Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3: Setting up all the disciples

Meng Ming did not expect that even the foundation-building masters in his sect would all be killed, but Meng Yi survived. But then I thought about Uncle Seventeen’s reputation for being cunning, and I had some understanding.

After hearing what Meng Ming said, Meng Yi was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed. After a while, he smiled bitterly.

“Fourth brother did a poor job this time. Anyone in the family can be sacrificed. You must protect seeds like you, Lao Jiu.”

The fourth brother mentioned by Meng Yi is the head of the Meng family. Meng Yi’s head turned quickly enough. In a short time, he could figure out the cause and effect of the whole thing.

“The head of the family may have no choice but to do so. In any case, the family gave birth to me and raised me, and it is the right thing to make sacrifices for the family.”

Meng Ming said somewhat impassionedly.

Although he still looks like a sixteen-year-old middle school boy, on the inside, he is a mature soul from the earth. Of course, he would not be stupid enough to complain about his family or resent the sect in public. Acting is not too difficult.

Meng Yi glanced at Meng Ming thoughtfully.

“A few years ago, I told my fourth brother that we should not rely on the power of the leader to force other families too much. The Taiyi Clan is everyone’s Taiyi Clan, not the Taiyi Clan of the Meng family. .”

“Fourth brother not only refused to listen, but said that I was too timid and worried too much. I wanted to persuade the head to intervene, but I was worried that it would lead to discord in the family.”

“It’s good now. The leader is no longer here. Our Meng family has lost its biggest support. It would be strange if other families don’t take the opportunity to rebound.”

“Hey, now that the matter is over, I shouldn’t talk so much nonsense. I’d better settle you down first.”

After saying that, Meng Yi took Meng Ming and others directly into the courtyard.

This courtyard covers a large area and has four entrances in total.

Meng Yi arranged for the thirty disciples who came with Meng Ming to live in the first two courtyards.

The square courtyard has a lot of rooms, but they are barely enough to live in.

After arranging for everyone to stay, Meng Yi led Meng Ming into the third courtyard.

“The place inside is quiet. I arranged for the wounded who survived to live here to recuperate.”

The last time the disciples accompanied the previous leader on the expedition, in addition to the two deputy leaders in the foundation building stage, there were also nearly fifty Qi Refining disciples.

Now, all three of the foundation-building stage disciples have been wiped out, and a total of seven people from the Qi-refining stage disciples, including Meng Yi, have survived.

Everyone who survived was seriously injured. The missing arms and legs were considered minor injuries, and there were some who were completely useless and were lying on the bed waiting to die.

Meng Yi seemed to be fine, but in fact he suffered serious internal injuries. After this period of cultivation, he got a little better and was able to come out to receive Meng Ming and others.

Meng Ming led Meng Yi to visit the injured disciples one by one, and introduced the identity of Meng Ming’s new leader to everyone.

These disciples who had narrowly escaped death were hiding listlessly in their rooms to recover from their injuries. They were also lukewarm about Meng Ming, the new leader’s visit, and did not respond much.

After Meng Yi took Meng Ming to visit the five wounded, he took him to the last room.

“The person living here is Ji Anzhi, a close confidant of the old leader. The old leader secretly cultivated a force that has always been under his control.”

Meng Yi said softly.

As the dog-headed military advisor next to the old leader, Meng Yi obviously has a lot of secrets.

As a closed disciple of the old master, Meng Ming also had a deep impression on Ji Anzhi.

Ji Anzhi was originally an orphan. After being adopted by the old master, he was initially a boy beside the old master. As he grew older, his cultivation gradually deepened, and he became the most capable subordinate around the old master.

Meng Ming did not expect that the old boss would have such trust in Ji Anzhihui. This level of trust has exceeded that of his own disciples.

Meng Yi patted the door of the room lightly.

“Anzhi, it’s me. I’m leading the new head to see you.”

After saying that, without waiting for a response, Meng Yi led Meng Ming directly into the room.

The layout of the room is very simple. Besides a simple desk, there is only a bed.

Meng Ming has dealt with Ji Anzhi before. In his memory, Ji Anzhi was less than forty years old. He was usually gloomy and taciturn, and rarely interacted with other people in his family. However, in the eyes of many female disciples in the sect, Ji Anzhi has a good image and is a rare cold-faced male god.

When Meng Ming saw Ji Anzhi lying on the bed, he almost couldn’t recognize him.

Ji Anzhi was sitting on the bed, his beard was unkempt, and he hadn’t cleaned it up in an unknown amount of time. His face was sallow and there was no blood at all. The description is haggard, resembling an old man. The originally strong body has shrunk a lot.

“This is, how did Brother An become like this?”

“Since the war started, An Zhi was placed next to senior Chen Lian, a casual cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period. Chen Lian and Wang Xilai, the head of the Wang family, had a grudge. After the two sides met on the battlefield, they immediately fought.”

“Wang Xilai’s poisonous fire was so powerful that it seriously injured senior Chen Lian. An Zhi was also injured by the poisonous fire during the battle.”

“Fortunately, senior Chen Lian didn’t forget to take An Zhi with him before retreating.”

“Although Anzhi returned here safely, the fire poison in his body cannot be cured. After being tortured by the fire poison for so long, Anzhi’s condition is getting worse and worse.”

After the war between the Feihong Sect and the Mobei Qi family began, in addition to their respective vassal families and sects, both sides also recruited a large number of casual cultivators to join the war.

Meng Ming had also heard of the reputation of casual cultivator Chen Lian. It is said that this person is one of the few weapon refiners among casual cultivators, and he has a wide network and many friends. He also has a good relationship with the old head of Taiyi Sect, and the two parties have many contacts.

“Is it true that Brother An’s injuries cannot be cured?” Meng Ming asked.

Meng Yi shook his head.

“Senior Chen Lian suffered from the same fire poison. He searched for good doctors and tried all methods in the bookstore, but he could not cure the fire poison. Now he is also relying on his cultivation in the foundation building period. , barely holding on.”

Although Chen Lian is a casual cultivator, he is after all a foundation-building monk and a weapon refiner. None of his abilities could cure the fire poison, let alone Ji Anzhi.

Meng Ming was powerless to deal with Ji Anzhi’s injury. He had no other choice but to say a few feeble words of comfort.

He obviously doesn’t have much respect for Meng Ming, the new head of Taiyi Sect. But he managed to cope with it and stopped talking.

When Meng Yi saw this, he sighed secretly, said a few words casually, and left with Meng Ming.

After walking away, Meng Yi said to Meng Ming: “I took you to visit him. I originally thought that he could hand over the power that the old leader secretly cultivated to you, the new leader. I didn’t expect that , but he didn’t even mention it.”

Seeing Meng Yi’s disappointed expression, Meng Ming comforted him: “You are young and have neither strength nor prestige. How can you be trusted so easily?”

Meng Ming thought to himself: He is not the legendary son of the plane. He has the ability to make his younger brothers bow to him with a shake of his body.

“Lao Jiu, you are able to clearly understand yourself, which is a rare ability for a young man of your age.”

“Old Jiu, I know you quite well. Although you did not take the initiative to take the position of leader, you are calm and majestic and have the air of a general. If the position of leader is given to you, even if the old leader If there is knowledge under the spring, you will be relieved.”

While talking to Meng Ming, Meng Yi led him to the fourth and innermost courtyard.

This was originally the place where the old head and the two deputy heads lived, but now it has been arranged as the residence of the new head, Meng Ming.

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