Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3090: Mission

After sensing the malice from Huang Feng Celestial Immortal, Meng Zhang understood that the biggest enemy in Taiyi Realm was not the Demon Nest in front of him, but the Celestial Immortal invited by Qingxu Sect.

If it weren’t for the fact that Taiyi Realm was in urgent need of resources from the Four-Pointed Star Region, Meng Zhang would not be willing to fight against these immortals easily.

While attacking the Demon Nest, Taiyijie will try its best to retain its strength to deal with the next trouble.

In the ensuing battle, Taiyi Realm started a round of fighting to minimize its own casualties and allow the participating monks to rest as much as possible.

The senior leaders of the Taiyi world have been paying attention to this war and will make some adjustments at any time based on the situation on the battlefield ahead.

The relatively young monks who participated in the battle in Taiyi Realm gradually adapted to fighting the monster army in the void and accumulated more combat experience.

The monks produced in Taiyi Realm at the rear also make timely adjustments according to the situation at the front to produce more targeted items.

For example, the void battleships can be modified and strengthened in a timely manner, and more mechanisms can be created to target monsters, etc.

Taiyi Realm has experienced so many years of development, and its production system is quite complete and can produce various targeted war resources.

In addition to the pre-war reserves, the production monks are also working overtime to replenish various consumption in a timely manner.

The Taiyi Realm fleet is fighting in the front, and the rear has always ensured that they can obtain sufficient supplies in time.

At the front, the commander of the fleet will also make timely adjustments to tactics.

After about half a month of fighting, the rate of losses in Taiyi Realm began to slow down.

Although the monster corpses recovered from the battlefield have not been completely digested by Taiyi World, they are more or less a supplement to Taiyi World.

Meng Zhang and other senior officials in Taiyi Realm know that the little supplement obtained by destroying the monster army alone is not enough to meet the current consumption of the fleet, let alone solve the problems of Taiyi Realm.

If Taiyi Realm wants to obtain more supplies, it still has to find a way from the Four-Pointed Star Area.

The Taiyi Realm is only on the edge of the Four-Pointed Star Area at this time, far from entering the core area.

Now that the Taiyi Realm has begun to exterminate the Demon Nest, Meng Zhang and other senior officials of the Taiyi Realm are also considering how to speak to the Confucian King Xuefeng to obtain some supplies from the Four-Pointed Star Area.

Before Meng Zhang and the others could think of their words, the great Confucian Wang Xuefeng had already expressed something.

A mission sent by the Mingxin Society came to visit Taiyi Realm.

Because Wang Xuefeng had greeted the Moon God in advance, the delegation successfully entered the Taiyi Realm and received a warm welcome from the senior officials of the Taiyi Realm.

Although Wang Xuefeng has a good impression of Taiyijie’s behavior, he will not lose his basic precautions.

After all, Taiyi Realm is also an external force.

As for the top management of Mingxinhui, they are even more wary of the sudden appearance of Taiyi Realm.

The Shuangfeng Star District has now sent a strong force into the Four-Pointed Star District, and is fighting with the indigenous cultivating forces in the Four-Pointed Star District.

If the seemingly neutral Taiyi Realm is actually the helper of the Four-Pointed Star District and suddenly attacks the practitioners in the Twin Peaks Star District, then the situation will not be good.

This mission sent by the Mingxin Society is to test out the true position and intention of Taiyi Realm.

Meng Zhang did not come forward and asked Niu Dawei, who returned from the front line, to receive the mission.

When communicating with the other party, Niu Dawei seemed to be very candid.

He told these messengers from the Mingxin Society that the Taiyi Realm had been wandering in the void.

More than two thousand years ago, when the Taiyi Realm passed through the Foreign Star Region, it was invited by the Qingxu Sect to help the Qingxu Sect and other cultivation forces fight against the Fahua Sect and save the Foreign Star Region.

However, after the incident, the Qingxu Sect and other cultivating forces were ungrateful and dishonest. They did not repay Taiyi Realm as promised and were full of hostility towards Taiyi Realm.

As a last resort, Taiyi Realm left the foreign star area and spent a long time before arriving at the Four-Pointed Star Area.

The monks in the Taiyi Realm are not greedy, they just want to get back what originally belongs to them from the Four-Pointed Star Area.


Niu Dawei tried to use this narration to show that Taiyijie and Mingxin would be enemies rather than friends, and that they all had a common enemy.

The messengers from the Mingxin Society did not believe Niu Dawei’s words easily.

Taking a step back, even if what Niu Dawei said is true, there is still competition between Taiyi Realm, which covets the resources of the Four-Pointed Star Region, and Mingxinhui.

Of course, after all, Taiyi Realm is a cultivation force with gods as its guardians, and the envoys of Mingxinhui will not easily become enemies of Taiyi Realm.

The envoy of Mingxin appears to be very friendly, as if he shares the same enemy with Taiyi Realm.

They also sent a batch of cultivation resources, saying they were gifts from the Great Confucian King Xuefeng, to thank Taiyi Realm for taking the initiative to attack the Demon Nest.

A great scholar at the level of an immortal is quite bold in taking action.

This resource can be consumed by the fleet in front of Taiyi Realm for some time.

This envoy did not rush to leave Taiyi Realm, but temporarily stayed in Taiyi Realm to carefully observe various situations in Taiyi Realm.

Anyone with a discerning eye will understand Taiyi Realm’s behavior following Yunzhong City’s example.

The Shuangfeng Star District was not directly invaded and plundered by Yunzhong City like the Four-Pointed Star District. But last time Yunzhong City invaded the Four-Pointed Star District, look for Shuyuan wwww. zhaoshuyuan. com still brought huge panic and a lot of losses to the Twin Peaks region.

The high-level officials of the Twin Peaks Sector hurriedly closed the wormhole passage connecting the Four Points Sector, and later opened the wormhole, but it took a lot of effort.

Many monks of the Mingxin Society instinctively dislike Taiyi Realm, and even more people secretly laugh at Taiyi Realm for overestimating its own capabilities and copying others.

This time the Mingxin Society took the initiative to express a friendly attitude, which was largely due to the instructions of the great Confucian king Xuefeng.

No matter what the members of the mission think in their hearts, since they have accepted the mission, they must complete it with due diligence.

In the plan of Meng Zhang and other high-level officials in the Taiyi Realm, the practitioners in the Shuangfeng Star Region are the allies they must try to win over.

The Taiyi Realm treated the envoys of the Mingxin Society well and tried its best to meet their reasonable requests.

Messengers from the Mingxin Society used various methods to find out the details of Taiyi Realm, and some people took the initiative to go to the battlefield of the attack on the Demon Nest to observe the fighting there.

According to Meng Zhang’s arrangement, the Taiyi world is not a closed world. Sooner or later it will be opened to outside forces, allowing visits by outside monks without malicious intent.

As the strength of Meng Zhang and the entire Taiyi world continues to improve, the top leaders of Taiyi world, including Meng Zhang, have become more confident.

The senior officials of Taiyi Realm generously opened many areas of Taiyi Realm to the envoys of the Mingxin Society and showed them some situations of Taiyi Realm.

Of course, the real secrets and key points of the Taiyi world will definitely be kept secret as much as possible.

The things revealed by Taiyi Realm are enough to amaze the messengers of Mingxinhui.

Outsiders can figure out the mysteries of Taiyi Realm’s method of dividing three realms and canonizing gods in a short time.

After the formation of the Taiyi Realm, the outer appearance of the world under the command of the Lingkong Immortal Realm lacked some of the characteristics.

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