Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3255: Travel

Everyone readily agreed to Liang Yu Tianxian’s request.

This was just a small thing, just to give him face.

In the Wuliang Tian Sect, at least on the surface, the relationship between most of the disciples is still very harmonious.

The people Liang Yu Tianxian entrusted to him were naturally friendly to him and valued the friendship between fellow disciples.

Although Liang Yu Celestial Immortal is only a first-level Celestial Immortal, his direct sect is still very powerful.

Although he had some twists and turns this time and suffered huge losses, he did complete the mission issued by the sect and wiped out the Zerg Queen.

Therefore, after the sect rewarded him for his merits, he also entered the sect’s list of seed disciples, and he will be better cultivated in the future.

For such a promising person, many fellow disciples are willing to make friends with him and form a good relationship with him.

Zhang Han Tianxian and Liang Yu Tianxian have the same master, they are directly from the same school, and they have always been good friends.

After Zhang Han Tianxian was promoted to Tianxian, he basically exhausted all his potential and found it difficult to make any further progress.

He himself knows this and accepts it.

A monk like him who doesn’t have much future on the road is often the main force in handling various common affairs in the sect.

This war against the Hengling Star Region is destined to be protracted.

With the assistance of the monks sent by the Lingkong Immortal World, the Wuliang Tianzong was fully responsible for the war.

The Lingkong Immortal Realm officially has only one skin left to directly participate in the war.

So far, the powerful people at the Golden Immortal level behind each force have not taken direct action. The Immortal level is the strongest combat power present.

These strongest combat forces usually keep each other in check, and rarely join the fight directly.

In the Lingkong Immortal Realm, the immortals are too lazy to interfere in organizing and coordinating the various forces participating in the war, issuing tasks and bounties, arranging offense and defense and other specific matters, and generally let their subordinates be responsible for the arrangements.

Zhang Han’s immortal cultivation level is not high, but because of his status, he has a great say in these matters.

He was very enthusiastic about Meng Zhang and the others and actively made friends with them.

He patted his chest and promised that he would definitely arrange a good job for Taiyi World.

For Meng Zhang, the risks are low, the returns are high, and not being directly involved in a cruel war of attrition is an absolute blessing.

Next, Tianxian Zhang Han enthusiastically invited Meng Zhang and the others to be guests in this fairy mountain, and Meng Zhang and the others readily agreed.

Tianxian Liang Yu was still in the master’s sect, so Tianxian Zhang Han entertained Meng Zhang and the others on his behalf.

He held several banquets in succession and invited many disciples of the Infinite Heaven Sect, as well as some monks who had friendships with him outside of the Infinite Heaven Sect.

At these banquets, Immortal Zhang Han introduced Meng Zhang and others to everyone, saying that they were his friends and benefactors of Immortal Liang Yu.

From now on, Meng Zhang and the others will hang out in the Hengling Star District. I hope everyone will take care of them.

Needless to say, those disciples of the Wuliang Tian Sect had a pleasant conversation with Meng Zhang and others at the banquet.

The monks outside the Wuliang Tian Sect were even more enthusiastic about Meng Zhang and the others, and even seemed to be fawning over them.

Meng Zhang knew that they were so enthusiastic towards him because of the face of Immortal Liang Yu.

He has always been cautious and not arrogant.

In addition to introducing friends to Meng Zhang and the others through the banquet, Zhang Han Tianxian also arranged for some immortals from the Infinite Heavenly Lord to discuss and exchange ideas with Meng Zhang and the others.

Needless to say, Gu Yue Lingqing is just a little stronger than ordinary immortals.

In the eyes of the cultivators of the Wuliang Tian Sect, the Gu Yue family he came from was just that, not that great.

Of course, because the Gu Yue family is rich in Tianji Masters, especially Tianji Immortal Masters, many big forces are willing to be friendly with them, and they might turn to them for help at some point.

Wuliang Tianzun has some contacts with the Gu Yue family, and the disciples are also willing to make friends with the monks of the Gu Yue family.

As for Meng Zhang, the Taiyi Sect he came from is not worth mentioning, but the cultivation and strength he displayed surprised everyone.

Those disciples of the Wuliang Tian Sect, especially the immortals, although they were very polite to Meng Zhang on the surface, only they knew what they were thinking in their hearts.

As monks of the Golden Immortal Sect, they have inherited superb classics, have powerful disciples, and have received formal training… They naturally have a sense of arrogance in them.

The teachings they received and their own cultivation allowed them to hide their arrogance well.

But deep down, they really looked down on Meng Zhang’s cultivation and fighting ability.

Although there are some rumors in the Lingkong Immortal World that Meng Zhang has received the inheritance left by Junchen Immortal Lord and is considered his heir. He also received guidance from Juechen Immortal Lord…

But so what, there is more than one Immortal Lord of the Infinite Heaven Sect.

The inheritance received by the monks in the sect was left by the ancestor Wuliang Jinxian.

After they competed with Meng Zhang, everyone was amazed and had to accept the fact that Meng Zhang was far stronger than them.

The strong will get enough respect no matter where they are.

In addition, Meng Zhang is not arrogant just because he won in the competition.

His attitude has always been relatively kind, and he will give everyone some advice from time to time.

In his communication with everyone, he was also very generous and kept no secrets. He shared a lot of his understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, his views on combat, etc.

The few words Meng Zhang said revealed his far-sighted vision.

His performance in discussions and exchanges shows that his inheritance is not simple.

He seemed to give everyone some random advice, but it was able to arouse everyone’s deep thoughts and benefit some people a lot.

Some disciples of the Immeasurable Heaven Sect with extraordinary knowledge began to doubt, is this the level of the successor of Junchen Immortal Lord?

A mere Junchen Immortal, or at most Juechen Immortal, cannot cultivate such a person.

Although many people guessed that Meng Zhang had another secret behind his back, no one was obsessed with it.

In the world of cultivation, many people have their own secrets.

They often have a hostile attitude toward prying eyes from outsiders.

No matter how curious you are, it is impossible to explore every secret.

The monks of Wuliangtian Sect expressed enough respect for Meng Zhang and did not delve into the secrets behind his cultivation.

During these days in the Immortal Mountain, Meng Zhang slowly made friends with many immortals from the Wuliang Tian Sect.

Even the disciples of Jinxian Sect are willing to make friends with some strong people outside the sect, maybe they will be able to use them at some point.

The last time Liang Yu Tianxian attacked the Zerg Queen, he invited many strong men from outside the sect.

Many immortals got along well with Meng Zhang and promised to visit Taiyi Realm in the future and make more friends with Taiyi Realm monks.

The monks of the Gu Yue family are known to be good at dancing, and Gu Yue Lingqing is no exception.

He also took advantage of this opportunity to actively make friends from all over the world.

Many times, he did not hesitate to be condescending and befriend true immortals and even lower-level cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

Please remember the first domain name of this book:. :

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