Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3458: Leave

It is certain that demon cultivators like Zhenjun Mo Qing have second thoughts about the Dali Dynasty. But he may not really surrender to Ziyang Holy Sect.

Zhenjun Mo Qing has always been optimistic about Meng Zhang and has tried to win over him many times.

Meng Zhang has his own principles for dealing with things. He always keeps a distance from demonic cultivators and is determined not to collude with them.

After True Lord Mo Qing left, Meng Zhang also returned to Maple Leaf Mountain City.

Less than a month after he returned to Maple Leaf Mountain City, three more guests came to visit.

These three guests are all True Monarchs of Yuanshen. The leader calls himself Xiao Qiao and is a monk in the middle stage of Yuanshen.

Xiao Qiao introduced himself to the Taiyi Sect disciple who received him. He was a monk from the Purple Sun Sect and Xiao Jiansheng’s junior brother.

When Meng Zhang heard that monks from the Purple Sun Sect came to visit him, he did not dare to neglect them and received them happily.

When Xiao Qiao arrived, Xiao Jiansheng also happened to come out of seclusion.

Although Xiao Jiansheng has finished his retreat for healing, his injuries are far from being completely healed. They are only temporarily suppressed.

Xiao Qiao came to the door so coincidentally, obviously he had received the message from Xiao Jiansheng.

In fact, after Xiao Jiansheng was rescued by Meng Zhang, he used a secret method to contact his fellow disciples.

As a leader of the Ziyang Holy Sect, Xiao Jiansheng has a high status in the sect and is surrounded by a lot of people.

Xiao Qiao and others have always been his followers and have been loyal to him for many years.

If it weren’t for the delay on the road and the special situation in Daheng Cultivation World, Xiao Qiao and others would not have waited until now to rush over.

Xiao Jiansheng solemnly thanked Meng Zhang.

He told Meng Zhang that he was seriously injured and needed to return to the door immediately and use the power of the door to recover from his injuries.

Xiao Qiao and others came here to **** him back to the sect.

Of course Xiao Jiansheng was very grateful for Meng Zhang’s life-saving grace.

However, he is not the kind of person who is particularly good at words, and he does not say many words of gratitude.

He just solemnly promised that he would be grateful in the future.

Meng Zhang is not the kind of person with a glass heart. He does not feel that others do not trust him just because Xiao Jiansheng arranged a back-up plan.

He sent Xiao Jiansheng and the others away enthusiastically.

Before leaving, Xiao Jiansheng told Meng Zhang something after repeated hesitation.

The Purple Sun Sect has a strong influence on the monsters in the Black Jade Forest.

Back then, the demonic beasts in the Black Jade Forest not only took the initiative to raid the conquest army sent by the Dali Dynasty, but also actively contacted the extraterritorial demonic tribes in the Yunwu Daze.

The extraterrestrial monsters who claim to be advanced creatures look down upon the local monsters in Junchen Realm and regard them as primitive and barbaric bumpkins.

However, when they came to Junchen Realm from outside the territory, they were isolated and helpless, surrounded by hostile cultivators from all directions.

Under such circumstances, the demon clan outside the territory also reluctantly received the envoy from the Black Jade Forest.

When the demon clan from outside the territory took the opportunity to attack Jiuqu Province, in addition to the persuasion from the Black Jade Forest, it was mainly because such an action could bring them enough benefits.

The Dali Dynasty has enemies on all sides and is troubled internally and externally. Of course, the demon clan outside the territory will take advantage of the crisis and take advantage of the opportunity to expand.

In fact, the extraterritorial demon clan in Yunwu Daze did take advantage of this opportunity and greatly expanded their territory.

Whether it is the local monsters in Junchen Realm or the monsters outside the territory, they are all aliens compared to cultivators, and they are all enemies that cultivators want to get rid of quickly.

Since the monsters in the Black Jade Forest take the initiative to make friends, the monsters outside the territory will not refuse people thousands of miles away.

