Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 3: Read

As soon as Meng Zhang started reading this leader’s notebook, he felt like he couldn’t stop.

This book originated a thousand years ago, and it records a large amount of the past and history of Taiyi Sect.

The Taiyi Sect was originally a large sect far away in the Middle-earth Continent. The sect has a long history and is powerful. There are many ancestors of the souls in the sect, and they are considered giants in the Middle-earth Continent.

More than a thousand years ago, for unknown reasons, the Taiyi Sect was destroyed by mysterious forces.

The disciples who were not in the sect at the time fled Middle-earth one after another and fled towards the north.

A thousand years ago, some disciples who were lucky enough to escape re-established Taiyi Sect on the edge of Middle-earth.

Although the rebuilt Taiyi Sect has lost most of its inheritance and is far less powerful than before, it has still taken root in the local area relatively smoothly.

Although there has never been an ancestor of Yuanshen in the sect, Jindan Zhenren has never been cut off. In this way, the inheritance of Taiyi Sect continued.

It was at that time that Jin Dan Zhenren of Taiyi Sect refined this leader’s notebook for the leader to record the history of the sect.

Although it is no longer as glorious as it was in its heyday, Taiyimen still survives in the local area relatively safely.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Less than seven hundred years later, a demonic disaster broke out that swept the local area.

Taiyi Gate, which was involved in the demon disaster, was besieged, and once again fell into the catastrophe of annihilation.

The disciples who desperately broke out from the mountain gate did not dare to stay there. Instead, they fled all the way north into the endless sea of ​​sand.

Three hundred years ago, the Taiyi Sect disciples who fled fled established the Taiyi Sect again in the endless sand sea.

After a battle with local forces, they finally managed to gain a foothold.

However, at this time, the Taiyi Sect has almost lost all its inheritance and can no longer cultivate Golden Core Stage monks. The sect relies on a few Foundation Establishment Stage monks to support the scene.

The Taiyi Sect, which could no longer maintain its independent status, had to take the initiative to join the Feihong Sect, the Jindan Sect, and became a vassal of the Feihong Sect, so that it could barely gain a foothold in the endless sea of ​​sand.

In the blink of an eye, Taiyi Sect has been passed down for almost two hundred years.

Almost a hundred years ago, the unlucky Taiyi Gate was besieged by a large group of sand monsters, and the mountain gate fell again.

The disciples who were lucky enough to escape continued to flee towards the north, and fled to the current location of Taiyi Sect.

So, Taiyimen was rebuilt again.

But this time, the rebuilt Taiyi Sect was almost in a state of collapse, barely maintaining a weak inheritance.

At this time, Taiyi Sect no longer has the qualifications to be a vassal of Feihong Sect.

In order to survive, the Taiyi Sect had to lower its status and took refuge in Shuangfenggu as a vassal.

As for the history before Taiyi Sect, the records in the sect are not detailed and are only briefly mentioned.

Everyone in the sect knows that Taiyi Sect has been glorious in the past, but they don’t know much about the specific situation.

Even the former Meng Zhang knew at most that Taiyi Sect once had foundation-building monks, was once a vassal of Feihong Sect, and once had an equal status with Shuangfenggu. As for more information, it is unknown.

Now after reading this leader’s notebook, Meng Zhang knew the glorious history of Taiyi Sect.

“I don’t know which **** of plague the Taiyi Sect provoked, but I was so unlucky that I rushed all the way to the streets and fled from the prosperous Middle-earth continent to the desolate endless sand sea.”

“The disciples of his sect are worse than the previous ones. According to this unlucky method, how many generations can the Taiyi sect be passed down?”

At this moment, Meng Zhang seemed to have forgotten his identity as the head of the Taiyi Sect and couldn’t help but complain.

The headmaster’s notebook contained a lot of content, many of which were anecdotes that Meng Zhang had never heard of, which made him read with gusto.

Since Taiyimen escaped from the Middle-earth continent, how they struggled to survive and how they contended with powerful enemies from all walks of life have been recorded one by one.

Along the way, there have been countless senior heroes who were willing to sacrifice their lives for the sect, and they have created countless deeds that can be called epic legends.

After reading it carefully, Meng Zhang couldn’t help but feel that it was really difficult for the Taiyi Sect to inherit.

Unknowingly, Meng Zhang read until dawn.

Meng Zhang didn’t feel tired after not sleeping all night. After dawn, I still couldn’t let go of the scroll.

Shortly after dawn, Taoist Master Zhenling took his disciple Li Jie and left Taiyi Sect.

A long time ago, Taoist Master Xuanling personally taught Meng Zhang how to control the Taiyi Sect’s protective formation.

More than a month ago, when Taoist Master Xuanling was recruited by Shuangfeng Valley, he ignored Fang Meng’s objections and handed over all control of the guardian formation to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang, who controlled the protective formation, was fully aware of all the situations within the formation. Everyone in the sect who comes in and out cannot escape his eyes.

Yesterday, when Fang Meng led people out of Taiyi Gate, Meng Zhang was watching from the beginning to the end.

Meng Zhang, who did not want to fight with Fang Meng, acquiesced to their departure.

Otherwise, as long as Meng Zhang launches the protective formation, he can take them down without spending much effort.

“At this time, Zhenling Master left Taiyi Sect. What’s his plan?” Meng Zhang was a little confused.

Unlike the simple-minded Fang Meng, Zhenling Taoist who has always coveted the position of head of Taiyi Sect is a poisonous snake. This guy has a vicious heart and is capable of anything.

Meng Zhang, who has been watching indifferently at the door for many years and has a clear understanding of Taoist Master Zhenling’s character, is not at ease with him.

After thinking for a while with no results, Meng Zhang could only put the matter aside for the time being.

As long as he firmly controls the guardian formation, even if Zhenling Lao Dao has any plans, he will not be able to succeed. Meng Zhang thought in his mind.

The current Taiyi sect has only a small number of people, and there are no affairs to be dealt with in the sect. Meng Zhang had enough free time to slowly read the leader’s notebook in his hand.

Meng Zhang did not read strictly in chronological order, but skipped and read according to his own interests to find useful information.

The insights and experiences of the past leaders of Taiyi Sect are very interesting. They even recorded a lot of their own practice experiences in this leader’s notebook. This part of the content was of great help to Meng Zhang.

What makes Meng Zhang regretful most is that when the Taiyi Sect was said to be powerful, the miraculous skills, magical powers and secrets passed down by the sect were not recorded in the books.

That’s right. If these contents were recorded in the leader’s notebook, these things would not have been lost for so long.

In the current Taiyi Sect, there are not many classics left, and there are even fewer useful cultivation techniques. Changchun Gong, Huangsha Jue, Tongming Gong, etc. practiced by most people are all commonplace stuff with no characteristics and are widely circulated in the cultivation world.

The Shaoyang Qigong practiced by only Meng Zhang is considered the only secret technique of the Taiyi Sect.

However, due to incomplete inheritance, it is extremely difficult to practice Shaoyang Qigong.

Among the current Taiyi Sect, only Meng Zhang, who has excellent qualifications and understanding, has the ability to practice.

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