Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3373: Watch

In fact, not only the leader of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Ghosts, but any more sensible ghosts and gods should know that the sky curtain is the foundation for their invasion of the Yangshi of Shenchang Realm.

Now due to Meng Zhang’s unexpected actions, the sky was severely damaged and has become shaky.

Compared to the gains and losses of Tianmu, the victory or defeat of a battle, and the losses of some ghosts and gods, they are all trivial matters.

The Lord of the Wangui Kingdom quickly communicated secretly with the Ghost Mother and Granny and revealed his thoughts.

Although the ghost mother-in-law and the others are still exposed, they also know that what the king of ghosts said makes sense.

As a result, Granny Ghost and the others lost any fighting spirit and wanted to leave the battle.

It doesn’t matter if they lose this time, it doesn’t matter if they pay some losses. The key is to keep the sky curtain.

The sky has just been severely damaged, and many consequences have not yet been fully revealed.

If nothing else, the rules of the surrounding world have not been reversed, and the ghosts and gods have not yet begun to be rejected.

For the sake of safety, Meng Zhang hopes to wait a little longer until the sky curtain completely fails and the rules of heaven and earth in Yangshi are restored.

By that time, the ghosts and gods will be severely weakened.

If the war starts again, our own casualties will be greatly reduced.

In addition, now that the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan coalition are facing the impact of the army of ghosts and gods, they are almost unable to hold on.

Meng Zhang will never allow his own army to hurt the foundation.

If Granny Gui and the others take the initiative to retreat, Meng Zhang and the others will return to support their own army in time.

At that time, not only can we save our own army, but we may also inflict heavy damage to the army of ghosts and gods.

Perhaps Ghost Mother and the others also knew what Meng Zhang was thinking, so they did not retreat at will.

While they continued to fight with Meng Zhang and the others, they ordered the fighting army of ghosts and gods to retreat first.

On the other side of the battlefield, the army of ghosts and gods, which was already in an absolute state of wind, had temporarily stopped its offensive due to the impact of the Taiyi Realm on the sky just now.

But they recovered quickly and continued to attack Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Alliance.

At this time, the army of ghosts and gods received an order from the Lord of the Ghost Kingdom, asking them to retreat quickly and take the initiative to break away from the battle.

Ghosts and gods are by nature cruel, impulsive, and unruly…

Several top ghosts and gods managed to organize the ghosts and gods into an army, but they could not change their nature at all.

The army of ghosts and gods is not an army with orders and prohibitions. In many cases, it is difficult for the king of ghosts to command the entire army.

Now that our own side has such an obvious advantage, many ghosts and gods who have fought with real fire are fierce and unwilling to retreat easily.

After receiving the order, some ghosts and gods began to prepare to leave the battle, while others even more frantically pounced on the enemy…

Suddenly, some chaos began to appear within the army of ghosts and gods.

After the Taiyi Realm hit the sky, many large and small gaps soon appeared in the sky.

In many places the canopy fell off in large swaths.

Since the canopy was established, the sky in the Eastern Continent has become pitch black.

The canopy continues to expand, and the scope of the canopy’s influence is also getting larger and larger.

The place where Taiyi Realm hits the sky curtain is carefully selected and is almost exactly in the center of the sky curtain.

Countless fragments fell from the sky, like meteorites, constantly bombarding the earth below.

Many ghosts and gods placed in the rear suffered heavy losses in such bombardment.

After the sky curtain collapsed, the shielding power in the sky disappeared.

Rays of sunshine shot towards the earth along the gaps in the sky.

Light began to appear in the originally dark sky.

Sunlight is the natural enemy of ghosts, especially low-level ghosts.

Among the huge army of ghosts and gods, it is impossible for all of them to be high-level ghosts and gods. There are also many low-level ghosts as servants.

The ghosts that were originally carefree under the canopy were suddenly burned to death when faced with the sunlight falling from the sky.

Even those high-level ghosts and gods still instinctively feel uncomfortable when facing the blazing sunshine.

The place where the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan coalition fought against the army of ghosts and gods was originally located on the edge of the sky curtain.

The canopy was severely damaged, and its impact first appeared on its edges.

The rules of heaven and earth affected by the sky curtain here quickly changed, and the rules of heaven and earth of Yangshi itself once again took over.

Many low-level ghosts and gods already feel that they are greatly restricted, and the world seems to be rejecting them…

Meng Zhang and the four of them formed a battle group, and they were still fighting endlessly with the four ghosts and gods including the Ghost Mother and Granny.

Neither side wants to continue fighting here, but they both have to fight endlessly.

If Ghost Mother Granny and the others just retreat and ignore Meng Zhang and the others, then Meng Zhang and the others will definitely attack the army of ghosts and gods fighting in front of them.

Without the restraint of equally powerful men, the army of ghosts and gods would not be able to withstand the attack of Meng Zhang and the others.

They can accept casualties in the army of ghosts and gods, but they are not willing to see the entire army of ghosts and gods collapse completely.

While the battles continued on the battlefields in various parts of the Eastern Continent, the Hunling Lord had been paying attention.

The Hunling Lord has long been lurking near the battlefield, waiting for both sides to suffer losses.

At first, when the army of ghosts and gods began to gain the upper hand, he was in a good mood.

If he doesn’t need to take action, the army of ghosts and gods can completely defeat the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan coalition. Looking for Shuyuan is the best result.

But the subsequent series of changes came too quickly.

He did not expect that Meng Zhang would be so bold as to directly cause the Taiyi Realm to hit the sky, almost destroying the biggest support of the army of ghosts and gods.

Hun Lingzunshen knew that the Lord of Wangui Kingdom and the others must have no fighting spirit at this moment.

The Hunling Lord still knows something about the canopy built by the ghosts and gods.

After all, apart from the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan, the ghosts and gods are also his imaginary enemies.

If the Taiyi Realm and the Dragon Clan completely fail, then he and the ghosts and gods will compete for the Shenchang Realm next.

Hunling Zunshen also considered how to deal with the army of ghosts and gods.

His idea is highly consistent with that of Meng Zhang, which is to first destroy Tianmu and remove the biggest support for the army of ghosts and gods.

It’s just that, after thinking hard for so long, he still hasn’t thought of a way to get rid of Tianmu.

Meng Zhang’s approach is truly unique, making it difficult for Hun Ling Zun Shen to imitate.

The Taiyi Realm severely damaged the sky this time. According to the estimation of the Hunling Lord, it should be difficult for the ghosts and gods to repair it.

Hun Ling Zun Shen still has a good understanding of the strength of both sides.

Meng Zhang and his team are only stronger than their enemies in terms of top combat power.

Meng Zhang and the others were able to entangle those top ghosts and gods before even the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor took action.

The biggest gap between Meng Zhang and the others is actually at the level below true immortals.

In the battle between cultivators, it is the top group of strong men who truly determine the final outcome.

Not to mention, if the cover of the sky is lost, the strength of the top experts in the army of ghosts and gods will be greatly reduced.

According to the estimation of Lord Hungling, if no other force intervenes, the complete defeat of the army of ghosts and gods is only a matter of time.

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