Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3378: Cooperation

Not to mention the injuries suffered by the two swordsmen of Tianlang Sword Sect earlier and the loss of vitality.

Just now, they paid a high price in order to quickly break through the interception of the two Bodhisattvas.

Their current state is far inferior to that in their heyday.

They were so arrogant that they were not willing to accept failure and did not realize that the crisis was coming.

They tried to give the two Bodhisattvas a final lesson, but ruined their last chance to escape.

A yin and yang energy rushed over quickly, just blocking their way.

Tai Miao even revealed his ghostly body and rushed towards them.

After the two sword lights and yin and yang qi entangled for a while, they were caught up by Tai Miao from behind.

The two sword immortals have superb swordsmanship and are good at close combat.

The sword light flows and fights with Tai Miao.

Meng Zhang used the power of the cave and began to restrict the movements of the two sword immortals, and blessed Tai Miao.

Taimiao’s every move and every move contained the power of his own divine kingdom. His strength was so powerful that he could easily disperse the sword light that was attacking him.

In the previous battle between Hezhen Bodhisattva and Heming Bodhisattva, they felt the strong killing intent of the two swordsmen of the Tianlang Sword Sect.

They had a moment of fear.

But soon, fear was replaced by shame, and quickly turned into deep-seated hatred for the two sword immortals.

Seeing that the two sword immortals had been stopped by Meng Zhang and the others, they did not stand by and watch, but actively cooperated with Meng Zhang and the others, vowing to kill the two sword immortals on the spot.

The two Bodhisattvas clasped their palms together and chanted Buddhist sutras quickly in their mouths. Rays of golden Buddha light fell from the sky and turned into haloes of light, covering the two sword immortals.

Meng Zhang had already had murderous intentions towards the two swordsmen of the Tianlang Sword Sect.

But if the two sword immortals could retreat in time, he would not pursue them relentlessly.

He is still thinking about the situation over there with Mingjing Celestial Immortal and others, and hopes to go there and have a look soon.

Of course, Mingde Celestial Immortal and Mingjing Celestial Immortal come from a large sect like Luo Yu Sect. Since they dare to take on the task of entangling the three leaders of the Wild Hunting Star Thieves, they are naturally confident.

And the fact that they have not sent a distress signal so far proves that they are still holding on.

It’s just that Meng Zhang is a kind man, and friends who are unwilling to help bear too much pressure and take too many risks.

Now that Bodhisattva Zhen and Bodhisattva Heming have taken the initiative to cooperate, they have created a great opportunity to kill the two sword immortals of the Tianlang Sword Sect, and Meng Zhang cannot miss it in vain.

After killing these two guys, at least for a long time in the future, there is no need to worry about the pressure from the Tianlang Sword Sect.

This time he was able to create a favorable battle situation in the face of the superior force led by Ziyang Tianxian, largely because of the use of Hezhen Bodhisattva and the followers of Namu Sun and Moon Light Buddha.

Although the Buddhist and Taoist sects have never dealt with each other, there has always been no enmity between Meng Zhang and this group of followers.

They were used by Meng Zhang this time, and they unintentionally helped Meng Zhang a lot.

Meng Zhang has always been clear about grievances and grievances.

Since the two Bodhisattvas wanted to kill the two sword immortals of the Tianlang Sword Sect, he would fulfill their wishes and do them a favor as well as himself.

Meng Zhang and Tai Miao join forces, and their strength is already superior to the two sword immortals.

Coupled with the active cooperation of the two Bodhisattvas on the side, they easily gained the upper hand and firmly suppressed the enemy.

Meng Zhang was not careless in the slightest and carefully limited the scope of activities of the two sword immortals.

Sword cultivator is considered to have a strong ability to survive among many practitioners.

The speed and concealment of Sword Escape are much stronger than the ordinary Five Elements Escape Technique.

The two swordsmen of Tianlang Sword Sect are not fools, and they are very clear about their own situation.

They also had regrets in their hearts. They regretted that they should not have stayed at home for too long. When they saw that the situation was not right, they should have retreated in time.

Immediately, they wiped out the regrets in their hearts, and their hearts were filled with indomitable pride.

The situation is far from desperate, and they still have a chance to escape.

They initially tried to escape by cutting through the space with their sharp sword energy, but the two Bodhisattvas had already cast spells to suppress and imprison the surrounding space, and they were unable to break through it at all.

The two Bodhisattvas may not be as good as them in frontal combat, but they can play a great role in supporting them.

The scriptures recited by the two Bodhisattvas are constantly weakening their fighting power.

Meng Zhang and Tai Miao are not Buddhist monks and cannot obtain blessings from scriptures.

Otherwise, their advantage would be even greater.

Using flying swords, they rushed to kill with all their might, rushing left and right, trying to get rid of Taimiao’s entanglement and find an opening to break out.

Meng Zhang used the power of the cave to trap them tightly, leaving no loopholes.

Every time they rush to kill, they will be blocked by the power of the cave.

Sword immortals of their level can break all kinds of magic with one sword, and can also create all kinds of magic with one sword.

No matter how they killed him, they couldn’t break through Meng Zhang’s cave power.

No matter what kind of secret arts they develop, they will be quickly suppressed by the power of the cave.

After a fierce attack, the two swordsmen felt exhausted, but they had no effect at all, and they were far away from breaking out.

Tai Miao is not idle either. While relying on the body of ghosts and gods to entangle them with all his strength, he is also running the power of the road of life and death, constantly weakening their vitality.

The rich aura of death surges out from the Kingdom of God almost all the time, chasing the steps of the two sword immortals.

The two sword immortals fought hard to injure themselves, stimulating their final potential and finally breaking through the interception of the power of the cave.

But before they could make any further moves, the power of the cave immediately returned to its original state and continued to trap them.

The two sword immortals were so angry that they almost vomited blood, but they had to repeat this process again.

Use your sword to break the blockade, and the blockade will be restored immediately.

After doing this several times in a row, even the most tenacious people will feel depressed and filled with a sense of hopeless powerlessness.

With the help of the two Bodhisattvas, Meng Zhang and the others can not only perfectly trap the enemy, but also quickly consume the enemy’s power.

When facing an enemy of life and death, Meng Zhang has no sense of discipline when looking for Shuyuan

He, Tai Miao and the two Bodhisattvas cooperated tacitly and displayed extremely strong combat effectiveness.

In the end, seeing that there was no hope of escape, the two swordsmen from the Tianlang Sword Sect tried to pull someone on their back to perish together with Meng Zhang and the others.

However, they, who have been weakened to the extreme, do not have such ability.

One sword immortal was hammered to death by Tai Miao, and the other was suppressed to death by Meng Zhang’s power from the cave.

Two sword immortals from the Tianlang Sword Sect were killed on the spot, and the two Bodhisattvas let out a sigh of relief.

Bodhisattvas also have seven emotions and six desires, as well as uncontrollable anger.

Meng Zhang and the others have finally eliminated a trouble and reduced future troubles.

After the battle, Hezhen Bodhisattva and Heming Bodhisattva took the initiative to come over and say hello to Meng Zhang and the others. (End of chapter)

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