Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3460: Ruth Beast

Strong men who have reached the level of Yunshen Bodhisattva and others can be cold-blooded when needed.

No matter how much sacrifice they make, whether they are descendants or even relatives, as long as they do not sacrifice themselves, they can almost accept it.

During battles, they usually fulfill their elders’ responsibilities, pay attention to their own image, and take care of their descendants as much as possible.

But if the environment is so bad that they feel that they cannot protect themselves, then they must save their own home first.

The surrounding environment is getting worse and worse, and the three of Yunshen Bodhisattva are still fighting to the death with the blue lion.

Meng Zhang’s actions were just for show, he didn’t want to die here.

The situation of those Arhat Bodhisattvas became even worse without the care of Yunshen Bodhisattva and others.

This group of people is not a stubborn person. Seeing that they can no longer stay here, they also try to escape from here in time and find a safe place again.

A silent roar spread throughout the surroundings, and a giant whale-like creature appeared out of thin air. It opened its mouth and was about to swallow everything around it.

Generally speaking, after a large world in the void is destroyed, there is a high possibility that a demon nest will appear on its ruins, giving birth to countless monsters.

After the destruction of this big world on the edge of Guixu, there was no demon nest, but the world collapsed into countless pieces.

This huge creature suddenly appeared, wildly devouring everything around it.

The debris after the destruction of the world, the violent space storm… everyone present is naturally its target.

This group of Bodhisattvas and Arhats, who were usually majestic and aloof outside, felt a huge sense of fear in their hearts for no reason from the moment this huge creature appeared, and were almost too scared to move.

Fortunately, the three great Bodhisattvas have not completely given up on them.

The powerful Bodhisattva of Vajra Temple made a lion’s roar, which offset the silent roar and allowed the group of Arhat Bodhisattvas to regain their mobility in time.

Yunshen Bodhisattva also reminded everyone in time.

“Be careful, everyone, this is a beast, you must not be swallowed by it…”

Most of these Bodhisattva Arhats have extraordinary backgrounds and have some knowledge of existences such as Ruins.

After hearing the reminder from Yunshen Bodhisattva, they quickly evaded.

Only one unlucky Arhat could not escape and was swallowed by the beast.

As a descendant of the Golden Immortal, Meng Zhang has a deeper understanding of Xu beasts.

To put it simply, the Xu beast is a special kind of beast that appears in Guixu.

The Ruins Beast is so powerful that no ordinary immortals or bodhisattvas can match it.

It will devour everything it encounters, which is one of the great dangers that outsiders often encounter in Guixu.

There are many kinds of ruin beasts with all kinds of strange abilities.

In the world of cultivation, even those from the Golden Immortal Sect find it difficult to find detailed records about the Ruin Beast.

For practitioners, knowing that the Ruixu beast was born in Guixu and is extremely dangerous is already considered knowledgeable.

For a moment, Meng Zhang couldn’t recognize the classification and specific abilities of this beast.

As far as he knew, Xu beasts usually appeared inside Gui Xu. This was originally the edge area of ​​Gui Xu, and Xu beasts should not appear here.

The Xu beast suddenly appeared here, either because the surroundings were changing to the interior of Gui Xu, or there was something here that attracted the Xu beast and made it take the initiative to cross the boundary.

Due to the chaos and disorder in Guixu, it was difficult for Meng Zhang to determine the cause within a short period of time.

However, the appearance of this ruin beast strengthened Meng Zhang’s determination to escape from here as soon as possible.

The combat power displayed by this beast is not necessarily much weaker than Meng Zhang.

The roar he just made, Meng Zhang also relied on the protection of the power of the immortal armor to not be too affected.

There are countless such beasts in Guixu, and they appear and disappear.

Since a Ruin beast has appeared, Meng Zhang will not be surprised if more and stronger Ruin beasts appear next moment.

Meng Zhang immediately distanced himself from Qing Shi and was about to leave the battlefield.

Most beasts have no sense and rely mainly on instinct.

There are so many powerful practitioners here, which is a rare delicacy for the beasts.

Even the remains of the world after its destruction are a great source of nourishment for it.

This beast started out of instinct and attacked the easiest target.

Soon, its chaotic side was revealed.

The ruin beast ignored the difference in strength and attacked the surroundings wildly, bringing Yun Shen Bodhisattva and the others within the attack range.

Although Great Bodhisattva Yun Shen and the others were much stronger than this beast, they still suffered a lot of interference.

The sudden appearance of the Ruin Beast made the originally crazy Blue Lion suddenly wake up.

After staying in Guixu for so many years, Qingshi knows more about Guixu than anyone else present.

While he is protecting this world, he occasionally wanders around the ruins.

Although he did not go too deep inside Guixu, he still had rich experience.

He is well aware of the horror of the beast.

As long as this Ruin beast stays here for a while, it will attract more and stronger Ruin beasts.

Qingshi finally gave up on fighting to the end with Yunshen Bodhisattva and others, and prepared to leave here first.

He doesn’t want to be swallowed by the beast.

The green lion, which was originally attacking crazily, left at once and immediately left the battlefield, preparing to leave here completely.

The Ruin beast’s disorderly behavior inadvertently helped Qing Shi by holding back Yun Shen Bodhisattva and the others.

Seeing the green lion trying to escape like this, Yunshen Bodhisattva would definitely not allow it.

He wanted to release the treasure given by Buddha.

But the Buddha treasures on him and the Bodhisattva Gangwei had consumed too much power when they were fighting against the laws of heaven and earth in the great world, and they were temporarily unable to use them.

Fortunately, Yunji Bodhisattva has kept the last trump card.

With a look of reluctance on his face, he activated the Buddha treasure on his body in time.

At this time, his cultivation was basically intact. Not only did he activate the Buddha’s treasure faster, but he also almost fully exerted its power. Find Shuyuan www.

A shining golden rosary flew out from above his head and hit the blue lion like lightning.

Lian Hezhen Bodhisattva and other followers are protected by treasures given by Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha.

As a direct disciple of Namu Sun Moon Light Buddha, Qingshi naturally has the life-saving trump card given by him.

Bursts of light from the sun and moon appeared out of thin air, turning into a radiant cassock and draped directly on the green lion.

Most of the power of the rosary that hit him was offset by this cassock.

The green lion staggered and almost fell.

He stood firm, not wanting to fight, and continued to escape from the battlefield quickly.

The rosary was like a gangrene attached to the bone, firmly stuck to the cassock, constantly consuming its power.

The Green Lion has rich experience in moving at high speeds in the ruins, and he was about to escape from the sight of Yunshen Bodhisattva and the others.

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