Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3469: Breaking in

【Shangmenxian Road】【】

The Emerald Golden Immortal has always paid attention to the movements in the sea of ​​flowers, and paid great attention to Namo Sun and Moon Light Buddha.

He is the one most likely to realize something is wrong.

But at this time, he was approached by Namo Baoguang Buddha.

Before he dispatched this powerful enemy of the same level, he probably didn’t have the extra time to care about other things.

If no accident happened, Meng Zhang would probably be doomed this time.

As for whether Qianyuan Golden Immortal could escape with his life under the siege of three powerful enemies of the same level, Meng Zhang didn’t know, and he didn’t have the energy to care.

The violent external force invaded his body, almost tearing his immortal body to pieces, and headed straight for his immortal soul.

Seeing that he could not escape the end of his soul being destroyed, he tried his best to activate the Qinglian deep in the immortal soul.

This was just his desperate struggle out of extreme unwillingness.

He himself didn’t have much confidence that this struggle would work.

Although the green lotus in the depths of the Immortal Soul is a treasure borrowed from Taiyi Golden Immortal, its level is also at the Golden Immortal level.

But the purpose of this treasure is not to be used for combat or defense, but to shield the induction of other golden immortals.

This treasure has a single function and limited power.

If other golden immortals already know his existence, the shielding effect will be greatly reduced.

If he appears in front of other golden immortals, they will be able to see through his true identity at a glance, and this green lotus will be even less useful.

He is now on the battlefield.

Two Buddhas, one Dharma Master and one Golden Immortal, the battle between them was so fierce.

He had no idea how long this green lotus could resist.

Something that surprised Meng Zhang happened again.

After being activated by him, the green lotus in the depths of his immortal soul seemed to sense the invasion of golden immortal level power, and immediately burst out with extremely powerful power.

Qinglian suddenly expanded, forcibly expelling all the power that invaded his body.

Meng Zhang was temporarily out of danger of death, but it was very uncomfortable.

The confrontation between Qinglian and the power that invaded his body only lasted a short moment. The collision caused huge damage to his immortal body, and his immortal soul was shaken endlessly.

However, he managed to escape with his life temporarily.

The joy in his heart has not yet risen, and the green lotus has undergone new changes.

Qinglian flew out of his immortal soul and flew to the top of his head.

All the aftermath of the battle that came close to him, no matter what nature of power they were, were easily shaken away by Qinglian.

He would never have imagined that this green lotus could be so magical and possess such power.

The surprise this green lotus brought to him was far more than that.

I saw the green lotus continued to expand, and then suddenly bloomed.

In the center of the blooming green lotus, a large black hole appeared.

A cyan figure flew out of the black hole.

The figure continued to complain.

“I hate you, Taiyi. I just owed you a small favor back then, so you kept pestering me and caused me so much trouble.”

“What kind of person am I? I want to be a nanny for your disciples and grandchildren. What do you think I am?”

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【Shangmenxian Road】【】

With the sound of complaints, an old man in Taoist attire appeared on Qinglian.

He glanced around and let out a strange scream.

Obviously, he never expected that such a big scene was waiting for him.

It is a rare thing for two Buddhas to unite with a Dharma Master to attack a Taoist Golden Immortal.

He thought he was here to rescue the disciples and grandsons of his old friend, and he would face at most one or two golden immortals.

Meng Zhang looked at the appearance of the old man in Taoist attire and had some guesses about his origins.

As the ecstasy surged into his heart, his consciousness began to blur, and then he completely lost all consciousness and fell into a coma.

The battle in the field will not stop because of Meng Zhang’s coma. He is just an insignificant person in this war.

Namo Riyueguang Buddha and the others, who were originally besieging Qianyuan Golden Immortal, never expected that such an accident would happen after they had made careful arrangements in advance and prepared for so long.

A Taoist Golden Immortal suddenly broke into the battlefield inexplicably.

There are many factions in the Taoist sect, and fights often occur between golden immortals from different forces.

Some golden immortals even have different grievances. For this reason, many golden immortal wars broke out, which also led to many serious consequences.

For example, Taiyi Jinxian, the well-known veteran Jinxian in the Taoist sect, was suppressed by a group of hostile Jinxian.

In fact, if there was no fierce internal fighting within the Taoist sect, and if the golden immortals could be of one mind, the Taoist sect might have dominated the void and all realms long ago.

It is precisely because of the internal friction within the Taoist sect that it has restrained and consumed too much power, making it impossible for the Taoist sect to be consistent with the outside world. As the strongest force in the void, the Taoist sect is far from being able to subdue those hostile forces.

Namo Riyue Guangfo and the others planned to ambush the Qianyuan Golden Immortal this time. To a large extent, they took advantage of the discord within the Taoist sect and the conflicts between the Golden Immortals.

Even if some Taoist Golden Immortals know the situation of Qianyuan Golden Immortal, they may not be willing to fully rescue him.

However, the Taoist Golden Immortal who suddenly appeared here still aroused great vigilance from Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha and the others.

The timing of the other party’s appearance was too coincidental.

Namo Riyueguang Buddha and the others have paid too much price to lure Qianyuan Golden Immortal into the trap. There is absolutely no room for error in finding

No matter whether the other party is an enemy or a friend of the Qianyuan Golden Immortal, or whether they broke into this place accidentally, the identity of the other party’s Dao Sect Golden Immortal alone is enough to arouse their hostility.

Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha and the others will never stop their campaign to kill Qianyuan Golden Immortal due to external factors.

Surrounding Qianyuan Golden Immortal was the top priority. They almost put most of their power into the opponent, but only allocated a small part of their strength to suppress the Taoist Golden Immortal who suddenly appeared.

In the previous battle, Qianyuan Jinxian’s situation was much better than imagined.

Everyone present is a strong person of the same level. Qianyuan Jinxian is an out-and-out junior, with the shortest promotion time.

But this does not mean that he is the weakest.

If he were fighting alone and in a fair fight, he would not be weaker than any of the three enemies.

Even when faced with a siege, he was still not completely suppressed and could still fight the enemy vigorously and vigorously.

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【Shangmenxian Road】【】

He was keenly aware that a strange Golden Immortal suddenly broke into the battlefield. Regardless of whether the other party would help him or not, it would contain some of the enemy’s power.

He immediately seized the opportunity and exploded, launching an all-out counterattack.

After being stunned for the first time, this strange Golden Immortal took action almost instinctively, attacking the Buddha and Master Mo in the field, trying hard to cover the Qianyuan Golden Immortal.

The best situation imagined by Qianyuan Jinxian appeared. This strange Jinxian was a friend rather than an enemy, and he actively helped.

Thanks to my old friend Zhenzhang for his many rewards and support.

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