Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3125: Persuasion

A team composed of three immortals and three Bodhisattvas, while confronting the team composed of Thousand Blades King and others, tried their best to find out what happened here.

There are more enemies, and the gods and bodhisattvas are relatively powerful beings.

When the great Confucian Wang Xuefeng faced the Huang Feng Heavenly Immortal before, even if the other party dispersed its efforts to maintain the wormhole passage, he still could not take advantage at all.

Therefore, even the military monk Thousand Blades Heavenly King, who was always warlike, had no intention of taking the initiative.

Moon God was a little hesitant.

She wanted to take action first and involve Thousand Blades King and the others in the battle.

But their numbers are smaller and their combat effectiveness is not superior. If they start a war rashly, they are very likely to be defeated.

The Gray Earth Demon helped them when they were dealing with the Chaotic Breath Demon before, but it was a shame.

Now if the two sides start a war, he will just sit back and watch.

Maybe he will also secretly look for opportunities to secretly plot against both parties.

Don’t forget, the Gray Earth Demon is also a demon, and the harm it can bring is not necessarily less than that of the Chaotic Breath Demon.

Even in the middle of a battle, Moon God and the others must use a certain amount of thought to carefully lift the Gray Earth Demon.

Both Thousand Blades King and Wang Xuefeng want to maintain the status quo for the time being. If Moon God takes action rashly, his provocation will be too obvious.

The moon **** hesitated, it was too good and there was no better way.

The two teams continued to face off in the void, both sides maintaining an eerie silence.

The three immortals and the three bodhisattvas still have many methods.

Two incarnations of the true immortal level, a tamed spiritual beast, and a puppet…

These things were released by them, secretly left here, and scattered around.

Things of this level are of little use in battles at the level of immortals. They can be used to gather information, but they are completely sufficient.

After the indigenous practitioners in the Four-Pointed Star District escaped, they did not stay far away. Many of them were wandering not far from the Four-Pointed Star District.

As indigenous practitioners in the Four-Pointed Star area, they are familiar with the situation around the Four-Pointed Star area.

They almost all know that there are no decent resources in the large void surrounding the Four-Pointed Star Region.

After really leaving the Four-Pointed Star Region completely, there may only be a few true immortal level experts and a few void battleships with rich accumulations that can return to the foreign star region or find other supply points in the void.

Most of the other monks will probably run out of resources and die in the void.

The practitioners in the Twin Peaks sector did not catch up and kill them all, leaving many of them with illusions.

There are still three immortals in the foreign star area, and the major cultivation forces are still very powerful.

Perhaps, it won’t be long before they can counterattack the Four-Pointed Star District and regain their former home.

Many indigenous cultivators from the Four-Pointed Star District have not only been wandering around, but also boldly sneaked into the edge of the Four-Pointed Star District from time to time to observe the situation inside.

The incarnations and spiritual beasts sent by the three immortals and the three bodhisattvas soon met these practitioners.

They used a little bit of tricks and learned from them everything that had happened before.

When Moon God and the others fought against the Chaos Breath Demon, even those at the True Immortal level did not dare to approach the battlefield.

However, after the battle is over, they still have a way to know the outcome of the battle.

After Thousand Blades Heavenly King and the others returned, they basically told the higher-ups of the practitioners in the Twin Peaks region what happened during the battle.

In order to boost morale and praise their own top experts, they processed and modified these situations to a certain extent, and then publicized them widely among practitioners from all walks of life.

Although the indigenous practitioners in the Four-Pointed Star District were the defeated party, they were still able to obtain some information from the enemy through various means.

After much discussion, the three immortals and the three bodhisattvas all had a rough understanding of everything that had happened in the four-pointed star area.

Not only did the Heavenly Immortal Huang Feng fail to seize the token from Meng Zhang’s hand, but he was eventually demonized by the Heavenly Demon of Chaotic Breath, which made them all feel sad.

Not long ago, they thought that the other party was playing tricks to steal the token in Meng Zhang’s hand.

When the other party fell into such an end, they even felt a bit sad.

They did not personally participate in the previous battles, everything was hearsay.

The Chaotic Breath Demon is so powerful that it sounds like a legend.

They didn’t know how badly injured the Heavenly Demon of Disruption was.

But since the other party can take the initiative to withdraw, it means that it still retains a certain degree of strength.

After all these years, they have no idea how far the other party’s injuries have recovered.

Considering that the other party still had a puppet like Huang Feng Tianxian in their hands, they all secretly increased their vigilance and became cautious.

They really don’t want to face such a terrifying opponent as the Chaos Breath Demon, let alone get involved in the battle inexplicably.

But out of desire for the token in Meng Zhang’s hand, they would not leave until they achieved their goal.

There are two gods in Taiyi Realm, as well as Thousand Blades King and Wang Xuefeng as comrades, which is more difficult to deal with than Huang Feng Tianxian alone.

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After a brief discussion, they quickly came up with a countermeasure.

Among the three Bodhisattvas, Dayu Bodhisattva is the most eloquent and eloquent among the Bodhisattvas of the Lotus Sect. He is a well-known diplomatic expert.

He took a step forward and took the initiative to negotiate with the opposite team across a long distance.

Seeing the actions on the other side, both Yueshen and Taimiao felt bad.

They want to forcefully interrupt the other person and prevent them from expressing themselves.

It is better to involve everyone in the fight so that no one can remain peaceful.

As for the consequences, they couldn’t care less about it for the time being.

But the Confucian King Xuefeng’s movements were one step faster than them.

The great Confucian Wang Xuefeng always likes to act with respect, courtesy first and then attack. Even if he wants to fight with the other party, it is best to negotiate with him verbally beforehand.

Seeing that the other party seemed to have something to say, he naturally took the initiative to step forward.

Yue Shen and Tai Miao also want to use the power of Thousand Blades King and the others, so naturally they can’t do it too obviously.

They stopped moving and exchanged helpless glances.

Moon God even regretted a little, she shouldn’t have hesitated for so long just now.

Dayu Bodhisattva, who was very articulate, made their intentions clear in just a few words.

They will not care about the grievances between the indigenous practitioners in the Four-Pointed Star Region and the practitioners in the Twin Peaks Star Region, and they are not interested in anything in the Four-Pointed Star Region.

They have no intention of becoming enemies with others, they just want Meng Zhang to hand over the token in his hand.

After listening to Dayu Bodhisattva’s words, Wang Xuefeng and Thousand Blades King really began to hesitate.

They don’t have a deep friendship with Taiyi Realm. They only temporarily joined forces with each other to protect the interests they obtained.

Since the other party promised not to harm their interests, then they have no reason to stand with Taiyi Realm.

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