Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3352: Inquiry

Due to the special environment of the whirling flower sea, Meng Zhang’s method of secretly staying on the Taoist thief Sikong Yi was greatly interfered with, and his actions to track down this person’s whereabouts were not smooth.

He was not in a hurry, he just had to be patient and search slowly.

In the past few years since coming to the Whirlpool of Flowers, the senior officials of the Taiyi Realm, including Meng Zhang, have been studying various things in the Whirlpool of Flowers.

Meng Zhang has discovered many special rules, which can be avoided and exploited within limits.

As long as he is given enough time and the Taoist thief Sikong Yi does not leave the sea of ​​flowers, he will find him sooner or later.

While Meng Zhang was busy chasing Taoist thief Sikong Yi, the situation at Ziyang Tianxian had some new changes.

Ziyang Tianxian had previously used her magical power to block Meng Zhang’s attack, save the old man named Mr. Wu, and temporarily block Meng Zhang’s calculations.

Meng Zhang had no intention of continuing to quarrel with him and would give up as soon as he got along.

The two sides were far apart, and Meng Zhang’s power to strike from afar was limited, and he could not help a second-level immortal like Ziyang Celestial who was prepared.

The old man named Mr. Wu is called Wu Mingxiao. He is not from the spiritual world. He usually wanders in the void as a casual cultivator.

Although the foundation of his cultivation is the immortal way, and he was promoted to the second level of heavenly immortal early on, he has always been addicted to the witchcraft and has practiced many witchcraft secrets.

In his early years, he received guidance from a real master of witchcraft and gained some impressive inheritance.

The foundation of his immortality has long been solid and cannot be changed easily.

Even though he has practiced many witchcraft and secret techniques, he still cannot exert his strongest power.

Even so, relying on the mysterious witchcraft and secret techniques, under some special circumstances, he can exert abilities that ordinary immortals do not have.

As a cultivator with special abilities, he is sought after by many people.

The Sanyang Immortal Sect and Meng Zhang have long had a **** feud.

When Qingyang Tianxian and Baiyang Tianxian were chasing Meng Zhang, Ziyang Tianxian was still practicing hard in seclusion.

By the time he came out of seclusion, his two old friends had already died.

Both Baiyang Tianxian and Qingyang Tianxian died while performing official tasks in the Lingkong Fairyland.

Lingkong Fairyland officially provided very generous pensions and compensation.

These enviable properties did not impress Ziyang Tianxian. What he really wanted was revenge and the death of Meng Zhang.

But then, the official attitude of the Lingkong Immortal Realm regarding the pursuit of Meng Zhang became very ambiguous, not positive at all, and seemed to indulge Meng Zhang.

Ziyang Tianxian urged Lingkong Immortal World officials several times to express their incompatible attitude with Meng Zhang.

The officials of Lingkong Fairyland gave him a few perfunctory words at first.

Later on, the officials of the Lingkong Immortal Realm became very impatient with him, and the official monks often dismissed him with just a few words.

Among the Sanyang Immortal Sect, Ziyang Celestial Immortal is the most powerful person and is responsible for the sect’s combat effectiveness.

The ones who really deal with the outside world and handle all aspects of relations are Qingyang Tianxian and Baiyang Tianxian.

The two of them are also the direct managers of the sect.

Ziyang Tianxian was very dissatisfied with the official attitude of the Lingkong Fairyland, but there was nothing he could do.

No matter how angry he is, he cannot vent it to the official monks of the Lingkong Immortal World.

In desperation, he contacted the official Fengyuan Tianxian of the Lingkong Immortal World through some old connections in the sect.

Fengyuan Tianxian was punished by his superiors because of his improper handling of Meng Zhang.

Fortunately, he has a strong background and the punishment he received was not serious.

Zi Yang Tianxian contacted him and asked him to find out the news and inquire about the official attitude of the Lingkong Immortal World.

Fengyuan Tianxian also hated Meng Zhang very much and was very puzzled by some of his boss’s practices.

As a disciple and grandson of Jinxian, he has a wide range of connections.

After some inquiring, he learned specific information.

It turns out that the officials of the Lingkong Immortal Realm had previously invited the Tianji Immortal Master to use the Tianji technique to deduce the whereabouts of Meng Zhang.

This Tianji Immortal Master’s deduction failed completely, and he could not deduce Meng Zhang’s whereabouts at all.

But he didn’t gain anything.

When he used the Heavenly Secret Technique, he faintly sensed the existence of the green lotus in Meng Zhang’s body.

This green lotus was begged by the Taiyi Golden Immortal from an old friend, specifically to help Meng Zhang avoid the pursuit and exploration of the hostile Golden Immortal.

The level of this green lotus is extremely high, and it has a faint aura of power at the level of a golden immortal.

When the Tianji Immortal Master faintly sensed the existence of Qinglian, he was startled.

Behind Meng Zhang, there must be a strong person protecting him.

Even if his patron is not a golden immortal, he is still the most top-notch immortal.

He told the officials of Lingkong Immortal World about this matter.

His meaning was very clear. It was not that he was incompetent, but that Meng Zhang’s protector was too powerful and blocked his divine deduction.

Lingkong Immortal World officials have an extremely powerful intelligence system and have already collected information related to Meng Zhang.

Soon, the official monks of the Lingkong Immortal World noticed that Meng Zhang had some involvement with Qianyuan Immortal Lord.

Qianyuan Immortal is the top Immortal, and has long been regarded as the seed of the Golden Immortal.

He is different from the helpless casual cultivators like Junchen Immortal Lord. He has the support of the Golden Immortal behind him.

Some time ago, there were many rumors circulating about Qianyuan Immortal Lord.

The gods from the Earth Mother Goddess have been rumoring that Qianyuan Immortal Lord has died.

The official monks of the Lingkong Immortal World sneered at this.

They are more willing to believe another rumor. Qianyuan Immortal Lord has succeeded in reaching the Golden Immortal realm and is already a genuine Golden Immortal.

They speculated that Immortal Qianyuan had a close relationship with Meng Zhang, so they gave him shelter.

Although there are many golden immortals sitting in the Lingkong Immortal World, they will not inexplicably offend another golden immortal because of a trivial matter.

Those official monks of the Lingkong Immortal Realm have neither the courage nor the power to offend another Golden Immortal.

In Jinxian’s eyes, what Meng Zhang did was nothing more than trivial matters.

As a result, the official monks of the Lingkong Immortal Realm had no intention of continuing to pursue Meng Zhang.

Of course, for the sake of the face of the Lingkong Immortal Realm, they did not directly revoke Meng Zhang’s arrest order, but adopted a cold approach.

After Fengyuan Tianxian found out about these situations, he was very dissatisfied.

He was dissatisfied with the weakness of the official monks of the Lingkong Immortal World.

It has not been determined yet, it is just a guess, but I am frightened and unwilling to continue chasing Meng Zhang. This is really too incompetent.

Of course, even though he was dissatisfied and hated Meng Zhang, there was not much he could do.

His status as the official monk of the Lingkong Immortal World not only brought him many benefits and conveniences, but also gave him many more constraints.

Even if he hated Meng Zhang no matter how much he hated him, he would never abandon his identity and go after Meng Zhang.

At this time, Ziyang Tianxian came to him to inquire about information about Meng Zhang, which was exactly what he wanted.

He told the other party almost all the information he had gathered without reservation.

While Ziyang Tianxian scolded the Lingkong Fairyland official for being weak, he was thinking about how to hunt down Meng Zhang.

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