Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3501: Treasure

Latest website: With Meng Zhang’s current level of cultivation and vision, not all so-called treasures can be noticed by him.

In fact, treasures that can attract the attention of an immortal like him are very rare and rare in all realms of the void.

Furthermore, with Meng Zhang’s character and personality, he would not imagine that he could keep all the treasures he encountered as his own.

It is impossible for him to monopolize all the treasures in the world.

Meng Zhang was about to leave the underworld, but the origin of the foreign swordsman was revealed.

The connection between the underworld and the Yang world is far closer than many people imagine.

Due to various reasons, there are many situations where the two sides exchange messages.

Many strong men in the Yang world are also famous in the underworld, and many strong men in the underworld are also well-known in the Yang world.

As an ambitious lord of the underworld, Taimiao has always attached great importance to the collection of information, especially the collection of information about surrounding areas.

When Taiyi World was unable to obtain outside intelligence, Tai Miao also tried to obtain information from the Yang World indirectly through various means in the underworld.

Due to the full help from Taiyi Realm, Taimiao’s process of establishing an intelligence system was relatively smooth.

If there is any disturbance in the surrounding area, he can get the news in time.

Not long after the sword immortal entered the underworld, his origins were exposed in the battle with ghosts and gods.

He was born in the Heavenly Wolf Sword Sect and has the strength of a second-level Heavenly Immortal.

If the underworld had not suppressed him too much and his combat effectiveness had seriously declined, he might have relied on the sword escape technique to temporarily escape the pursuit of ghosts and gods.

He teamed up with the Bodhisattva who was traveling with him and finally escaped the siege of ghosts and gods.

The unwilling ghosts and gods pursued them.

As news spread that they were carrying a valuable treasure, more and more ghosts and gods were chasing them.

As soon as Meng Zhang heard the origin of the sword immortal, his heart immediately moved.

The Tianlang Sword Sect has been exterminated by the coalition forces led by Etaiyi Realm.

He personally directed the pursuit of the remnants of the Tianlang Sword Sect through the deduction of Tianji Technique.

The back tricks prepared by the Tianlang Sword Sect were removed one by one by the monks from the Taiyi Realm.

The guy who stayed in the Sirius world and tried to hide was found by the monks from the Taiyi world and was easily eliminated.

The teams that escaped from the Sirius World in time and fled into the void did not escape too far.

Most of the team was caught up by the Taiyi Realm monks in the Sirius District and completely wiped out.

The small number of teams that escaped a little further were later wiped out one after another by the Taiyi monks.

Even, under the guidance of Meng Zhang’s Tianji Technique, Taiyi Realm sent a team led by Tianxian to go to various places in the void to clear out various arrangements made by the predecessors of the Tianlang Sword Sect.

The actions of the Taiyi Realm monks were very successful, with almost no fish slipping through the net.

The current Tianlang Sword Sect is basically completely extinct.

I dare not say that there are none of the Tianlang Sword Sect monks who survived by chance, but they are definitely rare.

As for the second-level sword immortals who are still alive, Meng Zhang can only think of one person, and that is Mo Sheng, who escaped from the Sirius world early.

At first, Meng Zhang temporarily let this guy go because of the spiritual sense in his heart.

Needless to say, this Tianlang Sword Sect swordsman who escaped to the underworld should be this person.

He has long calculated that there is a causal relationship between this guy and himself, and this causal relationship will bring him some opportunities.

He just didn’t expect that this cause and effect would come into play so soon.

Since Mo Sheng has fled to the area near Taimiao territory, Meng Zhang is naturally not in a hurry to leave the underworld.

This time he wants to completely resolve this cause and effect, and see what kind of opportunities this cause and effect will bring.

He believed that due to the involvement of cause and effect, Mo Sheng would not be able to escape his pursuit this time.

Of course, he would not imagine that the other party would come to his door, let alone sit and do nothing.

He asked Tai Miao to mobilize his men’s power and actively pursue the whereabouts of this guy.

Taimiao’s intelligence system began to activate at full strength to collect all relevant information.

As time goes by, more and more information reaches Tai Miao.

Although the sword immortal did not take the initiative to report his name, there is no doubt that he is the sword immortal of the Tianlang Sword Sect. Based on various circumstances, Meng Zhang’s judgment was correct. This person was Mo Sheng.

The identity of the Bodhisattva traveling with him was also revealed. He was the Taiming Bodhisattva of the Tiantai Sect, a major Buddhist sect.

The two of them seemed to have entered the underworld together, and somehow it was revealed that they were carrying a heavy treasure.

The natives of the underworld are originally full of vigilance and hatred towards outsiders from the Yang world.

Many ghosts, gods and ghosts almost instinctively yearn for the flesh and blood souls of living creatures.

For some reason, Mo Sheng and Tai Ming Bodhisattva were able to temporarily withstand the rejection and suppression of the laws of heaven and earth in the underworld and were able to stay in the underworld for a long time.

Of course, their cultivation and combat effectiveness have been greatly suppressed.

While resisting the enemy’s pursuit, they fled quickly.

Of course I have heard of Meng Zhang, the name of the Tiantai Sect.

At the beginning, major Buddhist sects such as the Tiantai Sect and the True Buddhism were still competing in the Hengling Star District and the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

Although Taiyi Realm was also in the Hengling Star Region at that time, its main enemies were the Earth Mother Goddess Sect, Fahua Sect, etc., and they had never fought against the Tiantai Sect.

The Tiantai Sect has the Buddha as its leader and is extremely powerful. It is one of the top sects in Buddhism.

The Tiantai Sect is one of the main forces fighting against Taoism within Buddhism.

Of course, Tiantai Sect rarely engages in direct confrontation with Taoist cultivation forces, but prefers to use some indirect means to engage in open and covert battles.

This time, it was the work of the Tiantai Sect monks to bribe the Tianlang Sword Sect to join Buddhism.

The Tiantai Sect has done similar things many times.

Some of these activities were successful, and some were complete failures…

Within Dao Sect, there are many cultivators who are against the Tiantai Sect, and many cultivators hate the Tiantai Sect deeply.

Meng Zhang had received information a long time ago. This time, it was a great Bodhisattva from the Tiantai Sect who personally escorted the treasure to the Tianlang Sword Sect and helped the top master of the Tianlang Sword Sect, Xiang Jiantian, to be promoted.

This is the most important part of the agreement reached between Tiantai Sect and Tianlang Sword Sect, and it is also the main factor why Tianlang Sword Sect is willing to invest in Buddhism. Find the book

As for what this treasure is specifically, Meng Zhang does not know.

He just knew that the great Bodhisattva escorting the treasure was intercepted by a certain immortal from the Taoist sect on the way and failed to reach the Tianlang Sword Sect in time.

The Tianlang Sword Sect has been destroyed by the army of cultivators led by Taiyijie, and Xiang Jiantian was killed by Meng Zhang himself.

The transaction between Tiantai Sect and Tianlang Sword Sect naturally no longer makes any sense.

Nearly a hundred years have passed since this incident.

Meng Zhang did not know the follow-up situation of the Tiantai Sect Bodhisattva who escorted the treasure, and has not received relevant information.

Now that the sword immortal Mo Sheng of the Tianlang Sword Sect and the Bodhisattva Tai Ming of the Tiantai Sect have entered the underworld together inexplicably, they are also carrying a heavy treasure, which will inevitably arouse some suspicions in Meng Zhang’s mind.

Could it be that the treasure they carry is the treasure that the Tiantai Sect is planning to give to Xiang Jiantian?

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