Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3148: Fleeing

It is impossible for almost all major forces to have no contradictions at all.

A sect with a long history like the Fahua Sect has a lot of internal disputes.

Factional disputes, old and new disputes, interests…

As a group of Bodhisattvas at the highest level of the sect, they are harmonious on the surface, but there are all kinds of contradictions and disputes on the inside.

Fortunately, everyone is more considerate of the overall situation and can unite and cooperate when dealing with the outside world.

A large part of Dawu Bodhisattva’s previous performance was his true inner thoughts, feeling sorry for letting Meng Zhang go, and part of it was an excuse to express his dissatisfaction with Da Zhi Bodhisattva.

Of course, their current main goal is to capture Meng Zhang and seize the token in his hand. There will be no internal fighting for the time being, and the conflicts can be suppressed.

Dazhi Bodhisattva and the others quickly got rid of the entanglement of the surrounding monsters, followed their fellow disciples, and continued to pursue Meng Zhang.

After Meng Zhang successfully broke through, he put away the Yin and Yang Qi, transformed into a stream of light, moved left and right in the void, and escaped quickly.

Due to the special conditions in this area, especially the effort to escape the gravity of the black hole, it is difficult for everyone to keep moving forward in a straight line most of the time, and Meng Zhang, who is escaping, is no exception.

If he were outside, with Meng Zhang’s cultivation, it would not be difficult to completely get rid of the pursuers.

However, due to the environmental restrictions here, his escape speed was limited. The pursuers behind him kept a close eye on him and kept getting closer.

Meng Zhang carefully observed the surrounding situation.

The complex environment around him not only prevents him from escaping from speed, but also helps him avoid enemy pursuit.

He turned left and right, seemingly running around like a headless fly. In fact, he was trying to use the complex environment around him to confuse or even completely throw away the pursuers behind him.

The two fastest Bodhisattvas were about to catch up with Meng Zhang.

However, due to Meng Zhang’s sudden acceleration and deceleration from time to time, the escape routes were too changeable. Not only were they unable to catch up with each other, but they almost lost them several times.

This special area is too vast, and its area is much larger than many star regions.

Whether it is the Dengtian Star District where Meng Zhang was born, the Foreign Star District that he passed through, or the Four-Pointed Star District where the Taiyi World is now located, they are far less vast than this area.

If Meng Zhang was completely out of sight, he would be able to completely escape from the pursuers by taking advantage of the complex environmental conditions here.

The group of Bodhisattvas from the Fahua Sect began to use some secret techniques at all costs, just to keep an eye on Meng Zhang.

The three Dinghu Tianxian people had previously actively helped Meng Zhang get out of trouble.

After Meng Zhang escaped from the encirclement, they also stared at Meng Zhang closely.

They have never given up their greed for the Golden Immortal Secret Realm.

Cai Ming Tianxian secretly sent a message to Meng Zhang, trying to persuade him to continue cooperating with them.

Their previous agreement can continue, and everyone can explore the Golden Fairy Secret Realm together.

Although the three Dinghu Heavenly Immortals were forced to do so before, they gave in so easily and betrayed Meng Zhang, which made him very dissatisfied.

Of course, the Fahua Sect is powerful, and Meng Zhang needs the help of his allies to better deal with it.

While maintaining communication with them, Meng Zhang was thinking about how to use them.

It would be best if Dinghu Celestial Immortal and the others form an undying feud with the Fahua Sect, so that they can truly stand on his side.

The seven Bodhisattvas join forces and are a powerful force in all realms of space.

Although they cannot be said to be able to sweep across this area, they can advance and retreat freely in most places and are invincible.

Meng Zhang was alone, had to deal with all kinds of dangers around him, and had to deal with the pursuit of powerful enemies. It was indeed very difficult.

Especially that huge black hole, the terrifying gravitational force generated by it was not very regular, which caused a lot of trouble to Meng Zhang.

The seven Bodhisattvas cooperated tacitly and kept outflanking Meng Zhang from a distance, preventing him from completely disappearing.

All the information that Meng Zhang knew about the secret realm left by Pudu Jinxian came from the Qingxu Sect.

At this point, the three Dinghu Celestials and the Bodhisattvas of the Lotus Sect are in the same situation as him.

Over the years, the situation in this special area has changed greatly. They need to constantly compare their known information and adjust their direction.

Although Meng Zhang is alone, his senses are keen.

And his high luck has not disappeared, and his luck has always been good.

While escaping, he intentionally or unintentionally avoided particularly dangerous places several times.

Although he was weak, Meng Zhang did not just run away.

He has been looking for opportunities to counterattack, and wants to teach his enemies a harsh lesson so that they will not dare to pursue him unscrupulously.

Although the escape route was twisted and changeable, overall, Meng Zhang was still moving deeper into the black hole and getting closer to the terrifying black hole.

This is also the only route he must take to enter the Golden Immortal Secret Realm.

As the gravity of the black hole continued to intensify, Meng Zhang’s spiritual thoughts were greatly affected and severely distorted.

He almost lost his sense of direction, his various perceptions were seriously misaligned, and he almost ran in the wrong direction several times. Find Shuyuanwww.zhaoス

Even Meng Zhang is like this, and the situation of others will only be more serious.

After a change of direction, Meng Zhang appeared above a floating continent.

This continent is somewhat larger than the central continent of Taiyi Realm, and its surface is covered with thick rocks.

The seven Bodhisattvas used a secret technique to connect each other and move almost simultaneously to avoid all kinds of external interference.

With a flash of their bodies, they left the three Dinghu Tianxians behind and arrived very close to Meng Zhang.

They began to use various secret techniques to try to keep Meng Zhang here.

The three Dinghu Celestials at the back hesitated for a moment.

They wanted to attack this group of Bodhisattvas to prevent Meng Zhang from being surrounded by them again.

But they were worried that after Meng Zhang got rid of the pursuit, they would never be able to catch up with him again.

At this moment, the floating continent shook heavily like a living thing, and countless boulders shot out in all directions.

A huge behemoth head emerged from the front of the mainland. When it opened its big mouth, it created an almost endless attraction, trying to swallow up all Meng Zhang and his pursuers.

The three Dinghu Celestials who were a little further away saw clearly that it was a star beast about the same size as the Floating Continent.

The so-called floating continent is nothing more than its outer shell.

Due to the distortion of spiritual thoughts, no one discovered this star beast immediately, and that was why they were attacked by it.

Meng Zhang and the Bodhisattvas of the Fahua Sect are desperately trying to resist the attraction released from the giant mouth of the star beast and leave here with all their strength.

The three Dinghu Celestials stopped moving forward.

They were far away and tried hard to resist the attraction released by the giant beast.

This star beast is not only huge in size, but the aura it emits is extremely majestic, showing its unfathomable power.

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