Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3440: Leo

【Shangmenxian Road】【】

Several Bodhisattvas who were following He Zhen Bodhisattva were hanging tightly behind him. He tried many times to escape from their pursuit, but failed.

He Zhen Bodhisattva seems to be at the end of his rope, but in fact he has other plans in mind.

He is not just running around like a headless fly, but he has his own purpose.

Meng Zhang originally wanted to take it down directly, but after carefully analyzing the current situation, he continued to follow secretly.

While tracking Hezhen Bodhisattva, those Bodhisattvas sent messages to the great Bodhisattva Yunji.

Of course, due to the special environment of the whirling flower sea, the message they sent was greatly delayed, and Bodhisattva Yunji was not able to receive it in time.

The two sides chased and escaped, and soon arrived at the destination of Hezhen Bodhisattva.

In the sea of ​​dancing flowers, there are almost everywhere large and small flowers that are difficult to distinguish between real and fake, which is very convenient for hiding.

The chasing Bodhisattvas were worried that He Zhen Bodhisattva would fight back before death and did not dare to pursue him too close.

There was a long distance between the two sides, and they almost lost the chase several times.

He Zhen Bodhisattva was so seriously injured that he failed to seize the opportunity several times and was unable to get rid of the pursuers behind him.

He was able to escape all the way here because he had fought tooth and nail.

For those who are not familiar with the whirling flower sea environment, the environment everywhere looks similar.

Only people like Hezhen Bodhisattva who have lived here for many years can master the topography here very skillfully.

He ran to a seemingly unremarkable patch of flowers, glanced at the pursuers who were a little far behind, and suddenly shouted loudly to the front.

“Senior brother, save me, senior brother, save me…”

The shouts containing the Buddhist power of Hezhen Bodhisattva stirred up the surroundings, shaking the flowers that were difficult to distinguish between reality and reality.

Although he deliberately controlled the direction of the sound, the Bodhisattvas following him still heard it.

They felt nervous. He Zhen Bodhisattva still had reinforcements?

Of course they couldn’t retreat just because of a few shouts from the other party. They just slowed down their progress and heightened their vigilance.

Meng Zhang, who secretly followed further away, felt happy that this tracking finally had some results.

With the help of the orb, he could easily grasp the movements of the two groups of people in front of him without following too closely.

After sensing Hezhen Bodhisattva’s cry for help, he activated the orb and carefully observed the environment around Hezhen Bodhisattva.

There is nothing unusual about the area around Hezhen Bodhisattva. Meng Zhang can see the head at a glance through the orb.

Qianyuan Immortal Lord himself is a great master who is proficient in illusion, and his attainments in illusion are well known.

The orb he gave to Meng Zhang has a strong ability to detect illusions and point to the essence.

Even the illusions performed by the great Bodhisattva himself cannot escape the prying eyes of the orbs.

In the entire sea of ​​dancing flowers, it is impossible for the orb to see through completely, and there is a fog. Either it is the miraculous workmanship of nature and the environment is too special; or it is like the gathering place of those followers, where there is no sun and moonlight. Protected by the formation diagram left by the Buddha.

In the area around Hezhen Bodhisattva, even the orbs cannot detect anything unnatural. Is there really no hidden mystery in it?

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【Shangmenxian Road】【】

Could it be that Hezhen Bodhisattva was bluffing, trying to scare off the pursuers behind him?

The few Bodhisattvas who were following He Zhen Bodhisattva were closer. After hearing He Zhen Bodhisattva’s shouts, they increased their vigilance and used various means to carefully explore the surrounding environment.

Their detection methods are not as good as Meng Zhang’s, so naturally they can’t find any abnormalities.

They had similar thoughts to Meng Zhang.

They were worried that Hezhen Bodhisattva would take the opportunity to escape, so they quickened their pace, trying to catch up and hold the other party back to prevent them from escaping.

A roar sounded from the front not far from Hezhen Bodhisattva, and a green lion appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this blue lion, He Zhen Bodhisattva’s face was full of ecstasy.

“Brother Qingshi, they broke through the gathering place, and they killed wantonly…”

Hezhen Bodhisattva spoke very fast and complained to Qingshi about the crimes of the pursuers behind him.

The green lion looked at Hezhen Bodhisattva very boredly, but did not lose his temper.

The few Bodhisattvas who were chasing behind stopped their progress and began to hesitate when they saw the green lion appearing.

After hearing Hezhen Bodhisattva’s accusation, the green lion glanced at those Bodhisattvas and disappeared again.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared in the sky above several Bodhisattvas.

A heavy green flame burned throughout the surrounding void, surrounding the Bodhisattvas.

The Bodhisattvas had already judged the strength of the green lion and reminded each other.

“Be careful, everyone, this sky demon is dangerous.”

“This celestial demon is at the same level as Senior Brother Yunji. Please don’t fight forcefully.”


Several Bodhisattvas took action one after another, resisting the burning of the green flames while trying to break through and escape.

After the blue lion took action, Kazuma Bodhisattva breathed a sigh of relief and secretly looked at each other with jealous eyes.

Hezhen Bodhisattva was one of the first people to follow Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha, and he has always been loyal to him and devoted himself wholeheartedly.

His biggest dream is to be accepted as a disciple of Namo Sun Moon Light Buddha and become his true direct descendant.

Unfortunately, Namo Sun Moon Light Buddha seemed to think highly of him, but he had reservations about many important matters. Find Shuyuan

He received a lot of advice from Namo Sun Moon Light Buddha, but he did not receive his true transmission.

Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha gave him those seemingly powerful Buddhist instruments, but they also had many restrictions on their use.


On the other hand, the green lion was obviously from the demon clan. After being surrendered by Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha, he was highly valued by him, almost treating him as his direct disciple.

Strong men in Buddhism have always liked to subdue all kinds of monsters and make them become Buddhist protectors.

Most of the time, these demon guardians will not become direct descendants of Buddhism, but are simply thugs and fighting tools.

There is a ceiling for this type of protector to be promoted within the Buddhist system.

Arhat-level Dharma Protectors are often the limit they can reach.

Only in a few special circumstances, these monsters can be promoted to the level of Bodhisattva.

The green lion in front of me has long since achieved the status of a great Bodhisattva under the careful cultivation of Namu Sun Moonlight Buddha.

In addition to his extraordinary talent as a celestial demon, he also majored in Buddhist techniques. He was the leader of two families, and his fighting power was only as strong as that of an ordinary great Bodhisattva.

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【Shangmenxian Road】【】

Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha has been in seclusion for many years and does not care about foreign affairs. Daily affairs in the sea of ​​flowers are handled by his followers headed by Hezhen Bodhisattva.

This group of followers did not know the whereabouts of Namo Sun Moon Light Buddha and could not contact him.

Something really big happened in the sea of ​​flowers, and Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha did not need He Zhen Bodhisattva to report to them. He will naturally know everything. (End of chapter)

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