Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3120: Cruise

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, three years have passed since the Chaotic Breath Demon escaped.

The peaceful state between the Taiyi Realm and the Shuangfeng Star Area practitioners has been maintained for so long.

The Taiyi Realm has successfully exploited the resources of Caiyun World, but there has been no proper way to absorb the origin of heaven and earth in the Source Sea.

More and more high-level officials in Taiyi Realm are beginning to be inclined to start a war with the practitioners in the Twin Peaks region and forcibly seize the world of Qingxu.

Since stepping into the void, Taiyi Realm has been almost invincible. This has made Taiyi Realm monks high-spirited and made many senior officials impetuous and even arrogant.

There are currently two gods in Taiyi Realm. Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing are in retreat to break through to the realm of gods.

They consume a large amount of the source of heaven and earth in Taiyi Realm almost every moment.

Those monster corpses, as well as many other resources, have been replenished to a limited extent after being digested by Taiyi Realm Yuanhai.

Yuanhai in Taiyi Realm has begun to be overwhelmed.

The Taiyi Realm is where all monks live and work, and is closely related to everyone.

If the source sea of ​​Taiyi Realm cannot support it, then the whole world will have big problems.

Niu Dawei, who acts as the head of Taiyi Realm, is vaguely aware of the relationship between Meng Zhang and Tai Miao.

He went to see Tai Miao and wanted to get Tai Miao’s opinion.

But this time is so wonderful that there is no time to be distracted.

When fighting against the Heavenly Demon of Chaos Breath before, Taimiao Yu used the artifact Gate of Reincarnation to send countless demonized souls imprisoned in the body of the Heavenly Demon by the Heavenly Demon of Chaos Breath into reincarnation.

The so-called sending them to reincarnation mainly means sending them to the underworld, not the underworld of Taiyi world.

The size of the underworld in the Ether Realm, if so many demonized souls poured in at once, it would not be stained by demons, at least it would be turned upside down.

The underworld spans the entire void and colludes with all realms. It is extremely vast and has an extremely deep foundation. It can accommodate only demonized souls without much problem.

Due to the power of the Gate of Reincarnation, most of these demonized souls will directly enter reincarnation after being sent to the underworld.

Only a small number of people may stay in the underworld for various reasons.

These demonized souls are the important foundation of the demonic body of the Chaotic Breath Demon. Their demonic aura is extremely strong, and they also have extremely powerful demonic dyeing power.

The underworld can easily withstand it without any impact, and as an artifact that sends it into reincarnation, the Gate of Reincarnation has been contaminated with countless demonic energies during this process, and has been deeply infected by the power of demonic stains.

When Tai Miao returned to Taiyi Realm to rest, she also took the time to exorcise the power of demon dyeing and purify the door of reincarnation.

This is his companion artifact. If it is really contaminated by magic, it will even implicate his body.

Taimiao didn’t dare to be careless at all, and almost focused all his energy on this matter.

Taimiao is in seclusion in the underworld and cannot come out, and Niu Dawei cannot easily disturb him.

After the Moon God was promoted to the God of Heaven and became the Lord of Heaven in the Taiyi Realm, he also had a special status.

She rested in the Taiyi Realm for a period of time. After recovering her strength, she left the Taiyi Realm and began to patrol the edge of the Four-Pointed Star Area.

She first went to check the situation of the magic nest.

The Gray Earth Demon has been hiding in the Demon Nest. There is no movement in the Demon Nest, as if there is no existence inside at all.

The Moon God is alone and dare not easily break into the devil’s nest where the devil is sitting.

She observed the area nearby and then went around the Qingxu World.

After the Chaos Breath Demon escaped, Thousand Blades King and Wang Xuefeng did not return to the Twin Peaks Star Region, but went to the Qingxu World to take charge.

They are unable to retreat in the Qingxu world, but their powerful aura reaches the sky, announcing their existence with great momentum.

Based on Luna’s inference, they seemed a bit strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

Most of them are still in retreat to heal their wounds and regain their strength.

The Moon God did not want to be enemies with them for the time being, so he did not test their true and false intentions.

Moon God checked carefully and found that the practitioners in the Shuangfeng Star Area were busy collecting various resources, and there was no sign of mobilizing for the time being to start a war with the Taiyi Realm.

Then, she patrolled along the edge of the four-pointed star area.

She also left the Four-Pointed Star area several times and went deep into other areas of the void to conduct careful reconnaissance.

The Chaos Breath Demon was severely injured and left the Four-Pointed Star Area, but the Moon God never relaxed his guard against it.

She has personally experienced the power and terror of this enemy and regards it as a life and death enemy.

For demons like the Chaotic Breath Demon, the best way to heal injuries and restore strength is to demonize and devour massive amounts of creatures.

In a large area around the Four-Pointed Star Area, there is nothingness, no big world exists, and basically no living creatures.

This is a good thing, as it prevents the Chaotic Breath Demon from regaining its strength quickly.

But this is also a bad thing, it will make the Chaos Breath Demon return his attention to the Four-Pointed Star Area.

Not to mention, most of the demons have the virtue of being punished by the evil spirits.

He was severely injured by many strong men in the Four-Pointed Star District. He will never give up and will definitely try his best to seek revenge.

After the Chaotic Breath Demon was severely injured, its combat effectiveness was reduced to ten percent, but the Moon Gods and the others did not dare to be careless about it. Find Shuyuan

Even if we don’t mention the abilities of the Chaotic Breath Demon himself, Huang Feng Celestial Immortal after being demonized and controlled by him is very difficult to deal with.

Huang Feng Tianxian himself is not weak. After being demonized, his strength did not decrease but increased.

If the Moon God were to fight him alone, he would probably not be his opponent.

The main reason why Luna spends time patrolling around the Four-Pointed Star District is to prevent them from suddenly breaking into the Four-Pointed Star District.

With their strength, they only need to circle around the four-pointed star area, and countless creatures will be robbed and become their supplements.

Moon God spent a lot of time conducting reconnaissance in the area around the Four-Pointed Star Area, but no trace of them was found.

Although he had been mentally prepared for it, Luna was still very disappointed.

If they could be discovered earlier, Moon God could call Tai Miao and convince Wang Xuefeng and Thousand Blades King to start siege against them again.

Unfortunately, their ability to conceal their whereabouts was so good that Luna found no clues at all.

The Moon God was not in a hurry to return to the Taiyi Realm, and was still patrolling on the edge of the Four-Pointed Star Area.

She hoped that when the Chaos Breath Demon and the others took action, she would be able to discover them as soon as possible.

Although Moon God is far away from Taiyi Realm, he still maintains regular contact with the senior officials of Taiyi Realm.

During a routine contact, Niu Dawei asked her opinion whether the Taiyi Realm should turn against the monks in the Shuangfeng Star Region and seize the Qingxu World with all its strength.

Moon God rejected this opinion outright.

The practitioners in the Shuangfeng Star Region are not weak, and there are Thousand Blades King and Wang Xuefeng sitting in charge. If the Taiyi Sect rashly starts a war with them, no matter whether they win or lose, they will pay a huge price.

Niu Dawei’s thoughts were similar to Luna’s.

With the clear support of the Moon God, he can better convince those senior officials of Taiyi World who have become impetuous.

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