Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3282: Visit

Meng Zhang’s visit to the Yuzhen Sect’s residence this time was an open and honest trip, with no intention of concealing his whereabouts.

Similar behavior is very common among the cultivation forces under the command of Lingkong Immortal World.

Many leaders of cultivators are taking advantage of this rare opportunity to visit and actively make friends with potential cultivators and cultivators.

Most of the patrol teams Meng Zhang encountered along the way could recognize him.

Many cultivators paid homage to him from a distance.

In order not to delay the patrol, those patrol teams would not express too much, but they still paid respect to Meng Zhang in their own way.

Meng Zhang is not that arrogant and rude person. He will at least nod and express respect for others.

He originally thought it would be a smooth and enjoyable journey.

His good mood lasted until he was stopped by an official patrol team from the Spirit Sky Fairyland.

In the area controlled by Lingkong Fairyland, in addition to the patrol teams sent by the major cultivation forces themselves, Lingkong Fairyland officials will also organize teams to conduct irregular patrols.

The official patrol team of Lingkong Fairyland is naturally more vigilant, conducts more rigorous investigations, and has greater authority…

Stopped by the official patrol team of the Lingkong Fairyland, Meng Zhang could only accept the interrogation obediently.

He would not be stupid enough to challenge the official authority of the Lingkong Immortal Realm head-on.

Unfortunately, his proactive and cooperative attitude did not earn the other party’s goodwill.

The real immortals in the patrol team carefully questioned Meng Zhang about his origins, whereabouts and other issues.

On the surface, the other party was selfless, merciless and strict in enforcing the law. They questioned Meng Zhang repeatedly and tirelessly, and their attitude was many times harsher than interrogating a prisoner.

If the other party did not recognize his identity, Meng Zhang would not believe it even to death.

He finally understood. It was clear that the other party was deliberately making things difficult for him and deliberately wasting his time.

The strongest members of this patrol team are just two true immortals.

As long as Meng Zhang is willing, he can slap them to death.

According to the practice in the world of cultivation, if a real immortal dares to be so disrespectful to an immortal, the immortal can justifiably teach him a lesson.

But because they now represent the official body of the Lingkong Immortal Realm, no matter how powerful the immortals are, they dare not make mistakes.

Meng Zhang forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and dealt with the opponent one sentence after another.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry and can deal with the opponent slowly.

Up to now, the other party has only verbally embarrassed Meng Zhang.

If they dare to take the initiative, Meng Zhang can deal with them well.

These guys who represent the officials of the Lingkong Immortal Realm are not stupid. They know where the limit is and they will not give Meng Zhang an excuse.

They stopped Meng Zhang just because they wanted to kill Meng Zhang’s momentum and create trouble in the other party’s heart.

After pestering Meng Zhang for a long time, they finally reluctantly let Meng Zhang pass.

Meng Zhang looked calm on the surface, but secretly reminded himself in his heart that the official monks of the Lingkong Immortal World had never forgotten the discomfort he had caused them, and they should have been thinking of ways to catch their sore feet.

You and Taiyi Realm must be more cautious in their future actions and not give Lingkong Immortal Realm officials an excuse to launch an attack.

At the same time, you can’t just sit still and let the other party make trouble for you.

If possible, you should also carry out counterattacks that are reasonable and legal so that no one can fault you.

After this unhappy incident, Meng Zhang’s next journey went very smoothly.

A large group of small, exquisite, exquisite and gorgeous palaces slowly swims in the void according to certain rules.

This is the residence of the Yuzhen Cult monks.

Meng Zhang did not approach rashly, but went inside from a distance to announce his name and express his intention to visit.

After a while, the palaces opened their doors, gongs and drums sounded, and a large group of graceful female cultivators flew out of the palaces and lined up to welcome Meng Zhang’s arrival.

Meng Zhang did not expect that Yuzhen Church would put up such a big show to welcome him.

The depression caused by the official monks of the Lingkong Immortal Realm was swept away in his heart.

Although he was not flattered, he did feel that he could not afford such courtesy.

The Yuzhen Sect is a long-established sect with an Immortal Lord at the helm. It is famous in the void and dares to confront the Earth Mother God System with the main **** at the helm.

Although Meng Zhang, a young immortal, has little reputation, he will not let the other party treat him like this.

While Meng Zhang was wondering, a group of female fairies in front of him had already taken the initiative to greet him.

Meng Zhang originally intended to make friends with the other party, so his attitude was naturally very polite.

The team of female fairies were also very enthusiastic towards Meng Zhang.

The leader of this team of female immortals is also a strong person in the second realm of heavenly immortals, Fairy Yaozhen who is responsible for the external affairs of the Yuzhen Sect.

Among the team, there is also a female fairy whom Meng Zhang met many years ago – the Ruby Fairy.

After many years of not seeing each other, Meng Zhang and her cultivation have improved tremendously.

Needless to say, Meng Zhang, the Red Jade Fairy was also promoted from a true immortal to a first-level heavenly immortal.

Sensing the undisguised aura of the cave in Meng Zhang’s body, the red jade fairy’s beautiful eyes flashed with splendor.

She is the seed cultivated by the Yuzhen Sect. She has excellent conditions such as famous teachers and resources. She believes that her cultivation speed should be no slower than Meng Zhang.

But when the two sides met again, Meng Zhang walked in front of her again.

Fairy Yaozhen has no habit of being a condescending monk, and treats Meng Zhang as a close friend.

After not seeing each other for many years, Fairy Hongyu took the initiative to say hello to Meng Zhang and thanked him for his help back then.

After the two parties chatted for a while, Fairy Yaozhen and the others welcomed Meng Zhang into a palace.

After everyone took their seats in the main hall, they exchanged polite greetings before slowly getting to the point.

Fairy Yaozhen first thanked Meng Zhang for his help.

At first, Fairy Hongyu, Fairy Yuxi, and Fairy Ruizhen, the three true immortals of the Yuzhen Sect, got acquainted with Meng Zhang because of the incident in Gai Rang Continent.

Meng Zhang helped them deal with the God Xinda of the Earth Mother Goddess, and also perfectly solved the problem of Gaiyang Continent.

Needless to say, the Red Jade Fairy is a key cultivation target within the Yuzhen Sect.

Fairy Yuxi and Fairy Ruizhen, look for Shuyuan www. is the direct descendant of Fairy Yaozhen.

They are not here now. As an elder, Fairy Yaozhen should show some courtesy to Meng Zhang.

In addition to this small cause and effect, Fairy Yaozhen also made it very clear that all enemies of the Earth Mother God System are friends of the Yuzhen Sect.

Especially Meng Zhang, a heavenly being with vast magical powers who has caused heavy losses to the Earth Mother God System, is a guest of the Yuzhen Sect.

Meng Zhang had already expected Fairy Yaozhen’s attitude.

Although the Yuzhen Sect has the support of the Golden Immortal behind it, there is no Golden Immortal in charge. It should not be able to gain much advantage against the powerful Earth Mother God System.

Since they are the weaker side in the fight, as long as the female immortals of Yuzhen Sect are not stupid, they should be very eager to make friends in all aspects.

(End of this chapter)


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