Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3139: Natural insurance

Meng Zhang speculated that at this time, the Fahua Sect might have sent more Bodhisattvas towards them.

In this regard, Meng Zhang had no other way to deal with it except secretly strengthening his vigilance.

Fortunately, the token for entering the Golden Immortal Secret Realm is in his hands, and he still has some initiative.

Compared to seeking revenge against Meng Zhang, the Golden Immortal Secret Realm should be more attractive to the senior officials of the Fahua Sect.

Back then, the Qingxu Sect had several immortals, but they still fell into disgrace in the Golden Immortal Secret Realm.

This shows that facing the secret realm left by the Golden Immortal, no matter how many powerful people there are at the Heavenly Immortal level, they dare not say that they can enter and exit at will.

It is said that the Lotus Sect is backed by the Buddha.

The Lotus Sect might be able to produce some treasure given by the Buddha.

But for the sake of safety, in order to reduce losses as much as possible, it is best for the Fahua Sect to make use of the tokens in Meng Zhang’s hands.

On the way to the destination, Meng Zhang remained calm on the surface, but secretly he was speculating on various situations he might encounter and thinking about how to deal with them.

After spending more than five years on the road, Meng Zhang and his team finally arrived near their destination.

The area in front of them is a famous dangerous place in the nearby void, which is full of natural dangers that are enough to bury immortals and bodhisattvas.

There is a huge black hole in the center of that area, releasing a terrifying attraction to the surroundings all the time.

At the distance where Meng Zhang and the others were, they could sense its powerful attraction.

Beyond them, there are countless worlds.

There are countless small worlds, numerous medium worlds, and many large worlds.

Some of these worlds have reached the end of their lives and are about to begin to collapse.

Some are in their prime, the time to grow.

Some are just born and are waiting to be fed.


No matter what stage of life these worlds are in or what size they are, their fate is almost determined.

For a long period of time in the future, they will continue to slide towards the black hole and eventually be completely swallowed by it.

Among the countless worlds in this area, some worlds have already given birth to creatures.

There are many beings among these creatures who possess wisdom, strength, and longevity.

Those who are smart enough among them should already know their own fate.

If they completely ran out of life and died before being completely swallowed by the black hole, then it would be nothing.

But if they live long enough, they will only be in extreme pain and helplessness, watching helplessly as their family and the world they live in are slowly swallowed by the black hole.

Even immortals and bodhisattvas cannot resist the gravity deep in the black hole. They dare not go too deep and only dare to move around the outer areas.

In addition to the powerful attraction of black holes, there are also countless dangers hidden in these nearby worlds, large and small.

Some beings like star beasts passed by nearby, and unfortunately they were caught by the attraction of the black hole.

They tried their best, but they couldn’t escape the attraction, and they were sliding into the abyss step by step.

They are unwilling to accept such a fate and become extremely crazy. They will attack and drag all nearby creatures crazily, until they die.

In those worlds that are about to be destroyed, various monsters will be born, and they are extremely aggressive.

Powerful creatures born in the surrounding world will mutate due to extreme despair and pain, and can easily become possessed, or become even more terrifying monsters.

The most terrifying thing is that a few big worlds already have their own consciousness and know their own destiny.

Extreme unwillingness, extreme pain and despair will distort their consciousness and cause them to undergo various changes.


If outsiders enter here rashly, they will easily incur various attacks.

Even if they can block all kinds of enemies, once they fall too deep in the battle and are completely captured by the gravity of the black hole, they will inevitably fall into the abyss.

Meng Zhang and his team stopped advancing very far away and used various means to observe the area ahead.

When the senior immortal of the Qingxu Sect first came here, he felt the despair and unwillingness that permeated the vast area.

There was once a soft-hearted immortal who wanted to save him, but he gave up helplessly soon.

With his strength, it is difficult to protect himself in this area, let alone save all sentient beings.

I am afraid that even if the Golden Immortal or the Buddha comes, it will be a difficult task to save all sentient beings here.

There once was a true immortal from the Qingxu Sect who stayed in the nearby area for a long time. He was infected by these desperate and unwilling emotions, and finally became obsessed and fell into the devil’s path.

From then on, Qingxu Sect prohibited the true immortals in the sect from approaching this area casually, and only allowed the heavenly immortals to explore.

Based on the observed results and the information obtained from the Qingxu Sect, everyone’s expressions became serious.

No matter whether they are immortals or Bodhisattvas, they all have a certain status in the universe.

But once they enter the area ahead, they will face the crisis of death just like ordinary creatures.

Of course, they are already here looking for the bookstore, so naturally they cannot stop there.

If no accident occurs, given their situation, they will not be able to advance to the realm of Golden Immortal and Buddha.

They have been able to make it this far, but their determination to seek the truth is still very firm.

For most practitioners, they will keep moving forward and pursue endless pursuits.

For the sake of their own path, they will still have to fight for it, no matter how dangerous it is ahead.

Meng Zhang has the inheritance of Taiyi Golden Immortal. In the eyes of others, he may not need the opportunity in the Golden Immortal Secret Realm.

He practices according to the guidance of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and seems to be able to advance to the Golden Immortal realm.

Although Meng Zhang has not yet obtained the inheritance to attack the Golden Immortal realm, he already has a general understanding of it.

The path of cultivation of every Golden Immortal in the Tao Sect cannot be copied.

No matter how extraordinary Meng Zhang’s talent is, how firm his Taoist heart is, or how carefully Taiyi Golden Immortal guides him…

None of this guarantees that he will be able to advance to the Golden Immortal realm.

He must refer to the practice of other golden immortals, must incorporate the best of hundreds of schools of thought, and must find his own unique path of practice…

Pudu Jinxian’s practice has important reference significance for him and will help him move towards the realm of Jinxian in the future.

In addition, Taiyi Golden Immortal was defeated in a fight with an opponent of the same level, and was trapped and suppressed.

As a descendant of Taiyi Golden Immortal, Meng Zhang will inevitably face these opponents in the future.

He needs power that is different from Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Except for Taiyi Golden Immortal, the only Golden Immortal-level power that Meng Zhang may have access to at present should be in the secret realm left by Pudu Golden Immortal.

Although it was much earlier than he had expected, his cultivation was still far behind, and the preparations were not sufficient, Meng Zhang still hoped that this exploration would be fruitful.

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