Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3316: Army

Dongtian is the foundation of the second-level immortals, and the Kingdom of God is the foundation of the gods. Although everyone uses its power on weekdays, they also work hard to protect it.

It is relatively rare for Dongtian and Divine Kingdom to directly collide and become entangled with each other like this.

Generally speaking, people fight in this way because they are desperate and do not hesitate to damage their own foundation.

If one of them fails, both sides will suffer losses.

Taimiao was far from being forced to a dead end, and on the contrary, the battle situation was not bad, so he used such drastic measures, which really exceeded everyone’s expectations.

The Kingdom of God and Dongtian were entangled, and their forces collided and attacked each other, causing the three people’s bodies to tremble and vibrate uncontrollably.

Taimiao has been on the path of believing in Shinto for many years, and there are countless believers in the Kingdom of God.

Among these believers, there are many powerful people.

Over the years, under the leadership of many servants of God, these believers have practiced regularly and have long since become an army with strong combat effectiveness.

After Taimiao’s Kingdom of God connected with the enemy’s cave, an army of heavily armed believers marched along the passage towards the enemy’s cave.

Although Baiyang Celestial Immortal and Qingyang Celestial Immortal are both veteran Celestial Immortals, they have not been promoted to the second level of Celestial Immortal for too long.

Even with the enshrinement of the entire Sanyang Immortal Sect, their caves are far from perfect, and their strengthening efforts are limited.

Although there were also creatures born inside, their numbers were small and their strength was average.

They also deployed some Taoist soldiers in the cave, but their strength was limited.

The army of believers under Tai Miao divided into two groups and entered the caves of the two opponents at the same time.

The remaining forces in the cave actively organized resistance and started a fierce fight with the army of believers.

As Dongtian and Shenguo are entangled, the distance between Taimiao and the two opponents has also been narrowed.

Taimiao manifested a huge ghost and **** body and struck at the two opponents.

Although Qingyang Tianxian and Baiyang Tianxian are not good at close combat, they still find ways to resist Tai Miao’s attack.

They use various secret techniques to continuously strengthen their defenses so that they can withstand more attacks from the enemy.

They displayed all kinds of magical powers and kept blasting at Taimiao’s huge body of ghosts and gods.

Although Taimiao seized the opportunity and dragged them into an unfavorable environment, they did not give up. Instead, they tried their best to resist their opponents and work hard to reverse the situation.

New changes occurred in the originally boring battle situation, which made the long-bored Luo Guang Tianxian a little interested.

Seeing that Qingyang Tianxian and Baiyang Tianxian could continue to resist the enemy’s attack, he did not take action rashly.

Now the three of them are very close, and the Kingdom of God and Dongtian are entangled.

Even with his ability, once he takes action, it is very likely to cause disaster to Chi Yu, causing accidental injury or the like.

The battle between the three became more intense.

After a fierce battle, the army of believers under Tai Miao easily defeated the enemy’s resistance in Dongtian.

Taimiao has been running the Kingdom of God for many years and has the worship of the entire Taiyi Sect and even the Taiyi Realm. This huge army of believers is one of its foundations.

The enemy forces were defeated, and the army of believers began to attack and destroy the enemy’s caves wantonly.

For the second-level immortals, the cave sky is the strongest point and the weakest point.

Dongtian is the source of power, a weapon to suppress enemies, and the foundation of one’s own family.

Although these armies of believers are huge in number, it is still not easy to cause too much damage to Dongtian in a short period of time.

It’s just that everything is done together, and many huge injuries are caused by the accumulation of small injuries bit by bit.

No matter what their considerations are, the two immortals cannot allow their caves to be attacked at will by the enemy.

Qingyang Tianxian and Baiyang Tianxian used the power of the cave to try to suppress this army of believers.

But Taimiao used the power of the Kingdom of God in time to protect these armies of believers and contain the enemy’s power. The power of the cave that fell towards the army of believers was not very strong to begin with, and it was blocked by the power of the Kingdom of God before they even got close.

Of course, because the army of believers entering the enemy’s cave is too large, Tai Miao cannot protect them all.

Many armies of believers were killed by the enemy using the power of the cave, but more armies of believers were still fighting.

They risked their lives and desperately tried to destroy the enemy’s cave.

More people are more powerful. When the seemingly insignificant damage is accumulated bit by bit, the total amount is still very considerable.

Particularly worth mentioning is the Qing Yang Celestial Being, whose cave was originally harmed by the remaining power of the divine kingdom from the Shan Yong Celestial God.

Although the remaining power of the Kingdom of God has become much weaker after the explosion just now, it has not been completely exhausted.

The remaining power of the Kingdom of God continued to plunder inside his cave, causing him considerable pressure.

Now that there is an army of believers pouring into the cave, it is even more difficult for him to support them.

Baiyang Tianxian discovered the plight of Qingyang Tianxian.

Despite his own difficult situation, he vigorously provided assistance to his fellow disciples.

He lowered one hand, facing the cave sky, and streams of vitality fell down, transforming into giants, monsters, etc., and rushed towards Taimiao’s army of believers.

The creatures transformed by his energy are powerful enough and of a high level, and should be enough to hold off the enemy for a long time.

Taimiao saw that the enemy still had such strong resistance, so he decided to continue to increase the pressure.

A powerful army composed of ghosts and ghosts poured out from the Kingdom of God and attacked the enemy’s cave.

This army is not only powerful in combat, it easily kills a large number of enemies transformed by vitality, and also brings the breath of death into the enemy’s cave.

These breaths of death come from the power of death that is too wonderful, and also from the special breath of the underworld.

As the aura of death spreads throughout the cave, the vitality of the cave begins to weaken.

Both Qingyang Tianxian and Baiyang Tianxian couldn’t help but shudder and felt cold on their bodies.

With their cultivation, they have already reached the point where they are immune to cold and heat.

The chill on their bodies comes from the aura of death.

The breath of death has passed through the cave sky and penetrated into their bodies.

There were loud noises in the cave. It was the army of believers under Tai Miao who had acted as demolition workers and were trying their best to destroy everything in the cave.

Both Qingyang Tianxian and Baiyang Tianxian felt that the situation was very bad and could not let the enemy continue.

They tried their best and used all their skills, but they were unable to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

Meng Zhang, who was on another battlefield in the distance, had been paying attention to the battle situation here.

Taimiao seized the opportunity first and launched a timely counterattack, gaining a huge advantage.

If there is no external interference, it is only a matter of time before Taimiao Distance, which has already gained the upper hand, becomes the final winner.

Unfortunately, Tai Miao has to face the same problem as Meng Zhang, that is Luo Guang Tianxian, who is watching covetously from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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