacrificed all the members of the Wild Hunting Star Thief Group, which would have saved Meng Zhang’s trouble.

Isn’t the goal of their temporary alliance to eliminate the Wild Hunting Bandits and destroy their headquarters? (End of chapter)

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