Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3266: Accident

Although the senior leaders of Taiyi Realm have also considered the risks of opening Taiyi Realm to the outside world, because the various benefits are too huge, most of them support this open policy and ignore the existence of this risk.

Meng Zhang has long thought that if the Taiyi world wants to achieve greater development, it cannot always remain closed.

In fact, when he was wandering in the void in Taiyi Realm, he adopted an open-minded attitude and absorbed many monks from different races and different cultivation systems.

It’s just that Taiyi Realm has been wandering in the void, without a stable state, and it is difficult to have regular interactions with the outside world.

Now that the Taiyi world has settled down, it has opened its door to the outside world.

Of course, the extent to which Taiyi Realm is open to the outside world is limited.

Except for a few fixed trading places, foreign cultivators can only move within a certain area for the time being, and cannot enter more areas within Taiyi World at will.

Those monks who want to join the Taiyi world need to go through multiple assessments.

It has also been the consistent policy of the Taiyi world to absorb some qualified foreign monks to replenish fresh blood.

Although there are many outside cultivators coming in and out, it is difficult for them to discover the true mystery of Taiyi Realm.

Recently, there have been a lot of troubles within the Taiyi world.

Some of them happened in trading places. Some cultivators were dissatisfied with the trading situation and tried to fight.

These cultivators were easily suppressed by Taiyi Realm.

There are also some outside cultivators who are trying to escape from the permitted areas of Taiyi Realm and sneak into Taiyi Realm.

The defense system of Taiyi Realm itself is extremely tight.

Especially because there are so many gods, they have set up dragnets in many places.

These outsiders were quickly arrested as soon as they took action.


If these seemingly isolated incidents occur in large numbers, they will naturally attract the attention of the senior officials of the Taiyi world.

There are specialized monks in Taiyi Realm who interrogate these guys, but no more useful information is obtained.

Some of them are too greedy and want to take advantage of the transaction, so they start to cause trouble on impulse.

Those cultivators who try to sneak into Taiyi Realm are also because they are too curious about the situation inside Taiyi Realm.

Some even just want to sneak into Taiyi Realm and steal some precious resources.


Although no useful information was obtained from interrogating these foreign cultivators, the senior officials of the Taiyi world, who are often in a state of war and are highly vigilant, still have their own judgments.

They suspected that these cultivators were testing the defense system of Taiyi Realm.

However, due to the superb skills of the people behind the scenes, they made full use of these confused fools, so that they did not know the inside story until they were arrested.

Perhaps, there are some bold cultivator groups who want to rob Taiyi Realm.

The Taiyi Realm has exploited a huge amount of resources in this area, and has made a lot of money by holding various trade fairs. Naturally, it is inevitable that people will covet it.

Since learning that hostile forces such as Sanyang Immortal Sect and Feihu Tower have joined forces, Taiyi Realm has been on high alert.

In the past few years, the top leaders of Taiyi Realm have strengthened their surveillance of these two families and their related cultivation forces through the channels of the Gu Yue family and the Dark Alliance.

Although Sanyang Immortal Sect and other sects have not taken any action against Taiyi Realm in the past twenty years, the senior officials of Taiyi Realm have not relaxed.

An Moran, who had been in charge of the dark hall, felt that things were not that simple. The people behind the cultivators not only wanted to plunder Taiyi Realm.

In the absence of any other clues, he could only ask Taiyi Realm to strengthen its defense while strengthening surveillance on Sanyang Immortal Sect and other cultivation sects.

Soon after, the Dark Alliance provided him with an important clue.

The immortals of Sanyang Immortal Sect secretly have some dealings with Tianlang Sword Sect.

The Tianlang Sword Sect is not a force under the command of the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

This time the crazy swordsman from the Sirius Sword Sect came to the Hengling Star District to seize resources.

Although the Tianlang Sword Sect has always regarded itself as a member of the Taoist cultivators, most of the cultivating forces have stayed away from it due to its notorious reputation and brutal and domineering style.

The Sanyang Immortal Sect and the Tianlang Sword Sect have no contact with each other.

As a cultivation sect under Lingkong Immortal Realm, Sanyang Immortal Sect still cherishes feathers.

Three Yang Immortal Sect should not have any dealings with a cultivation sect like the Tianlang Sword Sect, which is a member of the Taoist sect in name but actually behaves the same as the demonic sect.

Two enemies from the Taiyi world secretly communicate with each other, and things get interesting.

As a member of the Lingkong Immortal Realm, the Sanyang Immortal Sect does not dare to openly attack the Taiyi Realm, but can secretly provide various help to the Tianlang Sword Sect.

Reminiscent of the fact that the three forces of the Sirius Sword Sect, the Wild Hunting Star Bandits, and the Fahua Sect were chasing Taiyi Realm together, without An Moran’s additional reminder, the senior officials of Taiyi Realm immediately became vigilant.

The Fahua Sect is a Buddhist sect, and the Wild Star Hunters are star thieves. They can both attack the Taiyi Realm openly and openly.

At this time, An Moran discovered an omission of his.

I have previously focused my surveillance on the cultivation forces within the Lingkong Immortal Realm, and have relaxed my monitoring of forces outside the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

In fact, in the Hengling Star District, Buddhism and Shinto are all enemies of the Lingkong Immortal Realm. It is difficult to penetrate into its interior and obtain useful intelligence by relying on the Taiyi Realm alone.

Lingkong Immortal World is hostile to so many forces. As long as the person in charge is not too stupid, he should have some understanding of the enemy’s situation.

In fact, in the war in the Hengling Star Region, intelligence warfare is a very important part.

The Lingkong Fairyland side has almost exhausted all methods to grasp the enemy’s movements and the enemy’s specific strength.

The officials of Lingkong Fairyland definitely have the information that Taiyi Realm needs, but they don’t like Taiyi Realm very much.

After An Moran reported to Meng Zhang, he took the initiative to ask Wuliang Tianzong for help.

The relationship between Taiyi Realm and Wuliang Tianzong is getting closer and closer.

Generally, as long as the matter is not too extreme, Wuliang Tianzong will buy Taiyijie a face.

Without spending too much effort, Taiyi Realm obtained the necessary information from Wuliang Tianzong.

The Fahua Sect and the Wild Hunting Star Bandits participated in the war in the Hengling Star Area before the arrival of the Taiyi Realm.

In recent times, these two sects have continuously transferred more forces from their headquarters, greatly strengthening the army here.

Although these two families are not the focus of the Infinite Heaven Sect, they are still old-fashioned Celestial Immortal Forces, very famous, and worthy of the attention of the intelligence system of the Lingkong Immortal World.

When fighting external battles in the Hengling Star Region, officials from the Infinite Heaven Sect and the Lingkong Immortal Realm shared various intelligence.

With the information provided by Wuliang Tianzong, Taiyi Realm does not need more evidence. Its senior officials can almost confirm that Fahua Sect, Wild Hunting Star Thief Group and Tianlang Sword Sect have not forgotten the past. Hatred, are now preparing to join forces to attack Taiyi Realm.

Three old rivals have joined forces, and there are also cultivation sects such as the Sanyang Immortal Sect and their secret liaisons. This time the challenge is not small.

(End of this chapter)

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