Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3010: Disaster

Meng Zhang, who had been on his way, never stopped thinking.

For the Fahua Sect, the biggest obstacle to conquering the foreign star region and the first enemy to deal with should undoubtedly be the Qingxu Sect.

However, the Fahua Sect did not attack the Qingxu Sect alone this time, but directly launched a terrifying attack on the entire foreign world.

Meng Zhang and Qingde Zhenxian had previously carefully studied which of the major cultivating forces in the foreign world tended to favor the Fahua Sect.

People’s hearts are unpredictable and the situation is unclear. They have studied for a long time but have not come to a clear conclusion.

Since they can’t tell which cultivating forces are enemies and which are friends, they can only leave this issue aside for the time being.

The senior officials of the Qingxu Sect are preparing to directly challenge the Fahua Sect, which seems to have circumvented this problem, but in fact it is a helpless move.

Even if we still don’t know what happened in the foreign world, judging from the movements there, the entire world has suffered heavy losses.

All cultivating forces that establish sects in foreign lands will inevitably suffer collateral damage.

If you are unlucky, the entire sect may even be wiped out.

The Fahua Sect’s indiscriminate attack on the entire foreign world hurts not only the Qingxu Sect, but all the cultivation forces in the foreign world.

No matter what the original stance of those cultivating forces was, now that they have suddenly suffered a fatal blow from the Fahua Sect, can they still join the Fahua Sect?

Whether it is out of hatred or profit, they should immediately go to war against the Fahua Sect.

Does the Lotus Sect want to wipe out all these cultivation forces?

The Fahua Sect has really mobilized such a powerful force. Does it really have such confidence?

Meng Zhang had many questions in his mind.

He even began to wonder whether the Fahua Sect had broken the unspoken rules and dispatched powerful men of the Bodhisattva level.

If you want to cause so much damage to the entire foreign world in one blow and create as much noise as before, let alone ordinary immortals and Arhats, even Meng Zhang at this time has to ask himself. Less than.

When he thought that there might be a Bodhisattva from the Fahua Sect waiting for him ahead, Meng Zhang almost couldn’t help but stop moving forward immediately, turned around and fled from the foreign star area.

In the end, he calmed down and continued in the original direction.

He thought carefully.

The hidden rules may not appear to be on the surface, but they may be more stable than the rules on the surface.

Because what determines such rules is the comparison of strengths between the two sides.

Compared to the Lingkong Immortal Realm, the Fahua Sect is obviously a weaker party.

If the Fahua Sect dares not to follow the rules and the Lingkong Immortal Realm has no scruples, the Fahua Sect may be in catastrophe.

The Fahua Sect is backed by the Buddha, and those true immortals in the Lingkong Immortal Realm are not vegetarians.

Judging from the situation in the entire Void World, in the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, Taoism often has the upper hand.

This is because Taoism is the strongest force in all realms of the void, and its strength is far greater than Buddhism.

As the weaker party, if you don’t want to completely anger the stronger party, you can only fight within the other party’s rules.

Meng Zhang believes that the Fahua Sect should not dare to break the rules at will.

With this idea in mind, Meng Zhang will soon approach the foreign world.

Meng Zhang passed near the Xueyun Pirates’ fleet.

The Blood Cloud Pirates were obviously not mentally prepared for the huge changes that had taken place in the foreign world.

The Blood Cloud Pirates’ fleet initially experienced some commotion, but then quickly returned to stability.

The Blood Cloud Pirates’ fleet neither retreated immediately nor had any intention of approaching the foreign world. Instead, they stood by in place.

As for whether the Blood Cloud Pirates sent spies to the foreign world, it is unknown.

Meng Zhang had no intention of alarming the Blood Cloud Pirates fleet, and passed by silently.

While on the road, Meng Zhang also kept in touch with Tai Miao at any time.

Everything is business as usual in Taiyi Realm, no accidents happened.

If Meng Zhang detects information that is extremely detrimental to Taiyi Realm, he can order Taiyi Realm to retreat immediately.

Meng Zhang has arrived at the place where the Qingxu Sect and other cultivating forces had previously organized a defense line to resist the Black Flag Star Bandit Army.

Due to the great changes that have occurred in the foreign world, instability and even chaos have obviously appeared in the defense lines organized by the Qingxu Sect and other spiritual forces.

Some monks have already taken the initiative to leave the defense line and fly back to the foreign world.

The monks who command this line of defense should have strong skills.

Even when something big happened in the rear, they still worked hard to maintain the stability of the defense line and did not let the defense line collapse.

The Black Flag Star Thieves’ army was obviously unprepared and did not know in advance that the great changes would occur.

Previously, the entire army seemed weak and had a tendency to stop fighting.

Now that there are changes in the foreign world, it is obviously the best time.

If the Black Flag Star Thieves’ army could seize this opportunity, take the initiative and press forward with all their strength, they might have broken through the enemy’s defense line.

However, the Black Flag Star Thieves’ army has not yet reacted, and has not seized this rare opportunity at all.

The strong fluctuations that were transmitted from the foreign world to the void not only shook the defense lines of the Qingxu Sect and other cultivating forces organizations, but also seriously shaken the army of the Black Flag Star Thief Group. Find Shuyuanwww.

The entire army seems confused, their position is wavering, and they have not yet adjusted.

Of course, anyone who is not a fool and saw what happened in the foreign world just now should know that the entire world has been severely damaged.

There was a fire in the enemy’s backyard, and the morale of the Black Flag Star Thieves must have been boosted.

As long as the Black Flag Star Thief Group adjusts and once again organizes a full-scale attack on the front line of defense, Qingxu Sect and other cultivation forces may not be able to support it.

Meng Zhang has been thinking about the actions and purpose of the Fahua Sect.

It seems that the Fahua Sect launched an attack on the foreign world without notifying the Black Flag Star Bandits in advance. It is really confidential.

Meng Zhang did not directly enter the battlefield between the two sides, but made a large circle, bypassing the front line of defense, and sneakily approached the foreign world.

Although there is still some distance, Meng Zhang has clearly seen many situations in the foreign world.

The foreign world was originally a world much wider than the Junchen world.

In the big world, there are many continents, many oceans, etc.

At this moment, a large piece of the foreign world was cut off, just like a huge gap appeared on a piece of white paper.

Looking from the top of the foreign land world, the original largest continent, where the Qingxu Sect’s mountain gate is located, has almost completely sunk.

In the central part of the continent, where the Qingxu Sect’s mountain gate originally stood, a bottomless pit appeared.

The original mountain gate of Qingxu Sect has naturally completely disappeared without a trace.

The fate of the monks in the Qingxu Sect’s mountain gate can be imagined. Most of them will die without a burial place.

The vassal forces around the mountain gate and all kinds of creatures living here, including cultivators and mortals, also suffered disaster.

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