Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3422: It’s hard to distinguish between true and false

【Shangmenxian Road】【】

He Zhen Bodhisattva took the initiative to ask for a meeting, which showed that he was really anxious. Meng Zhang’s guess was not unreasonable.

But Meng Zhang didn’t feel much pride in his heart.

If his guess is true and the matter involves the Buddha, the risks will be great.

If possible, of course he would like to hide as far away as possible.

With his current level of cultivation, he is simply not qualified to participate in such a dispute.

If you are not careful, your body and soul will be shattered into pieces.

Unfortunately, he has no way to escape now and can only survive in death.

Perhaps, things can still turn around, and I still have the opportunity to profit from it.

Meng Zhang arrived at the place agreed with Hezhen Bodhisattva on time.

After the two met, Hezhen Bodhisattva went straight to the topic without saying any nonsense, and revealed the long-hidden secret.

It turns out that Namu Sun Moonlight Buddha has been in seclusion in the sea of ​​dancing flowers for many years, and is about to make another big breakthrough in his cultivation realm.

Like the Golden Immortal, there are differences in cultivation among Buddhas.

Once Namu Sun Moonlight Buddha’s cultivation realm is successfully broken through, he will be promoted from an ordinary Buddha to the top powerhouse among Buddhas.

Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha never interfered with the internal affairs of Buddhism, and he never stood up for Buddhism.

He has always been reclusive and a loner, and has no allies within Buddhism.

Some Buddhas either don’t believe in him, or are jealous of him… and don’t want to see him succeed in promotion.

They were worried that after he gained power, he would destroy the stability of Buddhism and affect their interests.

Thus, these Buddhas tried to sabotage his promotion.

Of course, it is difficult for these Buddhas to come forward directly, let alone to form an irresolvable mortal feud with him.

Yunmen Sect and other practicing sects were instigated by some Buddhas with ulterior motives, so they tried to cause trouble in the sea of ​​dancing flowers and interfere with the practice of Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha.

He Zhen Bodhisattva, as a follower of Namo Sun Moon Light Buddha, has long understood these conspiracies.

He had previously asked Meng Zhang to destroy the Yunmen Sect’s temporary base in the sea of ​​flowers, which was a warning to the Yunmen Sect.

The Yunmen Sect has lost its temporary base in the sea of ​​flowers, and there will be many obstacles to its next move.

He Zhen Bodhisattva thought that everyone was from the same lineage of Buddhism and had no intention of exterminating the Yunmen Sect.

Unexpectedly, the senior officials of Yunmen Sect did not appreciate it. Instead, they were obsessed with it and went all the way to the dark side.

With the example of Yunmen Sect, other Buddhist cultivating forces followed suit and sent large armies to the sea of ​​dancing flowers.

He Zhen Bodhisattva comforted Meng Zhang and told him not to worry too much.

Although these high-level Buddhist forces were bewitched and obsessed by others, they did not dare to act rashly because of the majesty of Namo Sun and Moonlight Buddha. They were just showing off outside the sea of ​​dancing flowers.

Of course, if the Buddha behind them continues to intimidate, they cannot rule out the possibility of directly entering the sea of ​​dancing flowers.

Before Namu Sun Moonlight Buddha retreated, he had already made arrangements to leave a trump card for Hezhen Bodhisattva and his followers, giving them the ability to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

However, after all, their number is too small, and there are spies inside.

When the time comes, Meng Zhang will lead Taiyi Realm to help them. They only need to help them resist the invading foreign enemies a little. When Namo Sun Moon Light Buddha successfully escapes, all enemies will be in danger.

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【Shangmenxian Road】【】

And Meng Zhang and Taiyijie will gain the friendship of Namo Sun Moon Light Buddha.

He Zhen Bodhisattva is very eloquent, and his words are as if they are really happening.

Everything he said was completely different from what Meng Zhang had guessed, but it seemed more reasonable.

Given the past experiences between the two parties, Meng Zhang was dubious about his statement.

If things are really as Hezhen Bodhisattva said, Meng Zhang can get huge rewards without taking too big risks.

The friendship of a Buddha is a priceless treasure to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang has never forgotten that as the inheritor of Taiyi Golden Immortal, he is burdened with great cause and effect.

Sooner or later, his identity will be discovered by the golden immortals who suppressed the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

If Namu Sun Moonlight Buddha really becomes the top Buddha, as long as he is willing to help, maybe he can solve the biggest problem he faces.

It has to be said that everything Hezhen Bodhisattva said has an irresistible temptation for Meng Zhang.

Even if Meng Zhang knew that he had reservations and the truth would probably not be what he said, he still couldn’t resist the temptation.

Meng Zhang kept warning himself that he should never believe in Hezhen Bodhisattva easily.

He directly set up Taiyi Realm as a target and made Taiyi Realm a public enemy of many cultivating forces in the sea of ​​flowers. He definitely had no good intentions.

But what if what he said is true, can Meng Zhang really use this opportunity to make friends with Namo Sun Moon Light Buddha?

Even if there is only one chance in a million to obtain the friendship of a Buddha, Meng Zhangdu is willing to take risks and go through fire and water.

Meng Zhang thought of his new friend Luo Yuzong.

The Luoyu Sect definitely doesn’t want to see Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha promoted.

The addition of a top-level powerhouse among the Buddhas may affect the strength comparison between Buddhism and Taoism, and greatly change the situation between the two parties.

The Luoyu Sect will definitely prevent the promotion of Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha at all costs.

Maybe the Dao Sect will send out Golden Immortals.

Taoism and Buddhism are at war, Golden Immortal and Buddha are fighting, and maybe the entire void will be involved in the war.

As a member of the Taoist sect, Meng Zhang was naturally unwilling to betray the Taoist sect easily and sought out Shuyuan to side with the Buddhist sect.

But if he faces the oppression of several golden immortals within the Taoist sect, and finally has no way out, he may have no choice but to take refuge in Nanwu Sun Moonlight Buddha.

Even if he doesn’t think about himself, he still has to think about the whole Taiyi world and the younger generations of the sect.

Meng Zhang, who has always been calm and wise, became confused and entangled because of the words of Hezhen Bodhisattva that aroused his deep thoughts.

He Zhen Bodhisattva looked at Meng Zhang’s look and knew that he was moved.

What about the Taoist immortals? Faced with the friendship of Nanmo Sun Moonlight Buddha, no wonder he can refuse it?

After thinking for a long time, Meng Zhang calmed down and sorted out his thoughts a little.

He Zhen Bodhisattva cannot be trusted. He doesn’t know whether everything he says is true or false. It’s a bit ridiculous that he is so entangled.

If his guess is correct and there is something wrong with Namu Riyueguang Buddha, then Hezhen Bodhisattva is deceiving himself and treating himself as cannon fodder.

If Namu Sun Moon Light Buddha himself cannot protect himself, what is the value of his friendship?

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【Shangmenxian Road】【】

Meng Zhang took a deep look at Hezhen Bodhisattva. Now was not the time to fall out with him.

If what he said was true, I might continue to please him in the future.

If what he said is false, there will always be opportunities for revenge in the future.

Now that he has too little information, Meng Zhang is unable to make an accurate judgment.

It is better to stay still than to move. It is better to maintain the status quo first and wait until the situation becomes clearer before making the final decision.

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