Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3512: Coping

The major holy land sects have ruled Junchen Realm for so many years. They have acted in a domineering style and done many perverse things. They have long accumulated countless dissatisfaction and deep resentment for their own families.

However, the sects in the major holy lands are so powerful that almost everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak out.

Historically, many cultivator forces tried to challenge the status of the major holy land sects, but unfortunately they all failed.

After the rise of Taiyi Sect, new cultivation forces began to challenge the status of the major holy land sects.

Especially since the awakening of several true immortals is imminent, irreparable rifts have appeared between the sects of the major holy lands, and it is no longer possible to cooperate sincerely, which gives these cultivation forces an opportunity to take advantage of.

Now that Meng Zhang wants to fight against the major sects in the Holy Land, he needs to connect in various places and unite all these cultivation forces, so that everyone can help each other and fight against the enemy together.

As Lord Banxue Sword, it is not appropriate to get too involved in the fight against the Holy Land Sect.

In order to maintain unity, at least on the surface, she needs to continue to live in harmony with the major Holy Land sects.

Meng Zhang did not embarrass Ban Xue Jianjun, and did not make too many demands. He only asked Ban Xue Jianjun to use the power in his hands to return some of the monks who had been recruited before to Junchen Realm to give them a chance to rest.

This group of monks includes the Void Returning Power and Yuanshen True Monarch from Taiyi Sect, Dali Dynasty, Hailing Sect and other forces.

Ban Xue Jianjun said that she would do her best.

After receiving such a response, Meng Zhang did not stay with Ban Xue Jianjun for a long time, but left directly.

After leaving, the first target Meng Zhang wanted to contact was Lord Gu Chen.

According to Meng Zhang’s guess, the reason why Lord Gu Chen did not tell him the news during the previous conversation was probably because he had been in the void and did not return to Junchen Realm, so he did not receive the latest information. .

Based on the relationship between the Dengxian Association and the major holy land sects, if the major holy land sects really want to eliminate dissidents, the Dengxian Association will definitely take action.

Meng Zhang sent a message to Gu Chen according to the contact information agreed upon with him, requesting to meet as soon as possible.

As for when Lord Gu Chen will respond, Meng Zhang cannot be sure.

Meng Zhang first went to Granny Liansi’s mansion.

As expected, Granny Liansi is not here, but has gone out long ago.

He went to visit the old man Yinke again.

Up to now, Meng Zhang has not officially joined the command of Lord Tianlei.

If it were in the past, Meng Zhang’s cultivation level would not be worth mentioning, and he would be considered a high achiever if he could join the service of Lord Tianlei.

Now that Meng Zhang has reached the middle stage of returning to the void, he is considered the number one figure in the Junchen world.

If Lord Tianlei wants Meng Zhang to work for him, he must have a minimum attitude.

Not to mention visiting the thatched cottage three times, at least he should take the initiative to come to the door and offer various conditions to win over Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang can also take the opportunity to bargain and get better treatment for himself.

Sir Tianlei was kind to Meng Zhang, and Meng Zhang was willing to repay him.

If the conditions are right, Meng Zhang wouldn’t mind working for him.

Meng Zhang is not willing to be completely tied to the tree of Lord Tianlei. He hopes that he can retain his freedom and serve Lord Tianlei in a more flexible way.

After returning to Junchen Realm from the void, Meng Zhang has been waiting for Lord Tianlei to come to his door in person, or send someone to come to his door to win over him and negotiate terms with him.

But some time ago, there has been no movement from Lord Tianlei. Only an old man with a silver pot came to visit him.

Many detailed conditions require personal negotiation between Meng Zhang and Lord Tianlei.

Meng Zhang guessed that it was probably because of the drag on the frontline war that Lord Tianlei was unable to escape.

Now that the war is over, Lord Tianlei should be free.

Meng Zhang took the initiative to visit Lord Tianlei, but lost his initiative.

Logically speaking, he should wait quietly.

But these **** Holy Land sects won’t leave him much time to react.

Meng Zhang had no choice but to visit the old man Yinhu, hoping that he could be a middleman.

When Meng Zhang came to the old man Yinhu’s residence, he received a warm welcome from the old man Yinhu.

Meng Zhang was pressed for time, so he went straight to the topic without any nonsense.

Meng Zhang told the old man Yinhu that he had admired Lord Tianlei for a long time and was willing to formally join his command and serve him wholeheartedly.

But currently he is encountering some problems. Some monks from the Holy Land sect who have enmity with him are trying to secretly harm him.

Until this problem is solved, even if he is willing to join the service of Lord Tianlei, he will not be able to take any action.

Old man Yinhu understood what Meng Zhang meant.

He told Meng Zhang that he would report the matter to Lord Tianlei as soon as possible, and Meng Zhang only had to wait for his notification with peace of mind.

After talking about business, Meng Zhang immediately left the residence of the old man Yinhu, left the Heavenly Palace, and rushed back to Taiyimen Mountain Gate, the Sun and Moon Blessed Land.

Meng Zhang was forcibly recruited last time and left in a hurry. Later, many Yuanshen monks from Taiyi Sect were also recruited to join the war.

As the news of the victory of the war came, everyone in the Taiyi Sect became relieved.

Those close to the recruited monks are still full of worries at this time.

Meng Zhang returned to Taiyi Gate safely, and the morale of the gate was boosted, which greatly reassured people.

Meng Zhang’s eldest disciple Niu Dawei led the sect’s Yuanshen Zhenjun this time to respond to the call from the Tiangong and take the initiative to fight in the void. He has not come back yet.

The person who is temporarily in charge of the affairs of the sect is Yang Xueyi, who has just been promoted to the Yangshen stage.

Originally Yang Xueyi was going to join the battle in the void this time, but Niu Dawei thought that her promotion to the Yang God stage was too short and she needed time to slowly consolidate her cultivation, so he ordered her to stay at the gate.

Yang Xueyi could not openly disobey the acting head Niu Dawei’s order, so she could only stay reluctantly.

After Meng Zhang returned to the mountain gate, he immediately summoned Yang Xueyi and other high-level officials who stayed behind.

Although we have not received the exact news yet, we must not be careless in the face of the major Holy Land sects.

For many things, I would rather believe it or not.

Meng Zhang told the middle and senior leaders of the sect that Taiyi Sect may conflict with the major Holy Land sects, and asked them to immediately mobilize their entire sect to prepare for battle.

Once the war officially begins, it will be a fierce and **** battle, and it will be a severe test for the entire Taiyi Sect.

In addition, the senior leaders of other members of the Hanhai Dao League must be notified in a timely manner so that they can be prepared.

Once it is determined that war is inevitable, the entire Hanhai Dao Alliance must be mobilized immediately and be ready to fight at any time.

Meng Zhang also told everyone that he had asked Ban Xue Jianjun for help, and that Niu Dawei and other recruited monks should be able to return to the sect soon.

Meng Zhang did not act as a hands-off shopkeeper this time, but stayed at the door and personally arranged various war preparations.

In addition, he also sent a special envoy to send a message to allies such as the Hailing Sect and the Dali Dynasty, asking them to be careful about the actions of the major holy land sects.


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