Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3455: Living Buddha

Soon, Meng Zhang was immersed in such a fight and almost forgot about other things.

The originally stable laws of heaven and earth in this world began to be shaken and became less stable in a series of blows.

Due to the fluctuations in the laws of heaven and earth, various phenomena of heaven and earth have appeared not only in this city, but also throughout the world.

This has triggered countless disasters.

In this long-stable world, there are few natural and man-made disasters, and people have lived and worked in peace and contentment for many years.

A series of sudden natural disasters caused huge casualties and displaced countless people.

The residents of this world are basically devout Buddhist believers.

Even though such frequent natural disasters have led to such tragic consequences, they still have not shaken the faith of most believers.

Many believers knelt down, knelt down and prayed…

Many believers believe that this is a mortal sin that caused the wrath of King Ming. They constantly pray for the mercy of the Buddha…


The group of Bodhisattvas and Arhats present do not care about the tragic fate of mortals in this world.

There are also different factions in Buddhism.

Many times, heretics are more hateful than heretics.

These believers are pious, but unfortunately they worship the wrong Buddha.

Yes, the Buddha worshiped by Buddhists in this world is none other than Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha.

Among the temples all over the world, in addition to enshrining the statue of Namu Sun Moonlight Buddha, there are only some places where portraits of living Buddhas are hung.

Other than that, there are no other Buddha statues at all, let alone statues of Bodhisattvas and Arhats.

As masters sent by the opponents of Namo Sun Moon Light Buddha, of course they hate this world and these believers.

Yunshen Bodhisattva, as a senior member of the Yunmen Sect, has participated in the management of the sect and knows the value of this big world.

In the entire world that devoutly believes in Buddhism, there are not many members of the Yunmen Sect.

Unfortunately, this big world belongs to the enemy, and they have no chance to capture it. They can only watch it go into destruction.

As long as the laws of heaven and earth in this world completely collapse, the entire world will also be destroyed.

The scope of natural disasters in this world is getting wider and wider, and even this city is not immune.

The ground in the city opened a bottomless gap, swallowing a large number of mortals in one breath.

Collapsed city walls, temples, and houses buried countless people.


Great Bodhisattva Yunshen is a little worried. If the so-called living Buddha dies in a natural disaster, then he has lost his best clue.

So, regardless of the fact that the battle between the Buddha’s treasure and the laws of heaven and earth was not over yet, and that his cultivation had not yet fully recovered, he flew into the sky and flew towards the palace where the living Buddha lived.

Except for a few people who were left to continue to pay attention to Fo Bao’s battle, everyone, including Meng Zhang, followed him towards the target.

Meng Zhang was entrusted by Qianyuan Immortal Lord and was also very interested in the situation of Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha.

Now that Yunshen Bodhisattva and others are standing in front of him, he must seize the opportunity and obtain as much information as possible about Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha.

He had already gained enough by participating in the battle between the Buddha and the laws of heaven and earth.

If you continue, it will be difficult to gain more, so it is better to focus on other things.

In the blink of an eye, everyone flew above the palace where the Living Buddha lived.

During the previous changes in heaven and earth, the entire world suffered disasters and natural disasters continued.

This city was completely transformed and suffered heavy losses in the natural disaster, and the palace where the living Buddha lived was naturally not spared.

No matter how powerful you are or how high your status is, as long as you don’t have extraordinary power, you will only be able to survive in the face of this kind of natural disaster, without the ability to fight back.

Nearly half of the palace has collapsed, with countless casualties.

Yunshen Bodhisattva swept his mind downwards and immediately found the target.

A young monk wearing a golden monk’s hat and a large purple cassock was guarded by a group of monk soldiers, trying to stay away from the collapsing palace.

The temples in this country all enshrine the Buddha statues of Namu Sun Moonlight Buddha. The portraits of Living Buddhas are also posted in some important temples. Naturally, he has seen them before.

Yunshen Bodhisattva, who recognized the target, lifted the young monk, the so-called living Buddha, into the air not far from him with a big move.

The originally panicked crowd had not noticed the uninvited guest in the sky.

At this time, everyone discovered Yunshen Bodhisattva and the others, and they all screamed in surprise.

Some loyal monk soldiers wanted to protect the living Buddha, but they did not have the power to fly and could only stare from the sidelines.

Yunshen Bodhisattva was too lazy to pay attention to these mortals and began to carefully observe the target in front of him.

On the other hand, one Arhat may have felt that the mortals below were too noisy, so he swung invisible sharp blades and chopped these mortals into pieces.

Great Bodhisattva Yunji frowned a little displeasedly.

After all, he is a Buddhist, so making the scene so **** is really not a good look.

However, the other party is a disciple of the Vajra Temple, so he cannot accuse the other party casually.

He did not look at the situation below and focused his attention on the so-called living Buddha. He was out of sight but out of mind.

Although their cultivation has not been fully restored, their spiritual thoughts can already be used freely, and their eyesight and knowledge will not be affected.

Their spiritual thoughts repeatedly scanned the young monk, scanning him inside and out, from his body to his soul, but nothing unusual was found.

This is a mortal with a mortal body and no extraordinary power.

The so-called reincarnation of the Living Buddha is probably a cover to deceive ignorant believers.

The most irritable Bodhisattva Gangwei was very disappointed.

The so-called clues that were originally given high hopes turned out to be of no use at all.

If they can’t find more information about Namo Sun Moon Light Buddha here, then this trip will be in vain, and the adventure of looking for Shuyuan will be in vain.

Bodhisattva Yunshen and Bodhisattva Yunji did not give up and were still checking carefully and repeatedly.

Meng Zhang, who was not far away, was far inferior to Yunshen Bodhisattva in terms of cultivation and knowledge, so naturally there was no difference.

It is true that he is the inheritor of the Golden Immortal, but the Great Bodhisattva Yunshen is also a disciple and grandson of the Buddha. He is far more aware of various internal situations in Buddhism, including various secret techniques, than he is.

Logically speaking, if even Yunshen Bodhisattva cannot detect the abnormality, Meng Zhang’s efforts will be in vain.

With the gradual recovery of his cultivation level, Meng Zhang’s abilities as a Tianji Immortal Master are also rapidly recovering.

He stared at the so-called Living Buddha for a long time, and for some reason, he felt an inexplicable sense of fear in his heart.

The other party is obviously just a normal person, so how could he feel like this?

Even if Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha had hidden some tricks on him, could he have been able to hide it from himself, and could he have completely hidden it from Yunshen Bodhisattva and the others?

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