The two sides naturally slowly came together and began to have a tendency to stay together for warmth.

Although the foreign monsters have always looked down upon the local monsters, they are also very wary. However, within the demon clan outside the territory, the organizational structure is not strict and can even be called scattered.

There are not only one or two families where the leader of the King of Angry Dragons has acted openly and secretly, but secretly caused chaos.

The envoys sent to Yunwu Daze from the Black Jade Forest deliberately made friends with them, and even though they were flattering, they also obtained a lot of useful information from some lax people.

Recently, news came from the Black Jade Forest that the extraterritorial demon clan in the cloudy swamp seemed to have reached an agreement with the Dali Dynasty.

Zhang Weineng, the governor of Jiuqu Province, personally went to Yunwu Daze secretly and had a long secret talk with King Nu Jiao.

Originally, this news was a secret of the Purple Sun Sect, and Xiao Jiansheng should not have told Meng Zhang.

But if Meng Zhang hadn’t come to the rescue in time this time, Xiao Jiansheng might not have been able to save his life.

Now that Xiao Jiansheng has to return to the sect to heal his wounds, he will not be able to appear here for a long time and will be unable to provide help to Meng Zhang.

So after thinking about it, he told Meng Zhang the secret news to avoid Meng Zhang suffering a loss.

While telling Meng Zhang the news, Xiao Jiansheng also warned Meng Zhang not to reveal the connection between the Purple Sun Sect and the Black Jade Forest to others at will.

Of course Meng Zhang agreed wholeheartedly and was very grateful to Xiao Jiansheng for the reminder.

This news about Xiao Jiansheng is very important, and it can even be said to have helped Taiyi Sect a lot.

The current Jiuqu Province can barely be regarded as a tripartite force, the forces of the Dali Dynasty, the Hanhai Dao Alliance led by the Taiyi Sect, and the extraterritorial invaders from Yunwu Daze.

For a long time, the three parties have been able to generally maintain peace, without any major fights, and can barely be considered peaceful.

According to Meng Zhang’s previous idea, he was to unite the forces of the Dali Dynasty to eliminate the extraterritorial invaders in the Yunwu Daze.

But he never expected that Zhang Weineng would actually get in touch with the foreign invaders first and possibly reach some agreement.

In this way, the Taiyi Sect, which is alone, becomes very dangerous.

If the two families reach an agreement to deal with Taiyi Sect together and jointly attack Taiyi Sect, then Taiyi Sect will really be unable to support it.

Fortunately, Xiao Jiansheng revealed the news, allowing Meng Zhang to prepare in advance, so that he would not be kept in the dark when the incident came to pass.

Next, Meng Zhang will slowly think about ways to break the situation.

There are some things that Xiao Jiansheng did not explain clearly, but Meng Zhang can figure them out in his mind if he goes to Shuyuan

Although Meng Zhang actively expressed his goodwill to Ziyang Shengzong before, he also had contact with Xiao Jiansheng.

But Meng Zhang was still swaying from side to side and did not really stand on the side of Ziyang Holy Sect.

He just wanted to leave a retreat for Ziyang Shengzong, and had no intention of breaking with the Dali Dynasty immediately.

Under such circumstances, Ziyang Shengzong would naturally not regard Meng Zhang as one of its own, let alone care about the life and death of Taiyi Sect.

If Zhang Wei can really unite with the extraterritorial invaders from Yunwu Daze to attack Taiyi Gate, it will be a great thing for the Purple Sun Sect.

In this way, Taiyi Sect will have no other choice and become the enemy of the Dali Dynasty completely.

Secondly, even if the Taiyi Sect is no match for the two families joining forces, fighting tooth and nail before death can greatly consume the strength of the two families.

Even at a critical moment, Ziyang Shengzong appeared as a savior, saving Taiyi Sect and at the same time completely controlling the power of Taiyi Sect and Hanhai Dao Alliance.

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