Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3272: Reinforcements


Seeing that the opponent was on guard and could not suppress the opponent with the power of the cave alone, Meng Zhang, who had great supernatural powers, had to think of another way.

He used all kinds of magical powers to try to restrict the opponent’s movements and weaken his resistance.

After the thunder net formed by the Yin Yang Extinction Divine Thunder condensed and took shape, he has been looking for the opportunity to take action.

Seeing the white bat demon using its magical power and releasing countless bats again, a huge thunder net immediately enveloped it.

Wherever the thunder net passed, countless bats turned into powder.

A warning sign rose in the white bat sky demon’s heart, and he jumped desperately. There were many black spots on his body, but he managed to break through the siege of the thunder net.

The power of the cave fell, but it was a step too slow and failed to stop it.

This guy is too sophisticated. He would rather resist the bombardment of the Yin-Yang Extinction Divine Thunder than be covered by the power of the cave.

The blow failed to achieve its goal, and Meng Zhang was not worried at all.

There are still many opportunities, but if you stay for a long time, you will lose. It is impossible for the white bat demon to escape every time.

While using the power of the cave, Meng Zhang released various magical powers and launched a non-stop offensive against the white bat demon.

After fighting Meng Zhang for such a while, the White Bat Sky Demon sadly realized that he might not be a match for the junior in front of him.

The opponent does not look like a second-level immortal who has just been promoted. Whether it is combat experience or various magical methods, he is superior to himself.

Since the beginning of the war, he has been passive almost everywhere, with no hope of victory at all.

Although the White Bat Sky Demon has all kinds of shortcomings, he is not the kind of guy who is so stubborn that he never admits his mistakes.

Since you can’t fight the guy in front of you, you can’t care about your face.

He secretly communicated again, asking the senior officials of the Star Thieves Group who were responsible for contacting the Fahua Sect and the Sirius Sword Sect to quickly seek help from their allies.

In fact, since the battle began, not only the White Bat Sky Demon’s side, but also the entire Wild Hunting Star Thieves group have been in a very bad situation.

In terms of top-level combat power, Taiyijie has a great advantage.

Except for Gu Yue Lingqing’s less obvious advantage, the Moon God has already suppressed her opponent firmly, and the Taiyin God-killing Sword will add some wounds to the opponent’s body from time to time.

Taimiao has the absolute upper hand with one against two, and may seriously injure or even kill one of them at any time.

The fleet of the Wild Hunting Star Thieves was initially attacked by Tai Miao and others, killing them and disrupting their formation.

After that, the battle between Tai Miao and their opponents also broke out in the fleet group.

Under their conscious or unconscious control, the aftermath of the battle alone can cause huge losses to the fleet.

It wasn’t until Taiyi Realm’s fleet entered the battlefield that they concentrated on dealing with their respective opponents and no longer distracted from killing the enemy fleet.

After years of development, Taiyi Realm’s level of building void battleships has been continuously improving.

Taiyi Realm has defeated many opponents with different origins, and the various void battleships captured have given the monks of Taiyi Sect Shengongtang great inspiration and insights.

Generally speaking, large-scale void battleships often have functions such as fighting in the void, carrying supplies, and providing a safe living place for the creatures on board.

Such a void battleship has various functions, but no one aspect is outstanding.

The Taiyi Realm has built many void battleships, each with its own unique functions.

Most of the void battleships in this fleet are newly built and are specially used for void battles.

These void battleships have powerful firepower and impressive defense…

Void warships of different shapes play different roles on the battlefield. Cooperating with each other, the entire fleet explodes with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Looking at the Wild Hunting Star Thief Group, there are a large number of warships, but they are old and new, and the types are too complicated, and the coordination cannot be called tight.

The fleet in Taiyi Realm is stronger than its opponents, and the powerful people at the level of true immortals are also stronger than their opponents…

The opponent also lost the opportunity, his position was in chaos, and the situation of strength and weakness was determined.

Under the violent attack of the Taiyi Realm fleet, the fleet of the Wild Hunting Star Thief Group suffered heavy losses and was at a clear disadvantage. It was only a matter of time before they were defeated.

Without any urging from the White Bat Sky Demon, the senior officials of the Wild Hunting Star Thief Group who were responsible for external liaison had already begun to continuously seek help from the two temporary allies.

The tone of their pleas for help became more and more urgent. In the end, they no longer cared about their face, and they were simply begging.

The Wild Hunting Star Thieves Group is too far away from the Hengling Star Area, and water from far away cannot save the fire that is near.

The Wild Hunting Bandits have made too many enemies and are disgusted by ghosts and gods. In a short period of time, apart from these two temporary allies, no other reinforcements can be found.

Facing the crisis of life and death, they tried every means.

During the contact, they either begged or threatened the other party. If the reinforcements were delayed and they couldn’t resist it, they would flee or even surrender.

At that time, the Fahua Sect and the Tianlang Sword Sect will face the powerful Taiyi Realm.

Fahua Sect and Tianlang Sword Sect judged from each other’s tone that the other party’s attitude was not hypocritical.

And after delaying for so long, they also believed that they had consumed enough of the Wild Hunting Star Thief Group’s strength.

If you continue to delay, maybe something bad will happen.

The top executives of the two companies even felt a little regretful, wondering whether they had delayed for too long and whether the situation would be irreversible.

No matter what, both families quickly sent reinforcements.

Even if the worst happens and the Wild Hunting Thieves are defeated, the two families should be able to stop the Taiyi Realm by joining forces.

Taking advantage of this period of time, the Fahua Sect also promptly transferred back a lot of troops from other places.

The first reinforcement team sent by the Fahua Sect was led by Da Que Bodhisattva.

Da Que Bodhisattva is one of the most powerful men in the Fahua Sect, with a cultivation level of the second realm of immortals.

He is also the strongest member of the Fahua Sect stationed in the Hengling Star Region.

He also participated in the last hunt for Taiyi Realm. Find Shuyuan

Like the White Bat Sky Demon, he was disturbed by the spell cast by the great scholar from the Spring and Autumn Academy as soon as he arrived, thus losing all traces of the Taiyi Realm.

It can be said that the hatred between Taiyi Realm and Fahua Sect is as deep as the sea.

The deaths of many Bodhisattvas are related to Meng Zhang, and the information about the secret realm of Pudu Golden Immortal made the Fahua Sect determined to win Meng Zhang.

After unsuccessfully pursuing the Taiyi Realm, Daque Bodhisattva went to the location of the Pudu Golden Immortal Secret Realm based on the information left by his fellow disciples.

However, due to a series of changes and his lack of tokens, he finally returned without success and failed to enter the Golden Immortal Secret Realm.

Ever since they learned the information about Taiyi Realm in the Hengling Star District, the Fahua Sect has long wanted to take action.

However, the sect’s senior leaders were too cautious at first and insisted on relying on the power of the Wild Hunting Star Thief Group and the Sirius Sword Sect.

Secondly, the Bodhisattvas and Arhats of the Fahua Sect were driven by the Tiantai Sect and were temporarily unable to concentrate their strength.

This time, Daque Bodhisattva finally asked for leave from the Tiantai Sect, brought a small team, and went to reinforce the Wild Star Hunters.

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