Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3323: Harvest

As the official monk of the Lingkong Immortal Realm, Fengyuan Tianxian has considerable power and can mobilize many resources.

He was unwilling to admit defeat, let alone let Meng Zhang go.

Since the whereabouts of Taiyi Realm cannot be traced by conventional means, some special means should be used.

He spent a lot of effort and invited a Tianji Immortal Master to use Tianji to calculate the whereabouts of Meng Zhang and Taiyijie.

No one expected that after the Tianji Immortal Master performed the Tianji Technique, not only did he fail to calculate the desired result, but he suffered an inexplicable backlash, causing himself to be seriously injured.

The Tianji Immortal Master was frightened and did not dare to continue.

Tianji Immortal Master is an important resource.

Not even Fengyuan Tianxian has the power to consume such resources wantonly.

Afterwards, Fengyuan Tianxian, who was unwilling to give up, tried to get the Gu Yue family to cooperate, but the Gu Yue family made excuses and pushed him away.

Although the Gu Yue family will not stand on the side of Taiyi Realm, they will not fully cooperate with Fengyuan Tianxian.

With the power of Fengyuan Celestial Immortal, he cannot control the Gu Yue family at will.

At this time, many people were dissatisfied because Fengyuan Tianxian had deployed a large number of manpower.

He has many opponents among the official forces in the Lingkong Immortal World, as well as in other aspects.

The war on the front line was tense and more reinforcements were needed, but for his own selfish purposes, he randomly mobilized manpower, which directly affected the battle situation at the front.

Facing such accusations, Fengyuan Tianxian couldn’t bear it.

In the end, he had to make a compromise and temporarily let go of the pursuit of Taiyi Realm, allowing the mobilized immortals to return to the front line.

Of course, he was not reconciled to this.

Since the power of the Hengling Star District alone could no longer solve Taiyi Realm, he activated his connections in Lingkong Immortal Realm and tried to put Taiyi Realm on the wanted list of Lingkong Immortal Realm.

Once Taiyijie is on the wanted list of Lingkong Fairyland, it is equivalent to becoming a public enemy of Lingkong Fairyland and will be hunted by all forces in Lingkong Fairyland.

During this process, it was not all smooth sailing. He also encountered many obstacles.

On the Taiyi Realm side, Tai Miao has been controlling Taiyi Realm to escape quickly since he defeated the pursuit team.

The current speed of Ether Realm is no worse than that of ordinary first-level immortals.

With the efforts of Tai Miao, Yueshen, etc., this speed can be maintained for a long time.

After Meng Zhang returned to Taiyi Realm, he has been in seclusion to heal his injuries.

He mustered up his remaining strength and strengthened the suppression of the enemy Dongtian, then took the elixir, refined the purple and green spirit, and slowly recuperated his body.

After his injuries stabilized and his energy began to recover, he had enough energy to pay attention to Dongtian, who was suppressed by him.

Most of the caves of Qingyang Celestial Immortal and Baiyang Celestial Immortal have been destroyed long ago, and the remaining small parts are also badly damaged and may collapse at any time.

This can no longer be called a cave, it is simply the remains of a cave.

While Meng Zhang used the power of the cave to suppress the two caves, he also temporarily prevented their collapse.

Now that he had some spare energy, he began to continue to use the power of the caves, grinding the two caves bit by bit, and then slowly refining and absorbing them.

The two cave wreckage are also good supplements, which can greatly make up for his losses in previous battles.

When dealing with Luo Guang Tianxian, Meng Zhang had to take a risk and directly use his own cave to hit the opponent’s cave.

His cave was also severely damaged during this process.

As his injury improved slightly, he continued to invest resources and began to stabilize the situation in his cave.

After the cave was stable, he began to slowly repair the damage in the cave.

As for Dongtian’s lost vitality and damaged foundation, it is not so easy to make up for it.

The cave sky left behind after the death of Immortal Luo Guang is a huge burden and a great tonic for Meng Zhang.

He must mobilize the power of the cave at all times to forcibly suppress it.

Fortunately, the cave was severely damaged and lost its owner, so he was able to suppress it with difficulty.

When he had his hands free, he began to slowly study the structure of the cave, trying to get a glimpse of Guantian Pavilion’s method of shaping the cave.

Although he has created his own cave a long time ago, if he really gains something, he can definitely use it when he improves and strengthens his cave in the future.

This cave is not as good as his, but it still has many merits.

The interior of Dongtian is strictly regulated, and some of the fundamental secrets of Guantian Pavilion can be glimpsed from it.

There are several methods of shaping the cave heaven passed down to Meng Zhang by Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Among these methods, there are common ones and there are also very superior beings.

In comparison, Luo Guang Tianxian’s method of shaping the cave sky is not bad.

When Meng Zhang first created his own cave, he chose the most brilliant and difficult one.

With the same method of shaping the cave, depending on the practitioner’s personal practice and understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth, the caves created are also very different.

The cave created by almost every second-level immortal is unique.

Meng Zhang is not satisfied with copying the inheritance left by his predecessors.

On the basis of practicing the inheritance of his predecessors, he embraced all rivers and looked for books to absorb a large number of other methods, trying to introduce the old and bring out the new, so as to achieve the state where the master is better than the master.

Meng Zhang didn’t know what kind of cave sky the Taiyi Golden Immortal created when he was in the second realm of the Immortal.

He just followed his own practice plan and tried his best to do his best.

Among the second-level immortals he has experienced, he thinks that his own cave is definitely the best.

Of course, he has never fought against the unparalleled geniuses of the Golden Immortal Sect, so he doesn’t know what their caves are like.

After carefully studying the cave left by Luo Guang Tianxian, Meng Zhang felt that he had gained a lot in all aspects.

At this time, the remains of the cave left by Qingyang Celestial Immortal and Baiyang Celestial Immortal had been completely ground up by him, and were slowly being refined and absorbed.

With these two tonics, his cave has been repaired a lot.

Finally, he got down to the hard nut.

He used the power of the cave and began to slowly decompose the cave left by Luo Guang Tianxian, trying to absorb and refine it.

If Meng Zhang succeeds, his cave will usher in a great evolution, and his cultivation will also usher in a leap.

You know, Luo Guang Tianxian’s cultivation level is much better than Meng Zhang’s.

His Dongtian is much stronger than Meng Zhang in terms of strength alone.

Meng Zhang used a trick at the beginning, taking advantage of the caves of Qingyang Celestial Immortal and Baiyang Celestial Immortal, and only achieved the final victory at the risk of losing both sides.

Luo Guang Tianxian lost in the end, largely because he lost his fighting spirit.

If he had Meng Zhang’s tenacious will and persisted until the end, it would be really hard to say what the outcome would be for both parties.

Meng Zhang’s disintegration and absorption of Luo Guang Tianxian’s cave is destined to be a long process.

During this process, he will slowly sort out his own cultivation and regard it as a precious practice.

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